Links 11/6/2023

What is quantum entanglement? Part 7: What does it all mean? Skulls in the Stars. Lucid and readable.

Recovery: Saving American Burying Beetles, Nature’s Undertakers Cool Green Science

A 5-step guide to processing ambiguous news in the markets and the economy Sam Ro, TKer


How Midwest Landowners Helped to Derail One of the Biggest CO2 Pipelines Ever Proposed Inside Climate News

Smith Foundry failed to control air pollution in Minneapolis’ East Phillips neighborhood, investigation finds Sahan Journal

This Billion-Dollar Plan to Save Salmon Depends on a Giant Fish Vacuum ProPublica


The Pandemic Isn’t Over Normalcy Fugitive. The deck: “The rich know it. You should, too.” Compiles lie, after lie, after lie… A must-read.

Face masks ward off covid-19, so why are we still arguing about it? NewScientist. Good wrapup, no paywall.

The association of post-COVID-related symptoms and preceding SARS-cov-2 infection among fully vaccinated paramedics in Canada Journal of Infections Diseases. From the Discussion: “This study, including a national sample of over 800 vaccinated Canadian paramedics, did not detect an association of preceding SARS-CoV-2 infection and the prevalence of post-COVID-related symptoms…. These findings are congruent with limited published data reporting an overlap between postCOVID symptoms and symptoms explained by other origins. The lack of between-group differences may also be attributed to vaccination-based protection against post-COVID symptoms or reduced risk seen in Omicron-era infections.”

Infant Mortality Rate Rises For 1st Time In 20 Years: See WI Data Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant Patch. Local news, mind you.

Evidence of thrombotic microangiopathy in children with SARS-CoV-2 across the spectrum of clinical presentations Blood Advances. A biomarker for post-Covid multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)?


Transcript Part One: Top China, EU experts on “EU-China Relations: Review and Outlook” in Beijing CCG Update

China set to account for less than half of US’s low-cost imports from Asia FT. Handy chart:

Vietnam beating out India (!).

QatarEnergy signs ‘historic’ deal with Chinese state giant Upstream

China and Bhutan aim to resolve a long-running border dispute The Economist

China’s health care system:


China urges Myanmar to cooperate on border stability amid fighting Al Jazeera


Israeli army retreats from northern Gaza Anadolu Agency. IDF soldiers killed said to be 345. During the multiyear Israeli–Lebanese conflict, IDF deaths were 1,400.

Israeli minister says dropping ‘nuclear bomb’ on Gaza is ‘option’ Anadalu Agency but Israel minister suspended after calling nuking Gaza an option Politico. The “heritage” minister….

Satellite companies are restricting Gaza images Semafor

* * *

Israel-Palestine war: How Hamas sees the Gaza conflict unfolding – and why it thinks it can win Middle East Eye. The deck: “A source close to Hamas’s political leadership says the group believes it can defeat Israel but acknowledges the heavy price being paid by those on the ground.” Good overview. On the tunnels:

While Hamas did not foresee an Israeli response on this scale, it has an extensive network of tunnels, which run for “many hundreds of kilometres”, MEE was told by another source.

The idea that Hamas would cease to operate if it lost Gaza City, which the Israeli forces are trying to encircle, is therefore less likely.

(Also plenty of detail on the wing-nut goatsesacrificers’ plans for the Al-Aqsa mosque. Then again, maybe not goats, but Red Heifer’s “without blemish” imported from the United States. And these crazies are driving the bus. Let me know how that works out.)

‘Dead man walking’: How Yahya Sinwar deceived Israel for decades FT. The deck: “The Hebrew-speaking Hamas leader in Gaza is the man Israel holds most responsible for the October 7 attacks.” More on Sinwar–

How the Hostage Crisis Could End Seymour Hersh. “An Israeli expert on the region, who knows of the seriousness of current hostage talks, surprised me by depicting Sinwar as someone ‘who could be open to a deal.'” So, dueling leaks, FT v. Hersh. Meanwhile, Hersh on the tunnels:

The Israeli military and political leadership are beginning to see the results of a carefully planned end game that will be murderous—there is no other word for it—to the members of the Hamas military now being hunted down in the tunnels and rubble of Gaza City. The orders are to shoot to kill on sight. The collapse [hmmm] of the military wing of Hamas has given the group’s political leadership, who claim to have not been directly involved in the planning for the October 7 massacre, a chance to demonstrate their good will and save their own lives by arranging for Israeli hostages to be transferred to a basement in the besieged al-Shifa hospital [hmmm], long a stronghold of Hamas. Some Israeli officials fear that time is running out because it’s not known how long the air in the tunnels will be breathable.

Meanwhile, the Hamas soldiers still alive in the tunnels underneath Gaza will be suffocating soon from a lack of fresh air, as there is little fuel left to run the generators necessary for a constant flow of oxygen. Food will be getting rancid and water supplies may be running low. The more than two hundred miles of tunnels will inevitably become a death trap, making life below ground as difficult as it is above.

I am but a humble blogger prone to speculation, but if Hersh (and his sources) are right, Hamas didn’t game out the Israeli assault, and none of the hundreds of miles or tunnels lead to a fuel source. (NOTE Natural tunnel ventilation is also possible. Surely tunnels were usable before generators?) If so, Hamas is a one-shot wonder. Could be! Let’s wait and see.

* * *

CIA chief visiting Israel and other Middle East nations as war in Gaza grinds on Axios

Blinken shuttles from the West Bank to Iraq trying to contain the fallout from the Israel-Hamas war AP. Round and round and round he goes:

Jordan, Israel announce airdrop of urgent medical aid to Gaza hospital Al Jazeera. Foreshadowing?

* * *

From Siege to Exodus: The Looming Threat of a Second Palestinian “Nakba” Elijah J. Magnier

‘We are failing again’: UN, US resignations highlight splits over Israel’s Gaza assault France24

Local Construction Firm for Secret U.S. Base in Israel Also Built an Illegal Settlement The Intercept

US Says It’s Powerless To Stop The Genocide That It Is Directly Funding And Supplying Caitlin’s Newsletter

Violence Never Settles Anything Bracing Views

European Disunion

Germany’s factory orders down 4.3% year-on-year in September Anadolu Agency

New Not-So-Cold War

Ukraine’s Zelensky denies war with Russia at ‘stalemate’ France24. And this is not a pipe:

By René Magritte(1898-1967) – Image taken from a University of Alabama site, "Approaches to Modernism": [1], Fair use (Old-50), Link.

Massive cope:

Zelenskyy announces change of strategy: Military officials to create plans to advance quicker Ukrainska Pravda

Zelenskyy insults Putin using F-word on air on NBC News Ukrainska Pravda

Volodymyr Zelenskyy Challenges Donald Trump, Invites Him To Ukraine Yahoo Entertainment

Ukraine’s Zelensky ‘not ready’ for talks with Moscow unless troops withdraw France 24

* * *

Western Officials Increasingly Pushing “Peace Talks” + War Updates Simplicius the Thinker

Listening to Lavrov Ted Snider, From October, still highly germane.

* * *

Russia, Ukraine give conflicting Zaporizhzhia frontline accounts Reuters

Ukraine orders investigation after Russian attack on brigade ceremony Al Jazeera

Ukrainian ambassador says world cannot ‘lose focus in one place or another’ in wake of Israel-Hamas war The Hill

Biden Administration

Biden touts billions for northeast US rail corridor Reuters

The Bezzle

Tiny Banks That Powered Cash App Grew Like Crazy. Then the Feds Came Calling New York Magazine

Digital Watch

We must stop AI replicating the problems of surveillance capitalism FT. On AI, see yesterday’s post.


Everything I Thought I Knew About Nasal Congestion Is Wrong The Atlantic

Zeitgeist Watch

How to Spot Corporate Bullshit Current Affairs

The Power of Bad Ideas Boston Review

Guillotine Watch

What is a pro-natalist? Elon Musk’s warnings to humanity underpin a growing movement among tech billionaires FOX

Class Warfare

One man’s (maybe) quixotic quest to revive American manufacturing Fast Company

Industrial Transformations Phenomenal World

* * *

Workers are the unhappiest they’ve been in 3 years—and it can cost the global economy $8.8 trillion CNBC

Explainer: What to know as thousands of Quebec workers go on strike Monday Montreal Gazette. 420,000.

San Francisco Mystery Property: How a $13.5 Million Dirt Lot Explains the City’s Housing Crisis The San Francisco Standard

Towards an Optimal Diet Eric Topol, Ground Truths

Hidden Charms JSTOR

Antidote du jour (via):

Bonus antidote:

I think this is real….

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. The Rev Kev

    ‘The JRE Companion
    Wolf said… ‘WTF?!?’
    Ravens often play pranks, tease other animals, and engage in aerial acrobatics just for fun.’

    Don’t let that video fool you. In nature, wolves interact with ravens more than any other animal and they bond easily with each other and can form symbiotic relationships-

    Doesn’t mean that some ravens can’t still be jerks from time to time.

    1. Chet G

      It seems to me that humor is a common feature among ravens and many other birds and mammals, and teasing has a strong measure in the mix. The following link comes from a time I watched/photographed a raven teasing a red-tailed hawk (ravens are larger and stronger than red-tailed hawks).
      Typically, too, during nesting season, smaller birds will chase away a hawk, but there are alternatives. Here’s a sequence of a red-winged blackbird hitching a ride on a red-tailed hawk. It happens! A friend of mine has photographed a similar sequence.

      1. Judith

        Early one morning a few years back I heard a raven calling as I was just waking. I went outside to see two ravens, a red-tailed hawk, and a merlin having a food fight. The hawk did not put up much of a fight. The feisty merlin chased the hawk away. But the ravens were too much for the merlin and it flew off, leaving the ravens to enjoy the food.

        Another time I saw two ravens perched together, gently grooming each other for a nice long time.

      2. pjay

        – “(ravens are larger and stronger than red-tailed hawks)”

        This is not true everywhere. I’m no expert but I know there are a variety of subspecies of Red-tailed hawks. We have some in upstate NY that are the size of small vultures. We had them attacking some of the small mammals in our backyard this summer and saw them up close.

        We don’t have a lot of ravens around here but there are plenty of crows; also very intelligent.

        1. GF

          There seem to be ravens of different sizes. We were in Victoria BC on Vancouver Island a few years ago and saw their ravens near the parliament building. We live in the north central part of AZ and our ravens are almost twice as large as in Victoria – more like the one playing with the wolf in the video – in size rather than “crow” size like we saw there. They are definitely fun to watch when it is windy here. They do put on a show.

    2. Luckless Pedestrian

      For those inclined to field biology there is a good book called “The Mind of the Raven” which supports the idea that there is cooperative hunting with wolves.

    3. Lee

      “Doesn’t mean that some ravens can’t still be jerks from time to time.”

      Eating lunch in my car after a morning of wolf watching in Yellowstone, a magnificent raven landed on my side view mirror. Since a previous misadventure associated with an attempt to feed apples to a pair of wild bear cubs, I don’t make a practice of feeding wild animals anymore but the critter was so seemingly tame, so big, black and beautiful that I couldn’t keep myself from reaching out to touch his glossy blue-black breast. Wham! He hammered the back of my hand with his beak and flew off. All these years later I have a little mark to remember him by that also serves as a reminder: neither feed nor pet the wildlife.

    4. Robert Hahl

      I have read about a game that people play by sneaking up on bears from behind and slapping the rump hard, then running away, preferably very fast, since they get mad and kill you if they can. This wolf doesn’t look angry at all, so I think it might be friendly game.

    5. Frank

      My dog, half husky half laika, formed a relationship with a raven that lasted years. They would play on the lawn together for hours at a time, it was truly extraordinary.

      The wolf in the video is a gorgeous beast.

      1. Revenant

        Not quite dogs and ravens but the local fox plays on the lawn with the magpies in our garden. They dare each other to attack but they keep doing it with signs of anger so we assume they are having fun.

  2. zagonostra

    Violence Never Settles Anything – Bracing Views

    Members of Hamas are Heinlein’s enemy bugs; in fact, all of Gaza is apparently an alien land that must be ravaged as the bugs are either killed or driven off the land. Violence will settle the issue of who controls Gaza, and by extension the West Bank, once and for all, with the IDF serving as Israel’s “Starship Troopers.”

    Yes it seems that violence is settling “control” of sorts in Gaza, but the cost is that those who are committing the violence can not be rehabilitated to humanity and are themselves have become “enemy bugs.” Or, possibly redemption and forgiveness is outside the scope of my understanding.

    It doesn’t seem society is ready to forgive individuals who took part in the Nazi extermination of Jews, how is society equipped to forgive the collective punishment and murder of innocents in Gaza. To say, as some have, that there are no innocents, is arguing that it’s ok to nuke Manhattan because their is one or a handful of terrorist holed up there.

    1. ilsm

      Yeah, Palestinians are bugs! No, Israel is laying siege to a population of innocent!

      IDF is Israel’s terrorist organization funded by the great terror complex in DC.

      IDF is same as Hamas but with US JDAM donations and coupons from Boeing shares.

  3. Samuel Conner

    I feel like a bit of a fugitive from normality myself.

    Yesterday, as I entered the lobby of the LTC facility where some elderly friends reside, I was greeted by a small notice at the check-in desk that “there are COVID cases in the facility”. Masks were recommended but not required. The automated sign-in tablet advised me that if I was experiencing respiratory symptoms, it was recommended (not required) that I mask while in the facility.

    So, basically, it’s not only “do your own assessment of the risk to you”, but “do your own assessment of your risk to others”.

    I passed about a dozen people in public spaces on my way in, and about two dozen on my way out. Of all these people, only one, a resident, was masked — with a cloth mask (or maybe a stylish KN95 — ear loop style). Not one of the staff was masked.

    In interaction with the facility manager early in the year, at my mention of N95s (and offer of a box I had with me), she pointed to a case of the very mask, 3M Aura 9210+, behind her desk — “we use these if there is an outbreak”.

    I saw no evidence of their use during my visit yesterday. Maybe they are used by staff who interact with residents who are isolated while their cases resolve.

    I shake my head; it’s as if nearly everyone is already brain-fogged. That’s the sympathetic interpretation; “don’t attribute to shortsighted accounting or democidal malice what can be explained by Long Covid brain fog”.

    1. Kouros

      It is not thousands but hundreds of thousands (420000 as per the article), or close to half a million. That is heft.

  4. The Rev Kev


    Hersh is making a lot of assumptions based on what he is hearing from US officials and Israelis. I should note that if an Israeli soldier gets killed, it is a tragedy in Israel. But if a Hamas militant gets killed, yes it is a tragedy in Gaza too but this guy gets to be a martyr while fighting the hated enemy. Big motivational difference. They won’t and can’t surrender as they know that the Israelis have promised to kill every last one which means that they have nothing to lose. So they will be sitting there thinking to themselves ‘You’re going to die a martyr anyway, take someone with you – or a couple.’ Anyway, what kind of deal could they offer Sinwar? There would be zero trust in Israel keeping it as they are agreement-incapable. This reminds me of Alexander Mercouris’s bizarre idea of Hamas simply marching out and surrendering themselves to the ICC. I won’t even bother listing the many reasons why that would never work. But both commenters ignore the fact that Netanyahu sees this as his golden chance to clear the Gaza strip and give it to the settlers who will them protect him forever in gratitude. As for those Israeli hostages, I think that most of them are as good as dead. No, not from the Hamas militants but from their own fellow Israelis. Apparently a couple dozen have been killed in the bombing already and as far as Netanyahu is concerned, it would be better for him if they were all dead.

    1. Feral Finster

      Even without the religious angle, when your back is already to the wall, you can afford to be less concerned with casualties since you have so little left to lose.

    2. SG

      I’d agree that the current government in Israel is largely “agreement-incapable”, but I think that’s a temporary aberration. Israel has proven itself quite agreement-capable with Egypt, Jordan, and the UAE. In fact, Israel was capable of a ceasefire agreement with Hamas itself, which lasted from 2020 until the Oct. 7 pogrom.

      On the other hand, Hamas’s own charter states that negotiation and international agreements are “a waste of time” – which, in conjunction with their abandonment of the 2020 ceasefire to commit mass murder, leads me to wonder just how “agreement capable” they might be.

      1. Kouros

        Agreement caple with somebody that is not that week and doesn’t have what Israeli really, really wants.

        Syria has(had) Golan Heights which is good strategic land. As such, no agreement with them and everything is being done to keep Syria week.

        Palestinians are stateless, and occupy desirable land. As such, no agreement.

        The last issue are the Arabs within Israel, and I am very curious how they will fare within a growing orthodox Jewish population, which by 2060 is supposed to be in majority…

  5. Louis Fyne

    —Infant Mortality Rate Rises For 1st Time In 20 Years: See WI Data Mount Pleasant-Sturtevant Patch. Local news, mind you.–

    8% year-on-year rise in the entire state of Wisconsin!???!!

    even without firing up a spreadsheet and calculating standard deviation, that sounds pretty much statistically impossible with out an external shock.

    A middle income state should not see this type of variation (not desperately poor on the low end even in Milwaukee, not exceedingly rich on the high end to skew statistical averages).

    Hypotheses: Long covid? could it be related to that v.a.x. that shall not be questioned? or an interaction between the two?

    1. GramSci

      «As of the 2020 census, the village’s population was 27,732.» So could be a local anomaly.

      But the story also reported «The national rate rose by 3 percent, to 5.6 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2022.»


      1. Louis Fyne

        the entire state (not just town) = 8% rise.

        and ya when compared to a 3% nationwide rise (which is also an improbable anomaly without a shock to tbe system)

          1. cnchal

            “There’s no standard way to measure excess mortality,” said Josh Stirling, founder of the Insurance Collaboration to Save Lives, a non-profit organization that seeks mitigate mortality losses by providing life insurers with tests to screen policyholders for health problems. “But if you use the data that seems most reliable it looks like, generally, we’re at 13.9 deaths per 100,000, which is up perhaps 7% from where it should have been. Is that catastrophic? Maybe not, but it should be lower.”

            – – – – – – – – – –

            Younger adult death rate up 20% in 2023

            Others aren’t so sanguine and point to statistics from the U.S. Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said. Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. And even as COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.

            The bold is mine. The stupidity is theirs. The most pertinent question an insurer could ask a policyholder is ‘do you wear an N95 mask whenever out and about’? If the answer is no, double the premium. Astounding that the self proclaimed smartest guys on the planet fall for the official lies of governments.

    2. TBone

      OOGA BOOGA SCARY VAX nothing to do with lack of proper OB/GYN care after the fall of Roe, amirite? Schmucks!

        1. Donnish

          OB/GYN are leaving many states in droves for fear of the new forced birth laws. They also aren’t giving the same care for fear of lawsuits and prosecution. Also many rural hospitals are closing and even more rural areas are losing OB units. Throw in Covid, which is still ongoing.

          1. TBone

            Thank you, Donnish, I was in shock that no one made this connection. I guess it depends on your gender and where you get news/information as well as critical thinking. WOMEN ARE DYING TOO.

    3. Objective Ace

      >even without firing up a spreadsheet and calculating standard deviation, that sounds pretty much statistically impossible with out an external shock.

      Does it? Very small numbers can have large deviations. How many infant deaths are we talking? A couple hundred?.. I’d need to break out the spreadsheet to make that claim

    4. SG

      Another thought about this: abortion was illegal in Wisconsin for over a year after Roe v. Wade was struck down (right up until September of this year, in fact). How many of those infant death were non-viable pregnancies that could not be terminated for legal reasons?

  6. The Rev Kev

    “Ukraine orders investigation after Russian attack on brigade ceremony”

    ‘President Volodymyr Zelenskyy promises ‘complete truth’ after at least 20 soldiers killed in Russian missile attack.’

    And there is the first lie. Only 20 soldiers? It was an Awards Ceremony for the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade. Does it not seem strange that there is no mention of any officers there? Any normal military ceremony there would be officers all over the place. And that is why the Russians selected an Iskander missile to hit that officer-rich environment. There is an – unconfirmed – report from Ukrainian channels that so far a colonel, a lieutenant-colonel, a major, a captain and a senior lieutenant have been identified as being killed and many more wounded. So 20 soldiers? I suppose such a term can include officers as well. And I bet that a lot more were killed than that. Videos from there are showing lots of blood and fire.

    1. divadab

      It is asserted by Simplicious that they were geo-located by the Russians’ monitoring of cell phone movements: previously spread out and at the front and then all assembled in a known facility. If so very poor risk management by the Ukrainian military. However, may be Russian maskirovka to protect an actual human source.

      Very ugly war. And it is on, to the max, victory or death kind of stuff.

      1. Joe Renter

        Dima from Military Summary had a video on his channel the other day of the bombing. Major error from the Ukrainians.

    2. The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit

      Long ago and far away in the last century, we dotmils were told that for the purpose of the REFORGER (when American soldiers from American posts deployed to Germany to practice saving Europe from the Rooskie hordes) our unit would be TACTICAL!!!! from the time the exercise began until the time it ended. We would eat, drink, move, work, sleep, dream TACTICAL!!!!, as though we were in Actual Wartime Conditions. Because the way you train is the way you fight, right?

      So what’s the first thing that we did after taking to the field?

      That’s right – a two hour awards ceremony, lined up, in formation, in an open field.

      I guess maybe the Ukrainian soldiers were simply following the lead of their American trainers…

    1. Wukchumni

      Kit Carson destroyed approx 5,000 beloved peach trees of the Navajo around Canypn de Chelly, in a scorched earth policy in the 1860’s, before sending the defeated Native Americans on a cruel ‘trail of tears’ to New Mexico.

      1. Pat

        America has done a very good job of erasing their hideous history of death and destruction regarding Native Americans, not to mention their ongoing duplicity regarding their rights and property.

    2. Daryl

      The pointless meanness of it all. Destroying food and water in a desert you intend to inhabit.

      Sow the wind, reap…

    3. cgregory

      The Zionists have been doing to the Palestinians what American expansionists did to the Native Americans. The difference between the two is that in the Zionists’ case, Sitting Bull has machine guns.

  7. GramSci

    Re: Power of Bad Ideas

    Reading about Polanyi brought back third grade memories of me and my fifty-odd classmates singing a chorus ending with ♫freedom from want and fear♫. 68 years later, that’s the line I remember, although Sister Linda (or some Mother Superior) probably picked the song for a forgotten penultimate line about ‘freedom of Worship’.

    The Denizens of the Center of the Notsie Empire have no personal recollection of want or fear. It’s this dark power of narcissistic oblivion that worries me.

  8. Clark T

    Re: “The Pandemic Isn’t Over.”

    So, I went to the website linked in the article about Steriwave, a nasal photodisinfection gadget that the band KISS claims is an essential precaution without which they wouldn’t tour. The writer states that the medical-grade device is “very expensive.”

    Tried to find a link to the price and couldn’t. Then I noticed in small print at the bottom, “Not available for sale in the U.S.” … Hmmm …

    1. The Rev Kev

      You read that whole article and then you listen to this NYU professor-

      (excerpts) ‘I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong… But here’s the bottom line: We were doing our best…Let’s give a little grace and forgiveness.’ (41 secs)

      How dare he. He tries to give cover to the CDC and the NY governor in his spiel, says that mistakes were made, now it is up for ordinary people to have a little grace and forgiveness for people like him? That might only be true if it was a past event but it isn’t – it is still ongoing. And as far as I am concerned, this professor is symbolic of all the enablers out there that got us to where we are right now. So family-blog him.

      1. Lambert Strether Post author

        > ‘I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong… But here’s the bottom line: We were doing our best…Let’s give a little grace and forgiveness.’

        “Polish your shoes with the oil on my nose….” –William S. Burroughs

      2. flora

        “Mistakes were made.” There’s nothing like the passive voice used to disclaim any personal responsibility. Does he still have his job?

    2. Carla

      Also, re: Pandemic not over

      Has anyone else been following citations about metformin?

      Purely in the range of anecdata, I have two friends who have been taking metformin for Type 2 diabetes for years. Neither has come down with Covid-19, despite both of their spouses having had it twice and despite repeated exposure to infected children and grandchildren. One of the individuals masks religiously (as does her husband who has had Covid twice). The other person gave up masking a long time ago.

      Wonder if rich people get their docs to prescribe metformin off-label. It is a very cheap drug that even we plebes could afford.

      1. Objective Ace

        I don’t trust anyone who says they never had covid. Even if they actually are testing, as the article notes – negative results can be as low as 29 percent accurate

        1. Lex

          I’ve never had it and I don’t trust myself that I haven’t had it! I rarely get sick to begin with and usually recover weirdly fast, but there’s been nothing to indicate having had it. Though I find the whole thing statistically unlikely.

  9. Benny Profane

    “Volodymyr Zelenskyy Challenges Donald Trump, Invites Him To Ukraine”

    Hey, little guy, one last favor we’re asking before we arrange safe passage to Florida for you and the family. As you can imagine, we need to eliminate this guy somehow. Hand him to your Nazi friends, ok?

    Next scene:

    Trump doing his routine in front of a banquet table full of drunk, laughing Azov maniacs. They especially love his daft Biden imitation.

  10. The Rev Kev

    “Satellite companies are restricting Gaza images”

    Seems that anything connected with the internet is being censored and Zuckerberg is doing his part trying to silence Palestinian voices. The Israelis are also chopping the internet in Gaza so that the people there have no idea what is going on with other parts of Gaza. But then the Gazans went low tech-

    Something to remember if our internet falls over.

  11. ChrisFromGA

    Reading some tea leaves:

    No news is evident from the Senate on what they’re going to do about the House bill with no money for Ukraine, along with cuts to the IRS to pay for Israel aid. The usual suspects (Politico, the Hill) have only stories up about a farm bill, Trump legal drama, and how new speaker Johnson will handle impeachment of Biden.

    Makes me wonder, there are now less than two weeks until the funding for the last CR runs out. A big game of chicken might be brewing, or there could simply no longer be any appetite for more $ for Z.

    Surely Biden must be desperate, but the lack of urgency in the press is somewhat telling.

    1. Wukchumni

      The only way the Red Scare goes about radical change is to shut down the Federal Government for a long spell, that’s their gameplan, isn’t it?

  12. Carolinian

    Thank you for the deep think on this indeed intractable mess. I think as Americans we have to accept our own responsibility for all this and indeed for all the needless death and destruction–far greater than what Israel is doing to Gaza–around the world. Of course some might say that Israel’s needs and all the Israel lobby money that keeps us “joined at the hip” are dragging America to the right but that’s the Israelis taking advantage of our own tragic flaw of being a country that both loves freedom but also money and whatever it takes to get it (i.e. slaves). In our defense at least our founders recognized these contradictions and didn’t pretend that God was doling out their privileges. In this view America was founded on a so far unrealized good idea (all men are created equal) and Zionism a throwback to ancient superstition.

    Perhaps even those of us who aren’t religious should pray for a solution.,

    1. Carolinian

      Another oopsie by moi–this reply meant for Yves’ Gaza post this morning. Browsers are confusing?!

    2. ACPAL

      “I think as Americans we have to accept our own responsibility for all this…”

      The US Senate recently adopted a resolution 97-0 stating that the Senate stands firmly with Israel. In the meantime a poll showed that only about half of Americans agreed with that. Our government does not represent us so how can we accept responsibility? Where is our voice in our government? And it doesn’t matter which party is in power, the power is not in the American people. If you look at Canada, France, England, and most countries the governments ignore the will of the people. The corollary to “No taxation without representation” is “no responsibility without authority” and we have no authority over our government. Therefore I refuse to accept responsibility for Israel’s actions. Put the responsibility on those individuals who actually make

      On the other hand I suppose you could say that all Palestinians should accept their own responsibility for what Hamas has done and should be punished accordingly?

  13. Tom

    Apologies if this has already been linked, but this is a great/must listen interview with Dr. Norman Finkelstein. Refreshing to hear his perspective on Palestine. They discuss the fact the he is one of the preeminent scholars on the topic and the MSM has no interest in talking to him, largely because he will not say what they want him to say. I’ve included two different links to the show, but if you want to find it another way it’s the TrueAnon podcast, episode 327.

    The Gaza discussion begins around 30 minutes in.


  14. dcblogger

    One thing that the NYT, Washington Post and NC have in common, not a single mention of Saturday’s massive anti war protests around the world.

    1. Wukchumni

      I was one of about a quarter million on the streets of San Francisco protesting the oncoming war in Iraq in 2003, and all the press could talk about in the aftermath was the hooligan who threw a large rock into a plate glass window of a retail store.

    2. Alice X

      From Truthout:

      This Weekend’s DC Protest Was Largest Pro-Palestine Mobilization in US History

      Over 300,000 people gathered at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. on Saturday for the National March on Washington for Palestine. The march was the largest in support of Palestine in the history of the United States.

      National Propaganda Radio deigned to call it at least tens of thousands.

      Tens of thousands gather for pro-Palestinian march in D.C. to demand Gaza cease-fire

      1. Samuel Conner

        25 or 30 tens of thousands. A bit like those discount adverts that speak of items on sale for only pennies on the dollar.

    3. zagonostra

      That’s true. I’m glad I joined Twitter/X a couple of months ago so I could see the protest in Indonesia, Berlin, and Washington, D.C., they were massive.

      The days of mass protest has been supplanted by the world of screens for the vast majority of people, to quote Bob Dylan, “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.”

    4. jrkrideau

      CBC Radio mentioned demos in 30 Canadian cities. The web summary mentions demos in Montréal, Toronto and “several” other cities.

  15. Sutter Cane

    The Normalcy Fugitive blog post is one of the better summaries of the current state of covid that I’ve seen, and it has links to all of the points addressed. If I had to pick one article to share with people about covid (which they would then ignore, and think me crazy for even bringing it up) it would be this one.

    I also appreciate that it is written with normal paragraph breaks, instead of the constant single-line paragraphs you see in the “Ok Doomer” blog and others. I don’t know what the name for that style is, I think it is supposed to make it more impactful or something, but when every other line is singled out for emphasis it makes it look amateurish and poorly written. Does anyone else share my frustration? It’s kept me from sharing the articles from there and from Nate Bear with others even though I generally agree with the content.

    1. JM

      Yes! I used to read a decent amount of OK Doomer but that style does not jive with me, I find it really frustrating after a short while. They have some guest posts now it seems, and the one I’ve read so far was written like a normal article, so maybe there’s still hope for them.

  16. Alice X

    Per the Guardian:

    The total number of deaths now stands at 10,022, including 4,104 children

    Genocide Joe has a certain ring to it? N’est-ce pas?

  17. Don Cafferty

    From Siege to Exodus: The Looming Threat of a Second Palestinian “Nakba”, Elijah J. Magnier is a linked article. The podcast by DD Geopolitics with Elijah J. Magnier provides more detail especially on the position of each Mideast country with respect to both Israel and Hamas. The podcast can be found at

    My conclusion is that the current lack of support for Hamas by some Arab countries lessens the probability of a regional war; however, will Muslim populations allow another Nakba?

    In the shortest description of current events, I thought that the best description is by Chas. Freeman, former US Secretary of Defense. He said: This is not war, it is mass murder.

  18. Wukchumni

    Republicans in the House of Representatives are pushing for double-digit budget cuts for the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

    While the cuts won’t get past the Senate, the appropriations contained in the FY24 budget for the Interior Department could force a government shutdown on November 17 if the two chambers can’t reach a compromise.

    As narrowly passed by the House on Friday, 213-203, the Park Service budget would be cut 13 percent, or roughly half-a-billion dollars, according to Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee. The Fish and Wildlife Service budget is facing a 13.6 percent ($237 million) cut; the BLM a 17.5 percent ($255 million) cut; and the U.S. Forest Service an 8 percent ($255 million) cut, according to the Democrats.

    Hundreds of billions of Dollars to promote war, but niggardly cheap when it comes to our crown jewels here that are loved and cherished.

    1. Pat

      Considering the outlines of ALEC plan for amending the Constitution, they want to kill off federal land ownership entirely.
      This is just the back up plan of starving it to death until the government has to sell off it off to the all the rich entrepreneurs who have now figured out it is valuable.

      And not in the way the public considers it valuable.
      (I realize it isn’t just rabid Christians doing this, but I really hate how they wave their religion around but ignore all that is in it about caretaking of land and people, letting god do the judging and turning the other cheek. I swear if Christ did come back and went after the the “money lenders” most of our good Christians would want him arrested and deprogrammed.)

    2. Boomheist

      I am reminded of James Watt, Ronald Reagans Interior Secretary (I think) who 40 years ago brought forward the idea that all those millions of Federal acres in the west were being badly managed (and should thus go to the private sector). Don’t kid yourselves, this effort is a multi-generational ideological push to privatize everything.

      1. The Rev Kev

        That James Watt was a real piece of work and I read how he fiercely opposed the building of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and it’s 58,000 names. ‘In 1983, he resigned after controversially remarking that a panel reviewing his coal-leasing policies had “every kind of mixture—I have a Black. I have a woman, two Jews and a cripple.’ You read his Wikipedia entry and the guy was scum and ended up a convicted felon. He actually only died a few months ago in Arizona at 85-

    3. Jonathan King

      Doesn’t make sense for the Repubs to cut the BLM budget, since the agency’s penchant for greenlighting resource extraction anywhere and everywhere it “manages” is a lifeline to western GOP officeholders, whose appointment to House and Senate oversight committees and resulting influence within regulatory agencies ensures a pro-extraction dynamic that is modified only slightly, if at all, when Dems take power. Same dynamic is at work with the Forest Service, of course, though my sense is that its wildlands (many of which lie within blue-state borders) tend to attract recreationists and conservationists who can challenge its plans and actions, whereas the BLM is a far less visible management agency, so able to operate more freely.

    4. jrkrideau

      I am not from the USA but my guess would be that a lot of national parks are in Republican constituencies. If so, has anyone pointed out to local Councils (sorry don’t know the US term but I mean local gov’ts) that these cuts are going to do “really” nasty things to the local tourist industries.

      From my experience even a simple letter to a council can do wonders. :) Oh, and a Cc; to local media.

      1. Wukchumni

        My Kevin (since ’07) explained in a press conference that Giant Sequoia trees only grow on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, as in he can’t even find the forest for the trees that are in his Congressional district on the western slopes.

  19. Lexx

    ‘Everything I Thought I Knew About Nasal Congestion Is Wrong’ The Atlantic

    I was really hoping the author was going to say something about the role of the diaphragm. My sinuses had long ceased to ping pong back and forth opening and closing, and were stuck where the right was always open and the left always shut down.

    The exercise I was given for this imbalance has me clamping down on expanding my left ribs and expanding for breath almost entirely into my right lung. Practicing at home, my left sinus began to open up the next day. Something I’d come to look forward to as a once a year event like grace from the gods. I would drop everything and just breathe deeply for maybe an hour and then the left would shut back down again and I’d have no idea why either way.

    1. Amfortas the Hippie

      wow. sounds like some bene gesserit prana bindu thing,lol.
      how does one breathe one lung at a time?
      (unless i’m totally misunderstanding you…which happens)
      i mean, i can wiggle one ear at a time, and even individual toes, one at a time.

      and as for sinuses.
      my second time with covid, almost 2 years ago, really messed with my allergies.
      much much worse than they were before…and year round.
      both boys, too…although youngest has it worse…he’s always had allergy problems, tho(such that we had him on the shots when he was little)

      1. Lexx

        You’ll need a party balloon for this.

        Lay on your back with your feet flat up on a wall, knees at 90 degrees and ideally with some kind of support underneath like a footstool (plus pillows until your at 90). Place a 6 in. ball between your knees, squeezing some with your inner thighs, and the right foot slightly higher on the wall than the left. That will help drop your right hip and give you more room.

        With the balloon in your left hand, raise your right arm up toward the ceiling. Reach forward, take a deep breath in through your nose, and empty that breath into the balloon, squeezing a bit at the end. Refill through your nose and pause a few seconds between breaths. Move your arm slightly to the left across your chest, rolling your right shoulder slightly off the floor/mat and empty your breath into the balloon again while still reaching out. This drives your left ribs into the mat so that the left side of your diaphragm flattens (not that it has far to go). Think about pushing air into your right side only as far as you can and and blow out all your air into the balloon. Do this to the capacity of the balloon (about four full breaths, depending). Relax your upper body back and empty the balloon. Repeat 9 more times. Do two sets a day.

        If you have a diaphragm imbalance this will be painful, especially at the height of your breath, so only go up to the point of pain and ease into greater expansion with practice. The above is considered an advanced postural PT exercise.

        There are more basic exercises, like skipping the reaching out part and placing the right arm overhead on the mat instead. Your arm should be bent and relaxed and your shoulders flat to the mat.

  20. Kael

    Just a reminder that you have until 5pm EST to submit public comments by e-mail the the CDC’s HICPAC regarding their draft masking guidance for healthcare settings [see yesterday’s Links]. The email address is: You are supposed to include your name, address, intuitional affiliation (“concerned citizen” or similar is acceptable).

    Here is what I sent them:

    Dear HICPAC Members and Staff,

    Public Comment – HICPAC guidance on SARS-CoV2 infection control in heath care settings

    I applaud the section of your draft guidelines that recommend N95 (or better) masks in some cases, e.g. for emerging pathogens. I have worked as a researcher for many year with clinical samples from patients and animals with idiopathic disease and unknown virological content. In these settings, my fellow researchers and I recognize that aerosol control is essential. We know this without any randomized trial that would expose randomly selected co-workers to novel viruses. I am sure that if you were working with an unidentified aerosolized virus, you would take precautions to ensure the safety of yourself, co-workers and ultimately your community. You would not cut corners, ignoring the solid aerosol science that our Personal Protective Equipment and laboratory equipment incorporates.

    I am appalled that your recommendations, as applied to SARS-CoV2 aerosol controls, will fail to reduce SARS-CoV2 infection in healthcare settings. Available COVID vaccines to not effectively stop transmission of SARS-CoV2, are not utilized by large segments of the US population, and may not maintain their current efficacy given the rapid mutation of the virus and the proven fact that SARS-CoV2 persists and evolves in some patients for up to 18 months.

    Similarly, the fact that there are pharmaceutical treatments available for acute-phase COVID, is not a reasonable basis to abandon sound infection control for this aerosol-transmitted virus. The CDC acknowledges that 19% of infected people have Long-COVID. Over the long haul, Long-COVID is likely to be a more significant burden on individuals and society as a whole than acute-phase COVID. There are no pharmaceutical treatments available for Long-COVID. It has been clear for years that each SARS-CoV2 infection carries a risk of Long-COVID. This risk is not mitigated by prior infection, vaccination or acute-phase treatment. Hence it is the duty of the healthcare community and HICPAC to reduce SARS-CoV2 transmission.

    You obviously know that airborne transmission of pathogens is reduced with proper use of N95 masks. This is clear in your “extended air precautions” guidance. Therefore your guidance as it applies to SARS-CoV2, is clearly insufficient, and dare I say: negligent. If your draft guidance is approved without a strong recommendation for universal N95 use in healthcare settings it will result in a long-term burden to the healthcare system and the health and wellness of Americans.

    Thank you for your attention,
    Kael Fischer, PhD.
    Department of Pathology, University of Utah – School of Medicine (retired)

    1. steppenwolf fetchit

      I am just a layman but I wonder . . . if someone were to say ” negligent in the legal sense”, would that get more focused attention than just saying “negligent” but without adding ” in the legal sense” ?

  21. Carolinian

    Re natalism–so Musk thinks the world has far too few of the beings who are wrecking it in part by being too many. But then he also thinks we are all going to go live on Mars.

    As was once said about Gingrich, there are Musk’s ideas and then there are Musk’s good ideas. He does have a few of the latter.

  22. Wukchumni

    Goodbye, Joe, he gotta go, me oh, my oh
    He gotta go, bad polls says David Axelrod
    Against the Trump one, me oh my oh
    Son of a gun, we’ll have someone else get the nod

    Joe belie oh, no humble pie and mumbo jumbo
    ‘Cause I might just see him leave ala arrivederci
    Pick a new czar, fill campaign jar with lots of pay-dough
    Son of a gun, he’ll have big fun on Rehoboth Beach, yo!

    I don’t know, but the race for a new face would be buzzin’
    Donkey Show kinfolk would come out of the woodwork by the dozen
    Attack in style, go Trump wild, me oh my oh
    Hunter’s his son, he’ll have big fun driving his Corvette, oh

    Joe belie oh, no humble pie and mumbo jumbo
    ‘Cause I might just see him leave ala arrivederci
    Pick a new czar, fill campaign jar with lots of pay-dough
    Son of a gun, he’ll have big fun on Rehoboth Beach, yo!

    Joe belie oh, no humble pie and mumbo jumbo
    ‘Cause I might just see him leave ala arrivederci
    Pick a new czar, fill campaign jar with lots of pay-dough
    Hunter’s his son, he’ll have big fun driving his Corvette, oh.

    Jambalaya, by Hank Williams

  23. Offtrail

    The following is an absolute must-read for anyone concerned about foreign influence in the US. I would say it’s a must-read for Senators and Congressmen, but most of them are already broadly familiar, and many are rowing full-strength in the wrong direction.

    By James Bamford, courtesy of
    Why Israel Slept

    For decades I have participated in discussions about Israel / Palestine in online forums. The amount of organized resources that pro-Israeli entities devote to silencing dissent is amazing. What they seek is not a fair exchange of views and facts, but the elimination of opposition. The more effective your debate on Palestinians’ behalf, the more accurate your facts, the better your grasp of history, the more certain it is that you will be kicked off the board. If Israel’s supporters have nothing else to say, there’s always the accusation of antisemitism.

    1. Marlon

      You cannot discuss Israel with most Jews. It’s like a rational discussion about Christianity with Jesoids, or the Yokels ranting about the Seconal Coming and trips to Israel, to get spit upon?

      Then there’s the PEP Rally; “Progressives Except for Palestine.” The most vocal reparationist, BLM, land statement, protrans, civil rights wokels when discussing the Middle East want to slaughter “pre-terrorist” children in Gaza.

  24. nippersdad

    It must be very bad right now for AxelRove to come out into the open and call for Biden to step down, he must be being his obstreperous self again,….

    …but they have left it a little late. How are they going to replace him at this juncture? Luckily for them, thanks to the Hillary campaign, they have all of the major news outlets on speed dial. A change in coverage is clearly forthcoming, and it will be very interesting to see how they spin it.

    1. Screwball

      Axelrod citing that poll that was posted here a day or so ago. This is fun to watch, IMO.

      My PMC friends are having a meltdown – they just can’t understand how this can be. Biden has done such a great job. He might be a little old, and has made a few gaffes (giggle, a few?), but he is everything we would have hoped for – and he even beat Trump.

      They have come to the conclusion all the people who doesn’t worship old Joe are just plain stupid. Yep, that’s what their going with. Because, if Trump wins again, democracy is over, done, kaput. They also think an open primary would be a total disaster.

      Really? Square those two please.

      Then there is the “polls are irreverent at this point” excuse, the “administration needs to do a better job of disseminating all the great things they’ve done excuse, the media is against them excuse, among others.

      But at the end of the day the consensus lands on the stupid red neck hicks who are too dumb to understand the violent fascist dictatorship that Trump and his scumbag MAGA followers keep promising us.

      At this point all I can do is laugh. What a country.

      1. JBird4049

        I have yet to hear just why it is just so dang important to re-elect President Biden beyond the Doom that is the Orange Führer. Aren’t there like several tens of millions of Americans other than Joe Biden eligible and likely capable of being President of the United States?

    2. SG

      Wikipedia tells me that LBJ didn’t drop out of the 1968 campaign until March 31, 1968 (I remember the address but not the date), so a “little late” might not be “too late”. Then again, that year produced Chicago, followed by Richard Nixon’s victory so perhaps that isn’t a particularly auspicious comparison.

      1. Ellery O'Farrell

        Not to mention two assassinations: Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. A year to forget, if you can.

        1. steppenwolf fetchit

          No . . . a year to understand and analyze, if we can. Especially the part about ” who shot Dr. King and who shot Kennedy? And who wanted it done?”

          I remember a couple decades ago or so watching on PBS a short program about the day of the RFK assassination. I remember the program telling me the audience, seemingly without grasping the significance of it, that after that speech in LA, that Kennedy was going to go out the normal front door way. And one of “his people” made a last-second change of plan to have Kennedy go out a back way, through the kitchen to whatever back way “through the kitchen” lead to. Right where the shooter was pre-positioned and waiting.

          I wonder if that program still exists anywhere in some archive or something.

  25. Jason Boxman

    A shout out to COVID sniffing dogs that Lambert’s commented on occasionally since 2020. They keep the wealthy safe, but there was never a push to train enough to keep the working class safe. Surprise.

    Covid-sniffing dogs

    In some places, trained dogs are being used to detect Covid infections, with a stunningly high degree of accuracy (~90%). These dogs have been used to detect Covid infections in select schools, airports, and more. The Miami Heat has used Covid-sniffing dogs to stay safe. Multiple people have reached out to me and shared stories of these dogs being used on film sets and in their own workplace settings.


  26. antidlc

    Re: The Pandemic isn’t over

    Thanks for that link.

    I wish someone would make a documentary out of this sad tale.

  27. LawnDart

    FT, re; China set to account for less than half of US’s low-cost imports from Asia

    F-N brilliant… does not the Financial Times realize that it’s almost 2024, and no longer the 1990s? “Low-cost” imports?!? Am I the only one reading this drivel on a smartphone? Maybe the writers and editors at Financial Times are still awaiting for that fax to come through that will inform them that yes, the world has changed.

    It’s been over a generation since China set out to focus on value-added products and advanced-manufacturing: a lot of THEIR feedstock, simple components, and low-cost widgets come from other Asian countries too. And now China’s going for the gold, seeking to be the top country for cutting-edge products and processes:

    Advanced manufacturing tops agenda

    “The high-tech manufacturing segment has become an important driver of China’s high-quality economic development,” said Li Dongsheng, founder and chairman of consumer electronics maker TCL Technology Group Corp…

    China’s manufacturers should transition from exporting products to exporting industrial capacities, ramp up localized operations abroad and avoid trade barriers to enhance their global competitiveness, he said.

    The high-quality development of China’s manufacturing sector has entered a fast lane, buoyed by digital technologies like cloud computing, big data, the internet of things and blockchain, said Zhou Yunjie, chairman and CEO of Chinese home appliance giant Haier Group.

    I guess that the Financial Times has become just another tabloid that sells to the predjudices of its readership. Sad.

    1. digi_owl

      And over on social media they are doing a bang up job trying to keep it out of view.

      I really do not get why Reddit management things it is a good idea to actually stamp threads they remove with [ Removed by Reddit ].

      Streisand effect writ large…

  28. Wukchumni

    Every dogwood has its day, and we hit them at the height of fall color, a mixture of soft pinks & banana yellow in a pastel scheme nestled around the cinnamon bark’d brobdingnagians in the Giant Forest yesterday…

    Remember, remember, the 5th of November
    The fall colors in a certain spot
    I see no reason
    Why dogwoods changing season
    Should ever be forgot

  29. Wukchumni

    If you are ever in my neck of the woods and are into basket weaving, you’re in luck as the Wukchumni were renowned for their craft.

    The collection of about 150 baskets in the County Museum in Visalia is most definitely worth a visit.

    Nestled within the oak preserve protected by Visalia’s Mooney Grove Park, the Tulare County Museum complex holds a vast collection of our county and state’s history, including one of the largest Native American basket collections in California.

    …an example of their artistry

    1. Lexx

      I have a small collection of pine needle baskets, and cedar bark. Are these grass?

      I think about the baskets that were made by the tribes along the Washington coast every time I’m out at the beach (like this September). I joined in with a team years ago where we wove a floor mat out of those dried grasses, also one made from cattail leaves.

    2. Kouros

      They are mentioned in David Graeber’s The Dawn of Everything. Presents their culture in opposition to the aristocratic slave cultures in the Pacific Northwest.

  30. SG

    Several years ago, Leonard Susskind (of string theory fame) wrote a paper speculating that entangled particles might actually be connected by microscopic stable wormholes through higher dimensional space. I haven’t read anything more about that, so I assume that someone managed to find a reason why it just ain’t so.

  31. willow

    > How the Hostage Crisis Could End Seymour Hersh

    How long did it take Russia to clear Mariupol’s Azovstal steelworks? About 3 months. Hamas more than likely well prepared. 3 months ample time to bring global Muslim uprising to the boil.

  32. Revenant

    Indeed. Vietnam and SE Asia is to China today as in previous decades China was to Japan, a workshop of low cost suppliers integrated into the overlord’s high value manufacturing network.

  33. ArvidMartensen

    I would be interested in the opinion of someone who has expertise in medical research as to the design of the study on Canada paramedics and whether there are any red flags here.

    It seems to go against everything else I’ve ever read on the subject.

  34. Insouciant Iowan

    The Israeli minister who was, um, sacked for suggesting that nuking Gaza is on the table could well be a staking horse. Now the word’s out.
    Israeli “righteous” indignation knows no bounds. Netanyahu would try to make the mushroom cloud kosher. And the US? Biden and company would make loud outcries, but do nothing, except maybe tell Israelis not to do it again–just as US govt after govt has told them to stop settlements.

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