While You (and We) Were Busy, We Hit 1.75 Million Comments!

Thanks to our dedicated, insightful, and engaged commentariat, and most of all to our comments DJs, Jules and katiebird! We just reached 1,750,000 approved comments (we are now at 1,750,913 to be precise). By contrast, we started posting at the end of 2006. Most days in our first few months, we got no comments at all, and when we did, it was usually only one.

Thanks so much to all of you!!! On to 2 million!

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  1. Skippy

    Yves did something in the lead up got GFC most others were not want because it questioned the neoliberal administration of everything under the sun and then it blew up. Next was assigning agency to that administration.

    How people move on from that era regardless of date of birth and personal experiences is a more dynamic potential.

  2. In Moderation

    Good lord! Now I see what kind of efforts lies behind the comments moderation. 1.7M – That is some serious comments moderation job! And well done at that! Huzzah for all of us co-creating a living website!

    Out of curiosity – how many were not approved?

    1. Yves Smith Post author

      We have no idea because our Trash folder auto-empties on a seven day rolling schedule. We get thousands of spam comments a day but our spam software sends them to a spam folder, so we never see them.

      Most moderated comments are liberated after review. A lot are winding up in moderation (sorry!) due to having added more tripwires thank to too many hot topics leading to too many overheated conversations.

      I will ask Lambert and the mods, but even with some words and people being blacklisted, I’d guesstimate that fewer than 10% of comments are not approved.

  3. Balakirev

    Clearly congratulations are in order. I’ve seen the commentariat at other sites reach astronomical numbers, but frequently with the aid of flame wars, or topics that drew responses but offered nothing appropriate to the forum. I’m frankly greatly impressed with the level of expertise from so many regular posters here: a consistency of quality I’ve seen nowhere else.

    Good luck, and may your comments continue to provide a level of responses that easily exceed the knowledge shown elsewhere.

  4. Bugs

    Congratulations! Always willing to contribute to the discussion when I have something to add. I appreciate the commenters here very, very much. A truly unique international group of decent and intelligent people.

  5. Stick'em

    In our current society, quantitative online measures of clicks’n’views is a huge financial incentive for writing misleading headlines and manufacturing drama and so on. It’s part of how we got to this collective state of mis/disinformation inundation.

    What’s much more useful and difficult to come by is quality information, as it improves the signal:noise ratio. We each only have so much time to read on the interwebs and it’s really easy to get frustrated with the amount of crapification related to social media and disingenous journalism/infotainment.

    So that’s why I started coming to Naked Capitalism. It isn’t the quantity of comments; rather it’s a self-evident observation about the quality of what people have to say here. People go to FoxNews or MSNBC to hear what they want to hear. People go to Naked Capitalism not for the safety bubble of some biased brand but rather for the critical thinking skills lacking on CNN and the NYTimes.

    We don’t get so much of the disposable, supposedly clever one liners so ubiquitous elsewhere in pop culture. Instead, even when people are cynical or sarcastic, there’s a sense of authenticity and sincerity and thoughtfulness to what people have to say here. On a good day, the signal radiates humorus wisdom and compassion.

    You have our gratitude:


  6. Louis Fyne

    Someone said it here….comments are great at “seeing how the sausage is made” from first-hand/second-hand anecdotes, real-time, whether it’s the other side of the doctor’s office, or someone sharing how busy their local contractor professionals are.

    Thanks everyone! Beats places like the NYT hands-down.

    1. anahuna

      Very grateful to this site and to the commentariat, who have informed and enlightened me in various ways for years. I share your esteem for anecdotes. In fact, the often-repeated claim that “anecdotes are not data” is precisely why I value them, for their particularities in reflecting lives and climes that differ from my own. I would venture that any attempt to turn anecdotes into data is a perversion of their qualities.

  7. Oh

    Congratulations to all. I’ve seen NC grow over the past several years and I’ve found most comments to be enlightening.

  8. bassmule

    I don’t remember how I first found this site. It was probably not long after I first heard the name “Angelo Mozilo.” This has been a bastion of sanity, now more than ever, especially–as noted in the current instruction–regarding coverage of the Ukraine. I have done a lot of self-censoring (most of my friends are happy with demonizing Putin), so it’s a relief to come here and get a good dose of reality.

  9. The Rev Kev

    ‘By contrast, we started posting at the end of 2006. Most days in our first few months, we got no comments at all, and when we did, it was usually only one.’ Man, what a difference 16 years can make, especially with a lot of TLC-

    Naked Capitalism in 2006-

    Naked Capitalism in 2022-

    But seriously. Naked Capitalism just keeps its standards high both with posted articles and comments. It has been discouraging to see the number of websites where both have been degraded. They went all in on Trump or went full Russiagate. But in doing so, they have left a pretty wide lane for Naked Capitalism to cruise down at least.

  10. Tom Pfotzer

    Congrats to the entire NC team.

    And what a team it is!

    I’ve never seen such a group of willful, opinionated, skilled, powerful people work so well together, for so long.

    That is _really_ hard to do.

    Don’t forget to remind yourselves of how wonderful that magic is.


    ======= and …

    To the commentariat: Many thanks to each of you for all I’ve learned from you. NC team is the foundation, and you are the superstructure.

    A mighty fine edifice it is, too… stands right up, straight and tall…it’s something to be proud of.

  11. Arizona Slim

    We did it! Yay!

    Let’s keep up the good work, and, hey, let’s keep it civil, okay?

  12. Irrational

    Congrats to the NC team for the sterling moderation job and thanks to the commentariat for insightful comments. What an achievement!

  13. Susan the other

    You got a lot of people thinking and talking. NC has enough substance to be a new form of matter; very cool.

  14. hemeantwell

    Congratulations to Yves and the team, and to the commentariat, who really show how to collectively work over the topics presented here. I’m hoping that NC’s courageous and lucid coverage of the Ukraine crisis will lead to another surge in participation. Avanti!

  15. caucus99percenter

    Congratulations! I am very grateful to NC and its hard-working proprietors for upholding highest standards of quality and enforcing the demand that comments be civil and contain real substance.

  16. elissa3

    Yes, big kudos to the moderators and for the site policies. Aside from Wolf (once in a while), NC is the only site where I consistently read the comments. Why is self-evident: these are largely knowledgeable people. Even if one disagrees, the information and opinion is considered. Also, the irreverent and flip one-liners are often amusing. Keep up the good work!

  17. jr

    NC is an education unto itself. Also, it’s a virtual salon in which to seek conversation and camaraderie in these lunatic times. The quality of the information and exchanges cannot be beaten, in my experience.

    I recently made the mistake of dipping into the comments section of a Taibbi article I wanted to express an opinion on. This is not at all a reflection on Taibbi personally but I was mortified to see the name calling, trolling, and specious reasoning present. Empty back and forth’s, smears, and crudely sexualized cracks abound. It was on the order of a YouTube comments section. It brought home to me the value of NC. Thanks so much to the team for their hard work and to the commentariat for providing constant intellectual stimulation.

    Onwards to two million! With the mid-terms coming, we should hit that in a few weeks time! ;)

  18. SKM

    Yes, NC is a stunning place to be able to share in. This is especially true in recent months. I`d been avoiding mainstream news BBC etc for some years but until the Ukraine situation exploded I`d fairly frequently watch French telly news (not for vital inforation, just to keep up with what fodder the French were consuming – long gone are the days of the Lisbon treaty and open debate on the French media, including truly heterodox economists) and German TV during Covid as they were a bit more sane and well-informed and you could follow the general progress of the pandemic (not the science as such) there.
    Since Ukraine this year NC has become absolutely vital, all the more so because all the team`s hard work acts as a filter so we can all avoid wasting time, energy and emotional stress by having to get information from the cesspool of mainstream journalism.
    I just dipped in to a France 2 telejournal for the first time in months a few days ago and was aghast – it was even worse than I remembered – it was like being treated as a cross between a very young child and someone with learning difficulties. Both tone and content!!! As for the anglosphere – off the charts!!
    I`m blown away almost daily when I think of the sheer work volume, to say nothing of the collective expertise, that must be behind the overall quality achieved in the comments section.
    I hope as many of us as possible pay what they can afford because no other outlet puts in this level of work and effort in providing readers with such high quality reading and discussion.
    Thanks to all concerned (including the commentariat, of course!)

  19. Lunker Walleye

    My eyes have been opened wider due to NC. Many thanks to Yves and everyone who works so hard.

  20. Glen

    Thank you!

    I came here looking for help in understanding the 2008 economic implosion, and have learned much since. It has helped me better understand the events that have shaped my life. Kudos to NC and the people that work so hard here, and again THANK YOU!

  21. Etrigan

    Nakedcapitalism saved my bacon several times in actual, tangible ways. What a welcome refuge for everyone craving the well moderated internet of yore, searching for real inquiry.

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