Links 12/17/12

By lambert strether of Corrente

Readers, Yves apologizes for thin posts; she has been in “airplane hell” today and may well be in for another round of the treatment tomorrow.

Duo create GravityLight: Lamp that runs off of gravity (w/ video)

LDP victory puts Abe in driver’s seat to pick up where he left off Asahi Shimbun. “[L]imitless printing of currency.”

The Yakuza Lobby Foreign Policy

US banks call for easing of Basel III FT

Deutsche Bank Probes Claims of Deleted E-Mails in Tax Probe Bloomberg

HSBC Management’s Criminal Activity Above the Law: Justice for Some Jesse’s Café Américain

HSBC Bankers Get No Jail Time for Terrorist Financing While Somali Sentenced for Charity FDL (CB)

Moody’s Getting No Respect as Bonds Shun 56% of Country Ratings Bloomberg. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of accounting control fraud enablers.

Merkel warns on cost of welfare FT

Insane Clown Posse Foreign Policy. 5 Stelle: “Clean water supply, public transportation, development, broadband digital network access, and the environment.” 

Egypt ‘narrowly backs’ charter in first round Al Jazeera

European Court Condemns CIA Extraction Techniques as Torture Scott Horton, Harpers

Group Aims to Be a Conduit for WikiLeaks Donations Times

New York’s top court highlights the meaninglessness and menace of the term ‘terrorism’ Glenn Greenwald, Guardian

Sandy Hook Shooter’s Mother Collected Guns In Preparation For Economic Collapse Telegraph

Libertarian Automatic Weapons Safety Brad DeLong. Sure, but why stop at firearms?

Justice Dept. Shelved Ideas to Improve Gun Background Checks Charlie Savage, Times. “Meaningful action.”

From Newtown to Kabul, the sounds of freedom BTC

God Damn You, America, and Your White, Privileged Grief  Power of Narrative

Post Confuses “Cliff” and Deficit Reduction CEPR

A thin Post piece on the cliff’s consequences CJR

Why don’t bad ideas ever die? Barry Ritholtz. At WaPo.

Assimilated by the Peterson Borg Paul Krugman, Times

Gut Feeling: A Q&A with the American Gut Project’s Jeff Leach  Big Think

New metaphors for the social Understanding Society

Robots and Liberalism Peter Frase

Chalk Up Another for the Economics of Google Searches Worthwhile Canadian Initiative

Federal prisoners use snitching for personal gain USA Today

Closed Book Foreign Policy.  Why won’t the Obama administration back a treaty to make reading more accessible for the visually impaired? 

Defending the Romans and What have the Romans ever done for us? FT Alphaville (RS). Must reads.

Antidote du jour (scarshapedstar):

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


    1. Waking Up

      Noam Chomsky has an intimate understanding of our political system and how this country functions. However, the day he began telling people to “vote for Obama”, his credibility became meaningless and his status quo hypocrisy was astute. He may understand the system, but, he doesn’t REALLY want to see it changed…that is what his message to “vote for Obama” reflected.

      1. Rich

        For you to say that Chomsky’s credibility has become meaningless because of your opinion is laughable at best. Who are you? What have you done for society? You’re just another moron troll who thinks that if they can cause the smallest amount of doubt about Chomsky’s intellect, which is celebrated world-wide, then somehow you’re mind is superior. Chomsky has speaking engagements booked 3 years into the future. Where will you be speaking next? To the greeter at Wal-Mart? You’re a world class fool.

  1. LucyLulu

    “Democrats are preparing to introduce a new bill to ban assault rifles , but the difficulty of achieving any consensus was well illustrated after one Republican congressman said staff at the school should have been armed to protect themselves.”

    That would be Rep. Gomer (Pyle) from La suggesting all teachers should be armed. Instead of teachers that educate our children he wants armed personnel to guard them while they are in school. This is who has been elected to run our government.

    1. AbyNormal

      im still hunting stats for teacher/admin bulling of students…the numbers are mostly undocumented for legal ‘purposes’, pending decades.

      Youtube ‘teacher violent outbreaks’ and imagine them Armed.

    2. TK421

      Remember the Empire State Building shooter a few months ago? The police shot more people trying to take down the shooter than the shooter himself, and these are people who spend years training to defend themselves with firearms. How in the world are teachers supposed to do better?

      “Three passersby sustained direct gunshot wounds, while the remaining six were hit by fragments, according to New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly. All injuries were caused by police, he said Saturday.”

      Oh that’s right, bullets break into pieces that fly around hitting people. Just what we need in a classroom full of children.

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        I am for banning guns and assault weapons, for everyone, including our finest.

        I understand in Japan, cops don’t carry guns.

          1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            Still, I want to repeat my main point – no guns, and that goes for everyone and I mean everyone.

            Let the peace officers learn Aikido or Wing Chun – you can be as invincible as Bruce Lee with that one.

    3. Rich

      You know, that might not be a bad idea providing that no teacher in the country ever, ever, ever misses his or her target. And when that doesn’t happen do we start arming the 6 and 7 years old. Maybe the NRA could start giving little hand knitted holsters with single shot .22 caliber pistols to all new borns. They could call the welcoming ensemble, The Pacifier.

  2. Andrew not the Saint

    Discussions of gun control – aplenty. Discussions of drone killings of children, of the causes for people to go mental and start killing people – ?

    1. Manofsteel11

      Even worse, many European countries have a high gun ownership rate (Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, France, etc.) but their respective homicide rate is way lower.
      This is about a violent society. Failing education? Collapsing mental health system? Inability to hold a dialogue across party lines? Avoiding truth telling in the face while backstabbing? Violent games and movies? Holidays exposing children to blood and zombies? Lack of compassion?

        1. Nom

          No. Nor handguns or semi-automatics. Most will be shotguns or .22 rifles for game-birds or rabbit or rodent control, both of which can still kill people, of course, but only at relatively closer range.

      1. Montanamaven

        Add the number one problem; inequality. Those other countries that have guns but are not violent score high on the happiness meter (GINI index). “What is he/she worth?” is not even spoken and if it is, not measured in money. Worth. Many many people feel worthless here. There is little meaningful work. David Graeber in “Revolutions in Reverse” talks about the upper middle class kids allowed to work in NGOS and non profits and in the arts. While most other children can only look to the military to do something “worthy” like build schools for Iraqis.

        We stick people in boxes like schools, prisons, and schools. We do not teach kids to think for themselves. We teach kids to be obedient and tow the line. We do not really glorify the individual. That is a big f***ed up myth. We do not like anybody who doesn’t look like us; who doesn’t conform to the “norm”. We glorify discipline. We glorify marching in straight lines executing crisp salutes and crisp manners of attire. We have crisply cut lawns and well-oiled machinery including our well oiled guns and drones and rockets red glare. We make pledges to this awesomeness and make our children mumble along.

        Those other countries with guns and much less violence really do put people and families first. They fought for the shorter work week so they can spend time with friends and families. They have maternal and paternal leave. They have national affordable health care. They have cheap or even free transportation. They have workable cities that are still close to the small farms. They walk and don’t have huge bulging blobs of flesh sticking our of their clothes.

        The American people are actually pretty good at sharing and communal living. They just don’t know it. So demand Medicare for All. Demand the end of killing other people’s children in foreign lands. Demand a guaranteed basic income for everyone in the world. Demand a ceiling to the theft of other people’s worth by taxing the rich.

        Okay, so demanding anything of politicians is useless. And I am boring myself with repeating what should be obvious. So now what? Occupy got it right. It loudly identified the problem and got the conversation changed for awhile; at least until the disciplinarians arrived. We must keep our “eyes on the prize”. At least that’s what we can do here and then ask the same of those we communicate with each day.

      2. Klassy!

        See, your problem is that you are not benchmarking the US against the proper countries. We stack up quite well against countries such as Honduras and Colombia when it comes to handgun deaths per capita.

      3. Neo-Realist

        Holidays can also expose children to toxic relatives, in addition to the ones they’re being raised by in some cases.

        Mental Health services and availability is a much needed priority.

        However, the risk in better mental health in America is mass clarity and consciousness of the exploitation and robbery by the 1%

        1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          I think in saving ‘our financial health,’ we destroyed our mental health.

          ‘How can banksters continue what they have been doing?’ – if you ask that too many times, your mental health will suffer.

          Try it if you don’t believe me.

    2. dearieme

      “the causes for people to go mental” have been discussed for thousands of years. Little conclusive has emerged.

    3. Doug Terpstra

      In “God Damn You, America, and Your White, Privileged Grief”, Arthur Silber puts the manifest hypocrisy of the drone murderer in proper perspective.

      “Does Weeping Obama ‘meet privately’ with the families of those he has ordered murdered in Pakistan, or Somalia, or Yemen? Does he even acknowledge those murders — murders that he himself ordered? Does the “nation reel” in response to these regular, systematic murders of innocent human beings — many of them children?”

  3. Jim Haygood

    From the USA Today article on snitching:

    People charged with federal crimes don’t have many ways to avoid a tough sentence.

    Nearly everyone charged is convicted. They usually face the prospect of a lengthy prison term, driven by long minimum sentences for drug crimes and sentencing rules that leave judges little leeway to make exceptions – unless they cooperate. Often, becoming an informant is the only chance defendants have.

    Prisoners offer up names and addresses of drug dealers. They wear recording devices or let police listen to their phone calls. They introduce undercover agents to their contacts inside crime organizations.

    That kind of help has become indispensable for law enforcement. The Drug Enforcement Administration told the Justice Department’s inspector general in 2005 that it “could not effectively enforce the controlled-substances laws of the United States” without its confidential sources.

    Thus has the federal War on Drugs, which only began in 1970, polluted justice and created the world’s largest gulag.

    From an NYT article last week:

    Most other countries do not impose life sentences without parole, and those that do generally reserve it for a few heinous crimes.

    In England, where it is used only for homicides involving an aggravating factor like child abduction, torture or terrorism, a recent study reported that 41 prisoners were serving life terms without parole. In the United States, some 41,000 are.

    ‘Good government’ at work, hey?

    1. fresno dan

      It truly is outrageous. What makes it more so is that obviously these informants are lying, and their lying is enabled by careerist prosecutors and judges as well.

    2. from Mexico


      That kind of help has become indispensable for law enforcement. The Drug Enforcement Administration told the Justice Department’s inspector general in 2005 that it “could not effectively enforce the controlled-substances laws of the United States” without its confidential sources.

      And yet drugs on the streets of the United States are more plentiful, cheaper, and of greater purity than they’ve ever been.

      What am I missing?

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        What the 0.01%, sorry, I mean what HSBC wants, HSBC gets.

        And if HSBC wants drugs and lots of it, that’s what we get.

    3. from Mexico


      People charged with federal crimes don’t have many ways to avoid a tough sentence.

      Unless you happen to work for HSBC.

    4. Synopticist

      Wow, those are some seriously shitty figures.
      Bear in mind, here in the Uk we lock up more people per capita than anywhere else in Europe.

  4. fresno dan

    New York’s top court highlights the meaninglessness and menace of the term ‘terrorism’ Glenn Greenwald, Guardian

    “It is hard to overstate the centrality of the term “terrorism” when it comes to state power, policy and law. It is the term that launches wars and sustains the US posture of endless war, justifies unprecedented state secrecy, serves as the pretext for due-process-free imprisonment and assassinations, and sends countless of our fellow (Muslim) citizens to prison for decades for the most trivial, and often constitutionally protected, acts. Those Muslims convicted under separate rules of justice don’t just get sent to normal prisons, but to their own special prison units now as oppressive as Guantanamo. And, as this case and so many others illustrate, these tactics are rapidly expanding beyond their original application – the persecution of Muslims – into a wide variety of expansions of government power.”

    First they came for the muslims….

    1. from Mexico

      I never cease to be amazed by the level of anti-Muslim racism that exists in the United States.

      It’s overt and it’s in-you-face. It’s the new Jim Crow.

    2. Paul Tioxon

      I’m sorry, but they first came for the unions, and the African Americans, a joint effort of the North/South Capitalist Regime. The Muslims are a half hearted effort at best. I mean really, have you even heard of right to work laws legally crushing unions, or do you just worry about exotic people to guilt trip and raise new transgressive mores which you will, of course, be the chief adjudicator?

      1. alex

        No need to mention anything as fancy as “transgressive mores” when you’re talking about something as basic as the government wiping its ass with the Bill of Rights, which should serve to protect everyone in this country, regardless of whether some consider them exotic.

        Ass wiping with the Bill of Rights, as well as other fundamental amendments, is the sort of thing that was used, and will be used, to attack African Americans, labor movements and protests for economic justice (e.g. OWS). In the past calling someone an anarchist, and later a communist, was enough to convince all right thinking people that the Bill of Rights was an unnecessary impediment. Now the buzzword is terrorist.

  5. alex

    re: Robots and Liberalism (Peter Frase)

    It’s nice to know that not everyone has become a neo-Luddite just because Apple (actually Foxconn) decided to open a US factory but (surprise, surprise) it will be heavily automated (oops, I means use robots, which sounds more science fictiony). Well thank heavens it will be, or our standard of living would be more like China’s.

    Where have these neo-Luddites been? US factories have been becoming more heavily automated since the factory system was invented in the 19th century. In the 1950’s people had dire warnings when NC (numerically controlled) machine tools we first used, yet the 1960’s were a time of booming employment.

    I may be displaying the bias of someone closely familiar with the industry, but it surprises me the level of ignorance displayed about how far automation went in the past. Krugman writes that he has it on reliable authority that the assembly of computer motherboards is now automated. Paul, you’re over 20 years late to that party! In fact without automation (oops, robots) the type of PC board assembly everybody has used for 20 years now (surface mount) would not be possible, or at least not practical, even at Chinese labor rates. Nor without surface mount would things like laptops even be possible. And don’t get me started on those IC people who put millions of transistors on a single chip, which is made in an automated factory. Without that imagine all those who could be employed hand soldering millions of transistors (or vacuum tubes?).

    1. psychohistorian

      But we are going to develop AI the day after tomorrow………grin

      We need another pass through the public (this time international) with someone like Studs Terkel to give us another version of Work and bring people up to speed.

    2. hunkerdown

      Krugman clearly wants to send us all back to bag phones made with through-hole parts, point-to-point construction, and more lead in the solder than the typical CRT. ;)

      Or, perhaps he’s just treating the stuffed, finished, tested board assemblies as faits accomplis, another mechanical component like a molded back cover or vibrating motor that arrives at the factory layer-packed by the hundred from overseas. “Assembled in USA from domestic and foreign components” is pretty much the story of any affordable cottage product and probably some amount of mass production practice, isn’t it?

  6. Paul Tioxon

    Paul Krugman seems to be onto fully decoding the Debt Bomb. As we all know to be self evident, The National Debt is the ticking time bomb in America’s future, and it always will be. As every baby is born into debt, a pro rated share allocated along with a birth certificate if not a voter id card, are Mexican Women having anchor debt babies just to tether themselves to American Debtorshiphoodness? We must act to stop illegal aliens from legally encumbering themselves to a national indenture, to the original sin of capitalism, debt.

    But if the time bomb goes on ticking in perpetuity, against the very laws of nature and the 2nd law of thermodynamics, has it always been this way? From whence cometh debt?

    In the searing augur of the coming fiscal cliff, writer Lawrence Malkin wrote in his revised and updated edition his 1988 book: “THE NATIONAL DEBT” ( i mean really, what else could it be called?) …” …we show how the government buys money in the market and stores it in a computer.” Amazing, MMT has been around for such a long time, but of course not as long as the ” black hole of debt” that America has crashed into, with foreigners keeping us afloat, apparently with our own US Dollars. Wow!!! The National debt is not only a clear and present danger, that is perpetually ticking into the future but has always been us as well. Always was, always will be, debt without end, Amen.

    1. psychohistorian

      Krugman is such an obvious shill and traitor to his species.

      All this talk about debt and none about where money comes from and the fact it is private. He is such a propaganda whore for the global inherited rich and has no shame.

      1. Synopticist

        Thats purity trolling at it’s dumbest.

        Krugman is a normal Keynsian, who’s doing more than any other living individual to attack the Austerian, free-market ideologue, Freshwater idiocy which is dominating the MSM, fu*king up Europe and the UK, and driving them back into recession.

        he ain’t perfect, but he’s one of the good guys.

        1. psychohistorian

          I must admit I haven’t been called a troll here (that I know of) in the 4-5 years I have been commenting.

          Your calling Mr Krugman one of the good guys is an expected position by someone who believes that we only need to tweak our existing system and “normalacy” will resume. Calling me troll because I don’t believe that is a bit offensive. I encourage you to listen to one of the videos linked to at NC last week with Bernard ? who was a Central Banker, went to school with Krugman and made close to the same comment I did questioning the lack of discussion about the money supply….but with more tact. So is he a NC troll also?

          I am supportive of structural changes to our society, not more lipstick on the pig and consider all in positions of influence that keep wanting to apply lipstick as part of the problem.

          Call me what you want. I care not but will defend myself.

    2. SayWhat?

      Then take a pill and stop calling it debt. Kill the Fed, issue new Greenbacks to pay off the current bondholders, tell the f***ing bankers to get an actual job producing something like everyone else (forced conscription anyone?), and start solving actual problems, of which we’ve got plenty. Oh, and absolutely no unemployment or welfare for the newly unemployed financial class. Let the f***ers feast on their newly worthless financial instruments.

    1. jsmith

      Oops, talking about the American Hagel not the German Hegel.

      Anyways, from the article here’s some of what Hagel has said that so incenses the Israel first crowd:

      “Let me clear something up here if there’s any doubt in your mind. I’m a U.S. Senator. I’m not an Israeli senator. I’m a U.S. Senator. I support Israel… But my first interest is, I take an oath to the constitution of the United States. Not to a president, not to a party, not to Israel.”

      Hagel is against US intervention in Syria, voted against Iran sanctions, wouldn’t sign letters designating Hezbollah a terrorist organizaton and hosts of other examples of non-compliance with AIPAC.

      1. Doug Terpstra

        OOPS: “I support Israel… But my first interest is, I take an oath to the constitution of the United States.”

        No chance of confirmation after that. He missed the memo: US Constitution is moot, nothing but TP. That’s a career-ending dealbreaker.

        AIPAC is also the more likely agent in the sacking of Patraeus. From Global Research”When Former CIA Chief David Petraeus Enraged the Israel Lobby”. Quoting Patraeus:

        “The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR [Area of Operations]. Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large-scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas.”

        Another serious “oops” there. Adultery was a convenient cover, and apparently the dutiful general is smart enough to keep his mouth shut about it. Global Research has several related articles.

    2. different clue

      Well, you know . . . if Obama sends Hagel’s name up for SecDef, people could call their Senator to say they approve.
      In fact, people could call their Senator ahead of time and say . . . “I kind of like Hagel. If Obama sends up the Hagel name, I hope you approve it.”

      The experiment might be futile, but considering how cheap a little time and a phone call is; it wouldn’t be expensive.

  7. Jazzbuff

    RE: The Yakuza Lobby

    At least the fellow had the decency to resign. Our elected (selected) officials are owned by our Yakuza (banks and Wall Street)and have no qualms about staying in office.

  8. kevinearick


    THAT is the art of war. It’s a game of patience, a passive aggressive adolescent game, and the white niggers have been kind enough to build an implicit weapon for the purpose. Only a fool assumes a laborer is a fool, and fool has no idea what a laborer looks like, until he does. Call me racist, sexist, whatever divide and conquer projectile you want, and then go f- your politically correct self, because this process is going to end in a military maneuver, to eradicate the cancer. It always does, and the politically correct are going to be strapped in a passenger seat or in the fuel mix, and I don’t care which.

    Funny, I didn’t care where I slept as a kid, and I had this go-to hole out on Market Street, where the cops were afraid to go. I was the only white kid that walked or rode a bike through that neighborhood, every day. I had my share of run-ins with blacky (as opposed to whitey), so I got to know all those black grandmas pretty damn well, to the point where they invited me in for snacks. The only thing that scares a nigger, of any type, more than a dog, is grandma, because she can make his life a living hell, and he knows it.

    And when I wasn’t sleeping there, I was sleeping in a Marine Quonset, in a closet at the Naval Hospital, at one of the shops on 32nd street, or in some ship’s engine room, and guess who was in charge. There is always a bigger, stronger, smarter, kinder black guy, to show another guy the ropes. The upper middle class is like an endangered species in the zoo, holding its nose up on the way into the shop, to be pruned and preened by its handlers, for extinction, through equal protection UNDER the law.

    Capital is complacent because synaptic DNA can and is modified in real time, forward for a few, and relatively backward for most, until it’s not, and we have reached that point once again, in this episode, where the majority realizes it has been paid in each other’s credit, by capital, to float downhill into synaptic slow motion, waiting in line to wait in line, for capital credit, which can now only recede into itself. The only real requirement for a small business, which is against the law within the so-imploding empire, is to be honest, because labor is more than capable of doing the work, with or without business. We don’t need a silver bullet, best business practice, or anything else from nonperforming capital.

    Capital started sending the middle class in to take our children in the 70s, and that is when the war began. If you don’t see that, you are normalized. Capital builds physical bombs, with our assistance. The middle class builds intellectual bombs, with our assistance, and labor builds spiritual bombs. Funny, how work works. No labor, no work, no DNA. Faith is not a mystery; it’s hard work, that very few are capable of sustaining.

    A teacher, with guns, and a mother of an autistic, unsupervised child placed in charge of those guns. Who is responsible? What is the crime? What is the reward, positive feedback signal circuit, ensuring the outcome? More and more of their own, killing more and more of their own. It’s the elevator problem all over again: Why should I fix the circuit when I am becoming wealthier, exponentially faster, relative to the losses nonperforming capital is sustaining?

    As we see in San Francisco magazine and elsewhere, the white women are offering up the Asian/Chinese women, and their brothers, as scapegoats, now that the empire is reaching terminal velocity, along with the usual subjects, Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi. We are hunting the nasty-a-white, passive aggressive, nigger behind them, pulling the strings. We have no interest in playing stupid games with middle management or their robots in the street; Willie is Willie, another nigger in an expensive suit, God bless his little heart; and the pothead who couldn’t, Jerry Brown is not our man. Who do we have left?

    Who hasn’t been suggested as a fall guy? Let’s begin by turning 180 degrees. Funny, how Kissinger’s face keeps popping up, the man with an imperative. Between Kissinger, Netanyahu, and Madoff, the Mad-off was the relatively honest one. San Francisco, like present day Jerusalem, could not be further from Jesus.

    Go ahead, tax me, and tell me how monetizing digital dollars coming out of the bazooka is not monetizing a phantom tax base?

  9. Valissa

    Today’s antidote pup looks a lot like yesterday’s… so I found these 2 bootie cuties…

    Maisie’s galoshes AND
    Duke’s ducky slippers

    Vodka helps stranded elephants survive in Russia

    Jingle balls, jingle balls…

    Why we buy those crazy, ugly holiday sweaters

    1. Valissa

      More highly unserious news…

      Three female Rebel pilots were discharged from ‘Return of the Jedi’

      note: article comments are more entertaining than this cutting room feminist manfesto article
      (comment) they should have a evil female sith lord. evil women are seductive and hot. just imagine a female sith lord with power like darth vader……omg!!!
      (comment response) Darth Debbie Does Dantooine?

      1. TK421

        Hey, you let women into the Rebel Alliance, next thing you know you’re accidentally making out with your sister. Just ask Luke Skywalker.

    1. Lambert Strether Post author

      I don’t want to be a curmodgeon, even when I’m being one… But to me the central and interesting and facilly plausible claim here is that “Both fathers of the shooters were allegedly expected to testify in the Libor scandal that rocked the banking world in June.”

      Sadly, the backup for the claim is a self-referential rat’s nest of links to videos or other blogs. Can we get better evidence?

      1. hunkerdown

        I’m loath to retract my post entirely, since I did post it here hoping for elucidation and verification by those who would know exactly where to find such, but after a second look the sourcing is indeed suspicious at best. A confidence level next time, I promise!

  10. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    Why don’t bad ideas die?

    Some bad ideas for one person are good ideas for another.

    In neoliberal economics lingo, it’s time for a little import/export.

    You, then, are a green in the mental realm, as you recycle ideas, from one place to another place or person, wasting not ideas. That way, our mental landfills or graveyards don’t get overburdened.

    Thus the slogan – Be mentally green. Recycle ideas.

    1. Valissa

      The dangers of recycling, part 1

      The dangers of recycling, part 2

      Recycling in the eyes of the beholder, part 1

      Recycling in the eyes of the beholder, part 2

      In closing, some silly philosophical garbage

        1. Valissa

          Yes it does… time for some reincarnation cartoons

          Reincarnation & recycling


          Some people will do anything for a profit

          Shiva takes time out from dancing to explain an aspect of reincarnation

          Let’s play reincarnation roulette

  11. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    If Abe wants to debase Japan’s currency, and if the value of their sovereign currency derives from taxes, the simple way to do it then is to just go ZTP (Zero Tax Policy).

    Hopefully, they notify us beforehand this time and let’s not have a monetary Pearl Harbor.

    We, of course, need to counter with our own ZTP, in this WCW (World Currency War).

  12. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    Robots and Liberalism.

    Should intelligent robots be paid?

    Should they then pay taxes?

    If they pay taxes, can they vote?

    Under ‘No Taxation without Representation,’ we are already denying corporations the right to vote, but not the right to buy votes, sorry, influence voters, though.

    I think, if a robot consumer walks into my store, I will tell it to shop with its own kind. His business is not welcome in this Luddite store…well, that may be a bit harsh. But it is not marry my daughter…I am pretty sure, today (maybe I will change my mind later).

    1. Valissa

      These are the kind of cartoons ya get when ya search on robot and liberal…

      The benefits of a robot politician

      Robotics and healthcare

      Robotics research

      Macarena robot or ?

      Meet iJab the intelligent janitorial assistance bot

      1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        History will eventually record that robot politicians were first perfected at some point in the 20th century.

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