SOS “Double Your Donations” Challenge

Two loyal donors responded to the red alert in our post this morning: “We Interrupt Our Regular Programming for This Important Announcement”. There, we explained the fundraiser was so far from where it needed to be that I might be forced to take no pay this year, which is unsustainable and would set the site up for either major restructuring or even shutdown in late 2024.

They teamed up to offer a new challenge to get donations back on track: to match the next 45 donations of $100 (and multiples of $100 like $200 up to their match amount) and the next 40 of $50. Make their big-hearted offer a rousing success by going to our donation page now!

Readers continue to write thoughtful notes of appreciation. From Victor S:

Though unsure if a hypothetical example is welcomed, I’d like to use one to express why NC is so valuable.

If we went back to the recent past and asked a reasonable person from India to briefly describe Britain, they’d likely say the obvious. Britain was a Christian nation, a democracy with liberal values, and a capitalist economy. And surely add that Britain subjugated India for centuries.

If you asked a reasonable Brit to describe Britain, they’d likely describe it similarly, except adding, Christian/democracy/capitalism made Britain a great nation.

No doubt, persuading an Indian of the merit of alternatives to the British system would be far easier than convincing the Brit who benefited from the existing system. Likewise, it’s no small task convincing most Americans, especially those who benefit most from the status quo, that fundamental changes are needed. Yet, NC is up to the task.

It’s one thing to reject the ‘make America great again’ or ‘Bidenomics’ conversation as irrelevant. It’s quite another to challenge the government directly, suggest the capitalist economy is predatory, question the consensus of the ruling class, make compelling arguments is favor of specific change, all of which, and more, NC does consistently and which makes it an exceptional resource.

From tennesseewaltzer:

Yves, a check is going out in today’s mail. Shakespeare wrote: ”I can no other answer make, but thanks, And thanks, and ever thanks.”

From Jeff B:

From one of your silent fans.

Thanks for your important work.

You can make your contribution here, via check, debit or credit card, or PayPal or our new payment processor, Clover. If you give by check (we like checks!), be sure to let us know by e-mailing us at with “SOS Challenge” in the subject line.

Thanks to these two benefactors for their generosity, and I hope readers will respond in kind.

And if $100 or $50 is a stretch for you, don’t let that stop you from making a donation if you’ve been planning to but haven’t had time yet. Every contribution helps us meet our goals. And the other important way to help is by telling others about our work, whether in person to friends, family, and colleagues, in social media like Facebook and Twitter, or in other comments sections, such as Reddit, with a link back. So I hope you’ll take them up on their fundraiser challenge in whatever way you can!

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  1. thoughtful person

    Perfect timing! Finally got my donation act together and happy to participate in the double your donation offer!

  2. Di Modica's Dumb Steer

    I just donated another hundred. I absolutely cannot imagine this place without Naked Capitalism. I might be able to do some more in a few months, after the holidays.

  3. Alice X

    OK, I pulled a rabbit out of a hat and donated $50. The legal name will be a mystery, but no matter. I hope it makes the generous double up from those kind people.

  4. Dakotaborn Kansan

    Inspired by I. F. Stone’s Weekly in my youth, now by Naked Capitalism. Rising to the urgent need, my check for $200.00 is in the mail.

    “Sit down and read. Educate yourself for the coming conflicts.” — Mother Jones

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