Links 1/29/12


  1. YankeeFrank

    Well thanks for that icky antidote. It reminds me once again that humans dressed up in cat makeup with butts and chests protruding in unnatural positions is revolting. I would’ve vomited at the sexual antics of the dancers in “Cats” if I hadn’t fallen asleep from boredom before getting the chance. This licky cheetah-chick just brought all that icky back.

        1. F. Beard

          IMO, it is possible to sin in a dream. I have certainly exercised my will in my dreams to do so on occasion.

          Btw, I dream every night – often a double header.

          1. Tony Wonder

            So the invisible omnipotent man-in-the-sky who knows your thoughts judges you even whilst you sleep?

            Sounds like a pretty terrible way to live.

            I hope your absurd fantasy at least brings you some happiness in this, your only life.

            You are a primate. Deal with it. At least you’ve got that big beautiful brain. It’s a shame your letting yours go to waste.

          2. F. Beard

            So the invisible omnipotent man-in-the-sky who knows your thoughts judges you even whilst you sleep?

            Actually, I judged myself when I felt shame later.

          1. skippy

            I was the shy intellectual type but, a woodsmen, dead shot and farmhand.

            Skippy… Some guys and girls though I was gay, mostly jocks and bible thumpers. The same ones with all the barn stool story’s. They could never understand that I found other things more interesting than gratuitous tail chasing.

            PS. they were all quite shocked when I first started dating a girl, someone whom I felt an affinity with and shared common interests with, aka knowledge.

          2. F. Beard

            Some guys and girls though I was gay, Skippy

            Some have made the same mistake with me. My problem was that I liked girls so much that I was intensely shy around them – leaving the field to some who had far less regard.

            We have a bit in common. I was once a pretty good shot myself till I wrecked my eyes with science fiction (and other folly?)

  2. YankeeFrank

    Regarding “California Jews Shake Down Mel Gibson For Reparations”, sure, if its true, what this congregation is doing is tacky, but damn. The comments to this post brought out the neo-Nazis in force. I don’t know what kind of audience “Revolt of the Plebs” normally draws but I guess all it takes is a little bit of Jew-baiting to work up the antisemitic scum into a froth.

    1. YankeeFrank

      Umm, just perused “Revolt of the Plebs” a bit more. Seems this site is largely dedicated to expressing hatred towards Israel and the Jewish people generally. I quote the host of the blog, Keith Johnson: “As we are fond of saying: ‘Good Jews are former Jews.'”

      Since when is NC linking to antisemitic bloggers?

      1. btraven

        Again with the anti-semitic links. It started with the comments about Goldman Sachs. Shame on this site.

        1. YankeeFrank

          I don’t recall any antisemitic Goldman Sachs links. Goldman Sachs is a nightmare organization but as far as I understand, they are non-denominational. This Keith Johnson fellow is a creep. What gives Lambert?

          1. just me

            Lloyd Blankfein says he’s doing God’s work…


            Matt Taibbi:

            There have been a lot of greedy financiers and banks in history, but what makes Goldman stand out is its truly bizarre cultist/religious belief in the rightness of what it does.

            The point was driven home in England last year, when Goldman’s international adviser, sounding exactly like a character in Atlas Shrugged, told an audience at St Paul’s Cathedral that “The injunction of Jesus to love others as ourselves is an endorsement of self-interest”. A few weeks later, Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein told the Times that he was doing “God’s work”.

          2. YankeeFrank

            I do hope that’s not an example of anti-semitic anti-Goldman speech. In fact, and as far as it goes, the only religious references therein are to Jesus and christianity. Please don’t tell me its anti-semitic because Blankfein is Jewish. I guess we shouldn’t ever arrest a Jew who commits a crime because that would be anti-semitic. This is in the same league, actually no, its more far-fetched, than those who claim any criticism of Israeli government actions is support for anti-semitic viewpoints. I know that sort of “logic” is rampant in our MSM, but that doesn’t make it any less odious. Its the same sort of logic that condemns more rational Jewish organizations like “J Street”, who see a different, less militaristic and brutal approach to the Palestine question as “self-hating Jews”.

  3. Kruci

    I like the picture, I’ll say that :D

    How did they do the spots on her hair?

    Otherwise, weather today was too good to read news – went out.

    1. propertius

      The cheetah looks rather embarrassed to me.

      Is it just me, or does the young woman bear a passing resemblance to the Proprietress?

        1. skippy

          Massive projection on the *little boys* thoughts.

          First you would have to ask her, see if it was Photoshopped, ask the cheetah, etc.

          Skippy… in other words, do your home work… shezz.

          1. F. Beard

            There is such a thing as dignity. I know from experience that cats have it and are not amused when humans don’t.

          2. F. Beard

            in other words, do your home work… shezz. skippy

            I take the picture at face value. The burden of proof is on you to prove otherwise.

          3. skippy

            Face value[?], whom is the issuer? You? With your GH optics, killing, murdering, genocidal, children burning – sacraficing, repetitive behavioral problems granted immunity, unable to relent even with empiric evidence put under your nose, optics – mental ability?

            Skippy… cats have dignity? That’s a human emotion, more projection on your part. Who knows what cats call it or feel about it. I think you need to consult a cat that speaks English on that one. Or you can make it up on the go, like you do, bias thingy.

          4. F. Beard

            With your GH optics, killing, murdering, genocidal, children burning – sacraficing, repetitive behavioral problems granted immunity, unable to relent even with empiric evidence put under your nose, optics – mental ability? skippy

            What is GH?

            And it is your “carrying costs” intellectual baggage that is likely to lead to genocide, not my beliefs.

            Also, evidence is not proof.

            And what won’t I relent on? “Thou shalt not steal”? The poor should not be oppressed? The population deserves a bailout? Banking is fascist?

          5. skippy

            Banksters were priests in another age and temples were the store house’s.

            Skippy… tithing steals the purchasing power of the people whom toil, whilst the priests attend their accountancy. See how it works.

      1. craazyman

        that Cheetah may just need a few beers to get his mojo workin.

        I know I’d be kind of intimidated if I were sober and in his shoes, but three drinks and I’d be in business.

    2. Jim A

      Meh. Myself, I’m bothered by the fact that the people who ‘shopped it don’t seem to have a firm grasp on how big a cheetah is. They’re not as big as shown, unless that is a tiny woman.

  4. Middle Seaman

    More than a decade later, the faux left is still fighting Clinton. I guess there is nothing better to do in these affluent times.

    1. Lambert Strether

      The continuities between Clinton, Bush, and Obama are greater than the differences. That’s neo-liberalism!

      I first started following party politics seriously when the Rs impeached Clinton; one phase in what I came to see as a slow-moving, media-fuelled coup that culminated with Bush v. Gore. It took me a long time to see this as intra-factional conflict in the 1% rather than a conflict between right and wrong….

      All that said, Clinton, for good or ill, represents the left end of acceptable conventional wisdom as measured by the Overton Window. And for some of us (me, for example) life was better under the Clinton administration: Real wages rose, for example.

      The moral here, to me, is that the perceived delivery of concrete material benefits really does matter in politics; and austerity means that neither legacy party can even advocate for that, let alone deliver it. However, Occupy by focusing on matters at the base of Maslow’s hierarchy — housing, wages, maybe even food — can do that focus.

      I don’t know where this goes in 2012, and I don’t think anybody does. All I can say is that Huey Long is looking pretty good right now: “Share the wealth!” Also, too, a lot less corruption.

      1. Susan the other

        Some say FDR was complicit in Huey’s demise. Kinda makes sense. Nowhere to turn in this world.

  5. Foppe

    “Multitasking hinders youth social skills”

    The findings (or at least the conclusions CNN draws from them) strike me as somewhat dubious, if only because the results are based on a self-selected group of girls reading “Discovery Girls” (who are at least prima facie more likely to feel they are socially inept than girls who ready “Cosmo Girl” or whatever).

  6. travizm

    RE: RITALIN…….

    Same problem with DEPRESSION.

    Lots more depression, lots more drug treatment, medications dont work.

    And who would have guessed that intensive psychotherapy is beneficial?…NO-BRAINER!

    Guess why psycotherapy isnt used?………because its freakin expensive!!!!!


    @Puss journalism

    1. neo-realist

      Psychotherapy is not only very expensive, but working out issues can take a long time–years–and humans generally don’t have the patience (we’re an instant gratification culture) or courage to deeply probe their being over a long period of time.

  7. travizm

    And RItalin isnt an amphetamine….its a reuptake inhibitor very similar to many new-age antidepressant drugs.

    1. YankeeFrank

      Call it what you want, it feels like speed. Just ask the teenagers who buy it from their friends.

      1. Michael Cain

        Absolutely. If you don’t have the particular brain chemistry problem (often associated with ADD) that ritalin helps, it might as well be speed. If you have the problem, the drug — in appropriate doses — doesn’t function that way. As the doc who was diagnosing our son told us, “We’ll try a dose on a Saturday morning; if he spends the day bouncing off the walls, we’re looking at a different problem.”

        Ritalin worked well for our son while he was young. As happens in many cases, post-puberty he was able to manage his behavior without the drug.

        1. spooz

          Sheesh. And what is that “particular brain chemistry problem” and how, exactly, is it measured? The link above on Ritalin mentions no such biological marker. The writer points out that stimulants have the same effects on all children and adults and he discards the old “paradoxical effect” argument.

          I rarely trust everything the “doc” tells me and insist on researching it for myself, especially if it involves drugging my child.

          “If you don’t have the particular brain chemistry problem (often associated with ADD) that ritalin helps, it might as well be speed.”

          1. F. Beard

            Come to think of it, I may vote for Ron Paul just so he’ll end the war on (liberty wrt) drugs.

            I’m pretty dang tired of people telling me what I can’t put in my body. Including liberals and Progressives?

          2. spooz

            imo, I should be allowed to abuse, self-medicate or seek enlightenment in any way I choose, as long as I’m not harming anyone. Just keep Big Pharma away from the babies.

            “I’m pretty dang tired of people telling me what I can’t put in my body. Including liberals and Progressives?”

    2. spooz

      IIRC, Ritalin’s effect on the brain is more similar to cocaine than any new age antidepressant. Other popular adhd medications, like Adderall, work like meth (one of them, Desoxyn actually IS meth).

      1. lev ridge

        funny not a word on the British FSA studys dealing with food colors or even a reference to Feingolds diet , for those of us with ADHD that is triggered by food additives (or chemicals passed off as food ) the medical profession, pharmaceutical industry , FDA and food industry have little interest in the thought that for some people are being affected by artificial colors and flavors (especially petroleum based ones ) and also some natural foods can trigger too.
        from the FSAs website

        FSA advice to parents on food colours and hyperactivity

        Hyperactivity is a general term used to describe behavioural difficulties affecting learning, memory, movement, language, emotional responses and sleep patterns. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is more than just hyperactive behaviour. Parents with children who have ADHD should consult their own doctor for further advice.

        Research funded by the FSA has suggested that consumption of mixes of certain artificial food colours and the preservative sodium benzoate could be linked to increased hyperactivity in some children. It is important to remember that hyperactivity is also associated with many other factors in addition to certain additives, so dietary advice may help manage hyperactive behaviour but may not be the total solution. Other factors include premature birth, genetics and upbringing.

        If your child shows signs of hyperactivity, or if on the basis of this information you have concerns, you might choose to avoid giving your child food and drinks containing the following artificial colours:

        * sunset yellow FCF (E110)
        * quinoline yellow (E104)
        * carmoisine (E122)
        * allura red (E129)
        * tartrazine (E102)
        * ponceau 4R (E124)

        These colours are used in a wide range of foods that tend to be brightly coloured, including some soft drinks, sweets, cakes and ice cream. Parents may wish to check the labels of brightly coloured foods if they want to avoid certain colours. When colours are used in food, they must be declared in the list of ingredients as ‘colour’, plus either their name or E number.

        An European Union-wide mandatory warning must be put on any food and drink (except drinks with more than 1.2% alcohol) that contains any of the six colours. The label must carry the warning ‘may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children’. This became mandatory across the European Union from 20 July 2010. Food and drink produced before 20 July 2010 can continue to be marketed, so it may take time for newly labelled products to appear on some store shelves. If you buy any foods that are sold without packaging you will need to check with the person selling the product or with the manufacturer.

        The Action on Additives website contains a list of some foods that contain the above colours (see below).

        The Agency is encouraging manufacturers to work towards finding alternatives to these colours. Some manufacturers and retailers have already taken action to remove them.

  8. Jim A

    From the strong settlement piece by Abigail Field ‘Robosigning’ isn’t simply about signing documents in a funny way; it’s about creating documents the banks don’t have because they didn’t do their job right at the outset. Why are they creating the documents? So they can win foreclosure cases. That’s obstruction of justice. When you don’t have the evidence you need, you’re not supposed to just make sh-t up. But the servicers are, systematically.
    If all you have are numbers on a spreadsheet, you should bring a printout to court, not forge documents reflecting what you imagine original paperwork should look like.

    1. b.

      Obstruction? Isn’t this a clear-cut case of perjury and misrepresentation with the obvious intent to defraud? I know it is hard to prove the intent necessary for a fraud conviction, but it does not get more premeditated then this, and everybody – from the person providing the forgery to the attorney presenting it in court – are culpable at this stage. There have been too many incidents, “settlements” and “deals” and even judgments already to absovle any attorney via “I am just filing the documents”.

  9. Ep3

    Re: ADD

    Yves, every person I know that took add drugs had parents that thought the child was “undisciplined” and “out of control”. Yet the parent would come home, feed the kid drugs, and go in their bedroom with a bottle of wine and shut the door.
    Kids are full of energy. they are full of curiosity and excitement. They want to know about the world around them. Yet we want to bottle that energy so that when mom and dad want to be left alone after work, they can plop tommy down in front of the idiot box with his video game and e alone. How come we want to stop children from having boundless energy and yet in our old age, we strive to regain that? And maybe if both mommy and daddy didn’t have to work to support the family, one of them could stay home to take care of the kids and not be exhausted from a long day at work so that they don’t want to take care of their children?
    I don’t doubt some people need help. But I dislike how there is this double standard that says “cocaine and crystal meth are bad and addictive and ruin your life” yet we gladly slap a nice label on the same thing in pill form and say its good for little Timmy to take his whole life.

  10. Susan the other

    Harold Varmus. Cancer Questions. Yes. It is always good to know what the question is. But ironically the breakthroughs in cancer research are due to basic science/physics (thinking about the atomic laser here) and engineering producing the the technology which can finally see and analyze molecular reactions and decipher the genome. Cancer is as variable as the genome. It is frequently country specific! But even before we decipher the myriad of gene mutations and develop therapies for them, since clearly cancers are ubiquitous and nature already has many remedies (none of them cut, burn and poison), we have discovered stem cells. Stem cell advances are pushing us to ask the right questions. Sounds promising – thanks to basic research.

    1. ted

      Those interested in understanding the apparent increased frequency of some types of cancers, as well as other conditions including diabetes, should take a moment to look at the website for the Vitamin D Council ( Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, but a hormone that is produced from cholesterol in the skin by the action of UVB rays in sunlight. to quote the site – Vitamin D’s metabolic product, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol), is actually a secosteroid hormone that is the key which unlocks binding sites on the human genome. The human genome contains more than 2,700 binding sites for calcitriol; those binding sites are near genes involved in virtually every known major disease of humans.

      When I was a kid, having a deep suntan was considered a sign of good health. Over the past 20 years there has been a vigorous campaign to discourage people from exposing their skin to the sun, leading to an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. The Vitamin D Council talks at length about the apparent relationship between low Vitamin D and a wide range of diseases. Cancer is one of them.

  11. jethro

    sure you want the kind of tone in that jews/mel item on your site? it’s not about any org, just one synagogue in LA — and yet the tone is “jew” and the comments support the tone wholehog.

    and don’t misinterpret: i can’t stand aipac and see it for what it is. but this is not that.

  12. Susan the other

    Does the Renminbi Matter? Will someone please translate? The conclusion was that the Asian countries should coordinate their currencies more closely (?) since they import-export to each other in a global value-added economy. I think. But the difference between China’s two types of processing trade (just assembling products for foreign exporters v. using foreign parts to manufacture Chinese products for export) is interesting in view of the article on Apple which pointed out that China is now going vertical and eliminating foreign supply chains. But according to this Renminbi analysis, going vertical would make the Renminbi soar. (Right?) Whereas currently, China’s basic value added export economy is keeping their currency undervalued and maintaining supply chain countries’ currency at at higher level. So then what does this all have to do with the fact (?) that the US and the EU are so bankrupt? Nevermind. Over my head.

    1. Susan the other

      Dean Baker on US trade nonsense. Maybe this: The US should also have a “processing trade and policy.” If other countries want to sell in the US, a portion of their manufacturing and assembly must be done here. If other countries decided to slip under the radar with the complicity of our own treasonous trade rules, we should demand that those foreign products be assembled here if they are going to be sold here. Germany does this with VW and Mercedes.

      I think that report on BBC about Japan and China joining in an industrial pact to mfg. cars for the Chinese domestic market is pretty interesting. Japan’s big push is electric cars right now bec. of Fukushima. This is clearly not China’s “processing trade.” This is the real thing with Chinese steel and Japanese design.

      1. Susan the other

        Just to clarify: last nite on MHz there was a documentary on Japan’s sustainability project: they have built an entire town run on solar electric. It has its own grid and everything is powered by solar including the cars. As the solar project expands and the grid expands, the export of electricity will keep things going with a surplus. All solar. Think China might be looking at this?

        1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          If solar is the big thing, empires could be built by grabbing ‘exposure rights’ everywhere and seizing empty quarters and deserts all over the world.

          Enjoy your favorite beach spot now.

          We could also see another Mongol empire rising from the Gobi Desert, less violent this time, hopefully.

          By the way, this commnet is powered by the Sahara Global Power and Electric Co.

          I also predict evil scientists will try to desertify more parts of the planet in order to conquer the world through contorl of solar generation…if not in reality, at least in movies from Hollywood.

  13. Cal

    Re “cancer mysteries”

    Why are expensive and profitable activities around cancer therapy enshrined by society whether they work or not and inexpensive or free ones ignored or outlawed whether they work or not?

    Why is cancer an economic disease? Both in its causes and its alleged cures?

    Prevention of cancer means zero profits for the cancer industry.

    What if cancer causing pesticide manufacturers made money off making and selling chemotherapy chemicals? They do.

    What if radiological machine makers caused cancer by x-ray exposure? They do.

    What if expensive surgical intervention was a profit center for hospitals? It is.

    What if these companies formed a front company to stress treatment and cures, not prevention? They do.

    It’s called the American Cancer Society and they have huge sums in the bank and keep getting people to volunteer to raise more cash for them. Meanwhile they take most of their money from the makers of carcinogens as hush money.

    Google”american cancer society fraud”if you want a clue what they are about.

    Their motto is “Early detection is the best cure” Bullshit! How about prevention is the best cure?

    The ACS was against banning DES, against any research into the link between cancer and pesticides, controls most research journals, bans researchers that do controlled studies on no-profit nutrition and environmental causality and in general is a front group for those that harvest profits from cancer.

    Cancer is an economic disease.

  14. Lloyd C. Bankster

    Re: “It Has a Fancy Name, but Will It Get Tough?” NY Times by Gretchen Morgenson

    Whoa, will it get tough?

    Check out the big brain on Gretchen.

    Now boys, listen up. We’re going to a place called Monster Joe’s Truck and Tow. I’ll drive the tainted car. You ride with me. You follow in my Acura. We run across the path of any John Q. Laws, nobody does a f**king thing unless I do it first. What did I just say?

    Will Obama get tough on bankers by the New York Times?

    Ha ha ha ha ha

    Will one of you boys call up Andrew Ross Sorkin and have him ‘splain a few things to Gretchen. Say Andrew, er, Gretchen, be cool Honey! Ain’t nobody gettin’ tough with nobody round here unless Jamie and I say so. Say bitch be cool, Andrew, er, Gretchen. Be cool Honey Bunny! Chill that f*ckin’ bitch out!

    Will it get tough? ha ha ha ha

    1. Yves Smith Post author

      I got the link from a reader who has been reliable re his links. I don’t think he has an axe to grind I only looked at the article and I do not make a habit of researching an entire site before I link to it.

      Pointing out tacky behavior is pointing out tacky behavior.

      If the NY Post has an interesting story, I run that too.

      Is the story inaccurate? If not, what exactly is the problem? Seriously. I don’t like, say, Cato and AEI either but once in a while they put out stuff that is interesting (or in this case, a bit perverse). I think Mel Gibson has behaved really horribly and is a nut job, but even so, the synagogue is piling on in a questionable manner. I find it pretty bizarre that readers want to make pointing out the behavior of one synagogue mean something about Jews generally. And I indicated my views in saying NEITHER was an attractive figure in this.

      I’ve also, if you missed it, been hard on women who overplay the feminist card. I’m not keen about special pleadings by various out groups. I think it hurts the case of those who have legitimate grievances.

      1. Susan the other

        Anti-semitism is the word which will come to capture some future realization of just how bizarre humans can be. I read a book by Elon Egon or something that sounds like that – it’s embarrassing how many times I have read an astoundingly truthful book and I don’t know who the author is, but forgive me please – and: This book had the mind bogglingly obvious premise that all anti-semitism, and by extension all xenophobia, is pure nonsense because we are all so interbred. And therefore so heartbreaking. So, since migrations out of Africa and the Near East into Europe have been going on for not just centuries but millenia, and all people are long since melted in the pot, anti-semitism is as vacuous as it is vicious. It is the inherited mental fragment of early excuses to go to war. It is a genetic memory of some useful tribal hatred. But in this world it is completely irrelevant. And it all dies inexplicably hard. I don’t get it.

        1. Birch

          “It is a genetic memory of some useful tribal hatred.”

          No, I think it’s just tribal hatred. Not a memory but the actual thing, and not useful except to the elites that benifited from it in the first place (where was that? Feudal Europe?)

      2. AT


        Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I am certainly not accusing you of being anti-Jewish by posting that link. I too despise the use of PC monikers like “anti-Semite,” “racist”, etc. to stifle debate. Nor am I saying you need to do an ideological purity test on your sources. On the contrary, it’s quite important not to bury ourselves inside an ideological bubble. Rather my criticism is about sourcing of links.

        When I myself post links on twitter or in my blog, I do make at least some effort to verify both the veracity of the story and the credibility of the site I am linking too. Sure I am not a journalist, but shouldn’t even bloggers have some standards of credibility? In fact, if I am recommending something to my friends and readers, my reputation is partly at stake. You mention the NY Post. Or take the late lamented Sun. In general, if I see an article on either of those propaganda laden papers, I am extra careful before I pass the link along. I would never even bother linking to a Neo-Nazi or white supremicist or any other such site.. While there may be some kernel of truth to the story (and I am not at all familiar with the specific story) such sites take the kernel of truth and spin it as a big lie. By posting the link I am spreading hateful propaganda, not an interesting story. If nonetheless, I think the story might be of interest, I will hunt down (via Google) a more credible version from a more credible site.

        So, if what you are saying is that you don’t have the time or energy to do even a minimal filtering on your links, add a disclaimer: “here’s a bunch of crap I haven’t really checked too carefully or at all but might be of interest.” otherwise, in my view, you are hurting your own reputation. Particularly since you are always legitimately calling out the propaganda of the MSM, you should not be passing along propaganda of another sort.

        1. tiebie66

          I accept that occasionally you may read something that hurts your sensibilities, I do too. But, with all due respect, I strenuously object to covert censorship. One could say:” I dislike the tone of this article, here is one addressing the same facts from a different perspective ….(link).” Or would you like to compile a list of sites with acceptable tone and “credibility” so links to other points of view can be filtered out? Maybe the site’s content could be vetted by a Credibility Commissioner?
          Given the quality of posts and commentary on NC, most readers appear to be quite capable of judging for themselves. I think tone and “credibility” policing would be insulting to most readers and hurt this site’s reputation fatally.

    2. Doug Terpstra

      What rich irony: the charge of anti-Semitism wielded as a weapon in response to a link to a temple’s blatant use of the charge of anti-Semitism as extortion. Now that’s chutzpa —a double guilt trip as a creative diversion.

      Google has a plethora of links, and apparently the quote from Beth Shalom is not disputed:

      “’Our proposal to you, Mr. Gibson, is since you have been cited as an Anti-Semitic, and have denied those allegations, what better way to prove to all your fans and the nay Sayers — than to endorse and help raise funds for our cause — SOS, Save Our Synagogue.’

      “’Mr. Gibson, we offer you to be a Mensch and make a sizable contribution to our cause.’”

      “[Worse] A rep for the temple later clarified:

      “’We weren’t trying to shame Mel Gibson into giving us money. We are approaching many celebrities and people of the community as well. We thought because of his situation he would be very much interested in supporting our cause.’”

      I applaud Yves’ for including the link, in spite of the ADL’s typically-offensive, flaming necklace tactics.'”

  15. Susan the other

    On Abigail Fields. Great analysis of the whitewashed garbage that is the proposed settlement. My only disappointment in this expose is that there is no direct discussion about the totally trashed land title recording system. And not much on MERS as the culprit. That’s another Abigail article all by itself.

    1. craazyman

      Jesus how do you do it? I tried to read that three times and grounded out each time, lost in the sentences and staring at the screen. Tired head. Fog and confusion. Theivery and politics and laws and codes and statues and holy cow. Then I said F–ck it and googled John Lee Hooker Youtube songs like Boom Boom Boom Boom.

      Maybe it’s just I never could be a lawyer.

      I do try. And I’m not dumb. But I just can’t ever get it all clean and clear where it just “is”.

      So I let Yves do the heavy lifting and believe anything she writes. Pretty much. Some people are made for detail work and some just aren’t. Between her and Andrew Wittmer, wherever he went, there’s no need to have to think at all as long as they’re doing it. It’s like having two thinkers in your own head, like in the Flintstones. So you can concentrate on John Lee Hooker in the spare time.

      1. psychohistorian

        I assume you are already onboard with the John Lee Hooker for President campaign….song out by Ry Cooter, I believe.

        John Lee Hooker for President. Now there is some hopium one could get their mind around.

  16. F. Beard

    The Bible predicts antisemitism in the Last Days; “The Time of Jacob’s Troubles” is the expression I recall.

    1. RW Jones

      Do you ever cease to be ridiculous? The bible ‘predicts’ all sorts of things. So what if it predicts anti-semitism in the last days? Anti-semitism has been around for centuries and has never gone away. But the end times still aren’t here. But fools like you will always believe that the bible has some predictive power about the end times.

      The world’s worst bout of anti-semitism occurred under the Nazis, some 70 odd years ago. And yet the end days didn’t come then. Did the bible really mean to say that the end times will come while there exists some form of anti-semitism, just not the worst form of anti-semitism? That’s a pretty underwhelming prediction if you ask me, and yet another indication that the bible’s prediction of the end times are worthless. Afterall, the bible also predicted the end times would come soon after the lifetime of Jesus. Oops.

      1. F. Beard

        and yet another indication that the bible’s prediction of the end times are worthless. RW Jones

        Jonah predicted “Yet 40 days and Nineveh is destroyed” but Nineveh was not destroyed till 120 years later. Why? Because Nineveh repented and God relented from judgment.

        As for antisemitism, that’s a pretty solid indication that something spiritual is going on. What the heck is that about? Here we are in 2012 and antisemitism is STILL potent?!

        1. RW Jones

          If predictions can be changed and don’t happen as predicted then the prediction is false, period. If Jonah qualified his prediction with ‘unless you repent’, then obviously any failure of his prediction can be attributed to any act that can be described as repentance. Then it can all be dressed-up well after the fact into a nice story in which the gullible can find meaning.

          You really can’t see the utter nonsense in bible predictions can you? Sad.

          1. F. Beard

            If Jonah qualified his prediction with ‘unless you repent’, then obviously any failure of his prediction can be attributed to any act that can be described as repentance. RW Jones

            1) Jonah did NOT want the Ninevites to repent; he wanted them to be destroyed! God had other plans though.

            2) The “unless you repent” is implicit. God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18? 19?) and certainly did not send Jonah to taunt the Ninevites about unavoidable destruction.

            3) The Bible elsewhere says that God will relent from judgment if His warning is heeded.

            Like I have said before: The Bible is (deliberately?) provocative but if one continues reading his understanding will dawn.

            It’s almost like God is giving us the minimum possible guidance given our spiritual state. It must have really pained Him, for example, to tell us that sex with animals was a no-no.

          2. F. Beard

            You really can’t see the utter nonsense in bible predictions can you? RW Jones

            The problem is that the Bible insists on truth, claims God is truth, and yet tells some real whoppers if they are not true.

            But here was my turning point: Jesus told the onlookers to remove the stone from Lazarus’s tomb. Martha (always so practical) said: “Lord, it’s been 4 days. By now he stinks!” That pithy detail turned the tide, for me.

          3. RW Jones

            If you find such ‘pithy details’ so easy to believe and to take at face value, how is it that you have managed to reject all the ‘pithy details’ found in the Koran or the Book of Mormon? If you applied the same critical thinking to the Bible as you apply to those works, you would see they are all sorely lacking in hard evidence to support their claims.

          4. F. Beard

            If you applied the same critical thinking to the Bible as you apply to those works, you would see they are all sorely lacking in hard evidence to support their claims. RW Jones

            Not so. The Bible is an extremely valuable guide to archaeologists in the ME.

            As for the Book of Mormon, it has yet to be verified by Mormon archaeologists despite a lot of digging.

            But hey, my chief use of the Bible here is to refute the claims of the bankers that they are doing God’s work or are “respectable”. But yea, I am occasionally tempted to pipe up on unrelated topics as I did today.

          5. RW Jones

            Archaeology hasn’t verified any of the claims made in the bible about God, divinity, Jesus or anything of that sort.

            Do you honestly mean to tell me that because archaeologists have managed to unearth some of the buildings described in the bible, that this proves the existence of God and the divinity of his alleged son Jesus? Seriously?

            What about the Koran? Archaeologists unearthed a dwelling of Muhammed. Many other structures described in it definitely exist. So why aren’t you convinced that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet?

            When future archaeologists unearth New York City, should that convince our descendants that Spiderman was real? Or King Kong?

          6. F. Beard

            So why aren’t you convinced that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet? RW Jones

            Because though some confirmation with archeology is necessary it isn’t sufficient. So we can at least rule out for now the Book Of Mormon.

            Look, I am sorry for your sake that the truth is not undeniable without a good bit of work. But that’s part of the test: “seek and you shall find” – don’t seek and you take your chances.

          7. RW Jones

            So how much confirmation is necessary for you? Do you believe based on evidence or do you believe based on faith? If you require evidence, I submit that your standards of evidence are arbitrary and unacceptably low, and would (and do) lead to all sorts of nonsensical and irrational beliefs that you yourself don’t even believe in.

          8. F. Beard

            Do you believe based on evidence or do you believe based on faith? RW Jones

            Both. If it was proved that the Bible was a fraud (and very many attempts have been made and failed) I’d be free of it but I would be pretty sad about it. I suppose I’d press on though in my campaign to rid the US of banking.

          9. RW Jones

            Define ‘fraud’. Do you mean ‘hoax’? Is the Koran a fraud? How about the Book of Mormon? Can you prove it?

            Why does the bible have to be a proven fraud for you to see it is implausible and lacking in evidence for its claims? You have said elsewhere in this thread that ‘evidence is not proof’. What other things do you believe in without evidence just because they haven’t been proven to be frauds?

            The bible makes claims. For me to believe them I need good evidence of their veracity. To me the default position is that I do not believe claims until they are supported by evidence, especially claims made thousands of years ago that do not conform to the daily experience of centuries, such as gods, the dead returning to life, virgin births, etc. I do not accept unsupported claims just because they haven’t been proven to be a fraud. People, such as the authors of the bible, can believe in all sorts of false things with no fraudulent intent. So, clearly, can you.

          10. F. Beard

            Believe what you think best. I’ve settled on my spiritual guide and am intellectually content. It sure beats my own moral musings and I have the added benefit that if I am wrong then at least I am in the company of some of the greatest thinkers in history such as Newton, Lord Kelvin and many others.

          11. RW Jones

            Yes, you’ve settled into a comfy spot on the couch and can’t be budged by reason or facts. I get that. And you feel OK with it because archaeologists once found a building mentioned in the bible, and a couple of smart guys in history allegedly believed something similar to you. I doubt you’ve read what they actually wrote on the subject, however. You probably just heard about it from your brother. But whatever.

            How about all those many other smart people who don’t believe what you believe? Einstein was a Jew, not a Christian, but a pretty smart guy nonetheless. But that’s ok, that spot is comfy and that’s what really matters.

            That’s fine. You have every right to be as comfy as you can manage to be. Just don’t call it ‘truth’ when it’s nothing of the sort.

          12. F. Beard

            But that’s ok, that spot is comfy and that’s what really matters. RW Jones

            At some point, one must decide. I’ve paid as many dues as anyone I know wrt searching for the truth and I have no apologies to make on my choice.

        2. Ned

          But Sr. Beard, what about the Hydrogen bomb wars
          and Xenu? Dianetics has a much more up to date descriptioin of this kind of mental pabulum.

          1. F. Beard

            Predicting H-Bombs before the fact would have been much more impressive.

            Btw, my brother, a lapsed Catholic, says that Hindu writings have some stories about nuclear weapons. Now THAT gave me pause, to be sure. But Scientology?!

      2. F. Beard

        The world’s worst bout of anti-semitism occurred under the Nazis, some 70 odd years ago. RW Jones

        The worst so far. Even worse is yet to come if I understand the Bible correctly.

        Still, it needn’t happen on our watch (or ever at all?) and I hope it doesn’t. Let’s strive for at least a 120 year delay, eh?

        1. RW Jones

          And you think a bout of anti-semitism worse than the Nazis is on the near horizon? I don’t see the evidence for that. What is the point of your comment?

          And you totally ignored my point that the bible predicted the end times would arrive shortly after Jesus’ appearance on earth.

          1. F. Beard

            I don’t see the evidence for that.

            Isn’t the greatest threat to world peace right now the Israel-Iran antagonism? Isn’t that alone enough to generate antagonism toward Israel?

            What is the point of your comment?

            A nearly despairing warning. Believers are not supposed to long for the End of the world (See Amos 5:18-19). I don’t. It will be no honor to the generation it occurs in, imo.

            And you totally ignored my point that the bible predicted the end times would arrive shortly after Jesus’ appearance on earth.

            Some have said that the entire period after Christ is the End Times but please be more specific with your question? To what specific verse(s) are you referring?

            Also, you have to understand that the relationship between God and humanity is dynamic. God does NOT know exactly how humans will react.

            I could say more but I’ll end with this. The Bible is a mysterious Book. At times, I’ve been convinced that God has rewritten it! I go to look up a familiar verse and it doesn’t match my memory! Faulty memory, you’ll say, but consider this: What if the human race is in a simulation that has been rerun numerous times with perhaps some traces of memory left from the previous runs?

          2. RW Jones

            Seems to me it’s generating far more antagonism toward Iran than toward Israel. It’s the ongoing situation between Iran and the United States that’s the issue right now. Where’s that in your bible? Interesting how the bible makes no mention of the United States at all.

            You can call the relationship between man and god dynamic. I call it imaginary.

          3. F. Beard

            It’s the ongoing situation between Iran and the United States that’s the issue right now. RW Jones

            It’s complicated but certainly the presence of Israel and the Palestinian problem are major thorns in the side of world peace.

            As for the lack of mention of the US in the Bible, maybe God wanted to spare the Native Americans from Greek or Roman Conquest? Btw, why did Alexander the Great complain there was nothing left to conquer? Had he never heard of China?

        2. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          Unless we can be 100% sure that all translation errors have been found and eliminated, it’s best to be open to the possibility that we don’t really understand the Bible.

          Since the Old Testament itself doesn’t mention any versions, e.g. no mention, that is, no prior prediction, of the King James version, it’s possible that there was an Egyptian hieroglyph version, or maybe a Sumerian cuniform version. Who knows, maybe there was an even more ancient ‘body language’ or ‘sign language’ version – possibly the language Adam spoke in? This, one presumes, would be the more authentic.

          1. RW Jones

            This is a cop out. You are basically arguing that the bible could be 100% true, if only we had ‘the original’ to confirm it, which we never will have. So let’s all just agree to disagree.

            No. We have enough, even in translation, to know that the original, whatever that means, is just the writings of superstitious men living in a small bronze age kingdom, who happily kept slaves, slaughtered their neighbors when the opportunity arose, and knew next to nothing about the natural world.

          2. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            Actually, I am saying there are two stages or two steps.

            Step 1, define what we want to talk about.

            Step 2, after we know 100% of what we want to argue over (and not as you say, 100% true, just 100% clear on what we are debating), we start the debate. You can still disagree with it at this stage.

            My position is since we have not completed step 1, it’s best to be skeptical about the existing versions of the Bible…without having to debate its details.

            In today’s lingo, yuu can say, it’s Man-Made Word of God, Anthropo-Logos.

          3. skippy


            There is a preponderance of evidence, forensic archeology – linguistics, etc. The time lag to popular knowledge is acerbated by the very ideology these observations refute, come on.

            Your 100% assertion is an appeal to ignorance as there is zero chance of achieving it, time travel would be required.

            Old testament et al? I suggest you study the effects of ideological commingling, which is plainly evident in the historical record ie. Catholic activity in South America as a fresh example. They allow pagan rituals to be commingled with Catholic rituals as a means to entice acceptance ( well documented IMO ). These acts are a response to ideological competition, its a game of keepers if you have not noticed. The clock is ticking.

            Skippy… BTW beard never clarify’s whom these values are attached too? Humanity or / countrymen as it is in the bible. What about all the atrocity’s world wide? Why just bankers? Why is private issuance such a drum? DID you see the links of rapture boys in the white house (temple) I posted?

          4. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            This is not much different from economics, another murky area, even with the preponderance of evidence…evidence against what? The world was created in 6 days. Maybe ancient days were longer than today’s days. Maybe ‘a day’ in the Bible should be correctly tanslated as a billion years, give or take a few hundred million years. It’s all one big problem of translation. It’s a book of Babel…what I would call, Anthro-Logos.

            You do better star-gazing.

          5. skippy


            Economics – is – an extension of said religion, full stop.

            Skippy… why do some always retreat into the vapors. “preponderance of evidence…evidence against what?”… beef.

            When I use the term evidence, its not metaphorically based.

            BTW whats your stance on the professional citizen thingy these days?

          6. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            Exactly, vapors. You get all sorts of misty stuff in the Bible to check your evidence against. That’s what we’re dealing with here. I prefer star-gazing.

            Well, we need professional citizens to manage our professional politicians. It used to be that amateur citizens could adequately handle amateur policitians. Today, we are or must be more sophisticated.

        3. RW Jones

          Neither one of us will be around in 120 years. I too can make all sorts of predictions that you can’t refute if I get to add a 120 year delay.

          Meanwhile, a horrific act of anti-semitism came and went with no mention in the bible and no end times occurring. I know you can’t see it, but it’s pretty compelling evidence that the bible is bollocks when it comes to predictions about the connection between anti-semitism and the end times.

          Oh but let’s wait another 120 years for an even worse example of anti-semitism to arrive. But if the end times still don’t come, then we’ll just have to wait another 120 years for an even worse example. And so on …

          1. Birch

            Maybe, just maybe, the end times came and went already. Perhaps Jesus came back and was executed just like the first time round, but it was covered up by corporate-controlled media. Maybe WWII was the end of the world – it certainly was for a lot of people – and this is what the world looks like after a prophetic apocalypse. Maybe Jesus was gassed in a concentration camp. How would we ever know?

            Maybe all the bible predictions have run their course and there’s none left to wait for. I’m not surprised there’s no kingdom of worthless gems and jewels like Revelations predicted, because Revelations is a remarkably un-Jesus-like book, hooked on dualism, written by some dude who was not John the appostle, and forced into the bible by Roman oligarchs who weren’t really that much into Jesus anyway.

            Perhaps we should just move on and admit we don’t know what’s coming.

          2. skippy

            “Perhaps we should just move on and admit we don’t know what’s coming”… Birch.

            There is a huge amount of observable and measurable data that indicates whats coming IMO.

            Skippy… it starts with… reduction.

          3. Birch

            “There is a huge amount of observable and measurable data that indicates whats coming IMO.”

            Sure, you can have a pretty good idea. I’ve seen lots of things happen that I figured were going to happen. You still don’t know, though. You can use your data to convince yourself of what you want to hear even though you’re sure you’re objective. That’s not a necessarily bad thing; what you want to hear may be more intuitively accurate anyway.

            There are so many variables, and so many other things that can just jump out and change everything. That’s what makes it all so exciting!

          4. skippy

            Sure birch, you can frame it that way if you like ie. shit happens. But I’m talking about hard data which spans a globe, that has in some cases has mil+ trend lines, that as data is correlated – refined – reviewed does not retreat from dire threat but, accelerates.

            Skippy… just remember the world is a tightly coupled system, abit a large one with to our eyes and sense’s a slow clock, but still vulnerable to induced shocks. CDO / CDS …eh Whom will collect?

  17. Susan the other

    Anna Gelpern, Credit Slips. I don’t understand how the credit magicians are swapping stuff. I seriously doubt they understand. What I have come to think in my own desperation for a logical explanation is this: Money is politics. In this current crisis of total “monetary” (actually political) confusion, money is easily substituted for coherent politics. This can probably go on until Western economies finally admit they don’t know their asses from hot rocks. Then, things will rapidly become understandable.

  18. Daily Kos commenter

    Re: It Has a Fancy Name, but Will It Get Tough, NY Times

    Hi, I normally comment at the Daily Kos, but me and the gang over at Daily Kos are so excited by Obama’s Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group that I had to let everyone know. We hope he really means it this time and that this will be the change we can all believe in, yeah, we’re pretty sure he really means it this time and this will lead to the prosecutions we’ve all been waiting for, not that I’m insinuating any bankers committed any crimes, we’ll wait and see what the investigation turns up…. b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, duhh, uhm’nuh uhm’nuh uhm’nuh b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, duhh, uhm’nuh uhm’nuh uhm’nuh.b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, duhh, uhm’nuh uhm’nuh uhm’nuh.b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, b’deah, duhh, uhm’nuh uhm’nuh uhm’nuh………..

  19. MyLessThanPrimeBeef


    I told the cat that occupies my house: There is only house rule here. No one but no one prances naked, flaunting his/her body around the house!

    Thus, my house is called The Decency Habitat.

    1. tom allen

      It’s certainly not one of those Habitats for Nude Vanities that that old scoundrel Jimmy Carter has been building, that’s for sure. :-P

  20. SR6719

    Off topic.

    Jean Baudrillard once wrote: “True poetry is that which has lost all the distinctive signs of poetry. If poetry exists, it is anywhere but in poetry”.

    Although generally regarded as a philosopher, his work reminds me more of poetry than philosophy, as in the following quote:

    “We will live in this world, which for us has all the disquieting strangeness of the desert and of the simulacrum, with all the veracity of living phantoms, of wandering and simulating animals that capital, that the death of capital has made of us — because the desert of cities is equal to the desert of sand — the jungle of signs is equal to that of the forests — the vertigo of simulacra is equal to that of nature — only the vertiginous seduction of a dying system remains, in which work buries work, in which value buries value — leaving a virgin, sacred space without pathways, continuous as Bataille wished it, where only the wind lifts the sand, where only the wind watches over the sand.” – Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

    1. craazyman

      Is there an English translation of that?

      I’ve heard about that guy but I can’t understand French.

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        Did I mention the need for an error-proof universal traslator?

        A lot of the mis-understanding between the cat that occupies my house and yours truly would not have been there if I spoke the cat language and she spoke some human language.

        Sadly, we are without such luck and eveyrday is a struggle.

        What is it – is it the food, is it the need to go outside and chase that bird or is it the lack of new jokes today? This 99%er is clueless 99% of the time.

      2. SR6719

        You have to read it as you would poetic language. If all that remains are effects, then we are in total illusion (which is also that of poetic language).

        Here, just for fun, you might prefer this Baudrillard quote, illustrated with a film clip. And remember, this is
        poetic language, it doesn’t belong on an economics blog, but this one time isn’t going to harm anyone:

        “Whence the possibility of an ideological analysis of Disneyland: digest of the American way of life, panegyric of American values, idealized transposition of a contradictory reality. Certainly. But this masks something else and this “ideological” blanket functions as a cover for a simulation of the third order: Disneyland exists in order to hide that it is the “real” country, all of “real” America that is Disneyland (a bit like prisons are there to hide that they are the social in its entirety, in its banal omnipresence, that is the carceral). Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, whereas all of Los Angeles and the America that surrounds it are no longer real, but belong to the hyperreal order and to the order of simulation. It is no longer a question of a false representation of reality (ideology) but of concealing the fact that the real is no longer real, and thus of saving the reality principle.” – Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

        Get it, Disneyland is presented as imaginary in order to make us believe that the rest is real, whereas in fact it is Los Angeles and the America that surrounds it that are no longer real. Poetic language.

        The following 1:42 sec film clip will help to make this clear:

        1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          Well, maybe nothing is real.


          Maybe we delude ourselves trying to find the real from the unreal.

          Yet, it’s possible to live in the unreal.

          That’s the joy of life.

  21. LeonovaBalletRusse

    Recommended to NC readers: — “Mitt and the White Horse Prophecy” by Sally Denton, 29 January 2012. She quotes Michael Moody, who is “like Romney, a seventh-generation Mormon” –

    “‘We were taught that America is the Promised Land,’ he said in an interview. ‘The Mormons are the Chosen People. And the time is now for a Mormon leader to usher in the second coming of Christ and install the political Kingdom of God in Washington, D.C.’

    “In this scenario, Romney’s candidacy is part of the eternal plan and the candidate himself is fulfilling the destiny begun in what the church calles the ‘pre-existence.’

    “Several prominent Mormons, including conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck, have alluded to this apocalyptic prophecy.” — LINK:

    So there you have it, folks, the Republican choice from what a reader calls *The American Taliban* — take your pick of the God-King who intends to turn America into a fully-fledged Theocratic Corporate State:

    Romney: The Mormon “one true faith” monopoly faith candidate;
    Gingrich: The Roman Catholic – Orthodox Israeli duopoly faith candidate;
    and for both of these, the Church-State separation established by the Constitution of the United States (freedom OF and FROM religion) is dead.

    What is the difference between them and the Muslim monopoly faith Jihadist declared to be the mortal enemy of the U.S.A. the nation-state under one Constitutional Law?

    Obama has proven himself to be a priest of M-ICorpCap monopoly religion.

    Occupy Charlotte 2012

    BILL BLACK/YVES SMITH 2012: One Nation Under Constitutional Law

    1. craazyman

      Maybe he’ll move the White House to Utah.

      I can only hope.

      DC needs a break with the Redskins 6 and 10 and out of the playoffs.

    2. skippy

      All Hail!!! The Western Empire III.

      Skippy… mop up exorcise’s near completion and its rapture baby!

        1. skippy

          Great googlymoggly man, can you not see the trend line!

          2009 High 169 2010 High 174 2011 high 184 2012 high 182
          2009 Low 157 2010 Low 168 2011 Low 172 2012 Low 181

          Record High 184 Record Low 57
          8 Aug 11 12 Dec 93

          Skippy… its like watching a fuse burn, lets blow on it a bit…eh. Like the DOW 14,000! Hats for every one! Occupy rapture! I was at rapture and all I got was a stinking hat…sigh.

    3. JTFaraday

      ““‘We were taught that America is the Promised Land,’ he said in an interview. ‘The Mormons are the Chosen People. And the time is now for a Mormon leader to usher in the second coming of Christ and install the political Kingdom of God in Washington, D.C.’”

      Oh, just great. Now we’re back in the D-Party Primary, 2008–and I said I was NEVER having THAT again.

    1. Ms G

      Good link Francois T, thanks.

      Leads one to wonder why NYPD is not under a monitorship — its response to OWS was indistinguishable, if not far worse, than OPD’s in the clashes with OWS this past Fall 2011. Had a monitor been in place, it would have been plausible that a monitor would report that NYPD’s response “raised “serious concerns” about the department’s ability to “hold true to the best practices in American policing.”” (quoting from the quoted language in the Bay Area source.)

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