How Widespread Is Price-Fixing in the US Economy?
DOJ finally goes after Agri Stats, a company notorious for helping the meat industry gouge producers, stores and consumers. Will the move serve as a warning for other industries?
Read more...DOJ finally goes after Agri Stats, a company notorious for helping the meat industry gouge producers, stores and consumers. Will the move serve as a warning for other industries?
Read more...The FIRE sector capitalizes on Germany’s industrial decline as government diverts money from social programs to military.
Read more...We now have to pay attention to unrealized losses in the banking system.
Read more...Stock buybacks, aka corporate financialization, as a mode of predatory value extraction
Read more...There’s no refuge from material facts.
Read more...Analysts across the political spectrum challenge massive paychecks of corporate chiefs—and whether companies can survive without them.
Read more...Economists begin to admit that their models are wrong when it comes to anti-rent control arguments.
Read more...Why health insurance schemes, both private insurance and society-wide programs, are more costly than and inferor to government funding.
Read more...Most recent announcement has rental platforms promising to increase transparency of how much you’re being gouged but do nothing to lower costs.
Read more...Based on the current state of science, technology, policy development and implementation, the probability of meeting emissions targets is doubtful. This means that global temperature rises will, in all probability, exceed the recommended levels, most likely substantially and earlier than projected. The consequent changes in planetary geo-physics and meteorology will be substantial.
Read more...The Land of 10,000 Lakes has been widely celebrated for its supposedly worker-friendly legislation this year, but liberal Democrats headed for the exits when push came to shove.
Read more...What if we convert redundant office space to affordable living space or public housing and quit with the return-to-office pressure?
Read more...And why finding reforms to our current economic system is a Sisyphean task.
Read more...Keeping up with the latest Internet scams, and how they work.
Read more...California wildfires and real estate interests