Links 3/8/14

Dinosaurs totally made up for benefit of toy industry Daily Mash

The Satoshi Paradox Felix Salmon, Columbia Journalism Review

Canadian regulator: Not enough locally-made porn on television Agence France-Presse

Malaysia Airlines plane vanishes BBC

Breathless in Beijing Triple Crisis

Draghi calls eurozone ‘island of stability’ Financial Times (Scott)

Slovakia: life after the velvet divorce New Statesman (Chuck L)


Obama and Putin: Liar’s Poker George Washington

Russia extends control of Crimea Guardian

Russia warns US against sanctions BBC

PROVED RESERVES OF OIL, GAS, AND COAL BY COUNTRY Energy Realities (notexactlyhuman)

Belligerence cannot hide Russia’s frailty Financial Times. Editorial. Not liking the sound of this messaging….

Assad taking advantage of U.S.-Russia split on Ukraine Washington Post

Possible New Cold War? High-Fives in the Halls of the Pentagon Truthout

A Struggle Amongst Oligarchs in Ukraine Pt.1 Real News. An intro segment, hopefully the later ones will go into more detail.

Q4 2013 ‘Flow of Funds’ and Geopolitical Doug Noland (Scott)

Big Brother is Watching You Watch

Snowden Says He Reported N.S.A. Surveillance Concerns Before Leaks New York Times

Judge Opens Door For Drone Society DS Wright, Firedoglake (Carol B). Here are your defenses: wigs, surgical masks, veils (Lady Gaga variants so you can pretend it’s fashion), enormous hats (sun protection!) really heavy-framed glasses, and if you are super serious, fake eyebrows and noses.

Operation Stall Marcy Wheeler (Chuck L)

A vast hidden surveillance network runs across America, powered by the repo industry BetaBoston (Chuck L)

The Deadly Mix of Hysteria and Defense Budget Politics CounterPunch (Chuck L)

Obamacare Launch

Inside the Making of Obamacare Wall Street Journal

The Obamacare money under the couch Politico

One Third of Skilled Nursing Patients Harmed in Treatment ProPublica (Lambert)

Posturing from Weakness James Kwak

Obama’s Budget Cuts Millions From Financial Regulatory Agency Real News Network

Wing Cracks Delay Boeing 787 Assembly New York Times

An attempt to FOIL request the source code of the Value-added model Cathy O’Neil (Deborah). In which mathbabe discovers that the answer to FOIA-equivalents is always “no” until you turn up the heat. And even then they do their damndest not to comply.

NYPD counsel doubles down, rules freedom of information manual is confidential MuckRock

Bank Of America Wants People To Pay $5 For A Currently Free Service Huffington Post (Carol B)

BofA Chief’s Pay Increases 37% Wall Street Journal

Fed Missed Crisis Due To Narrow Mindset, Says Study WSJ Real Time Economics

When Will The Fed Tighten? Watch Inflation Expectations Forbes

US economy adds 175,000 jobs but unemployment rate rises to 6.7% Guardian

Here’s how the S&P 500 gets to 2,600 next year MarketWatch

To Understand the News, Follow the Money. To Follow the Money, Follow the Economic Hitmen Jesse

Antidote du jour (furzy mouse):


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  1. Skeptic

    Canadian regulator: Not enough locally-made porn on television Agence France-Presse

    There are certainly enough Prostitutes in the Parliament in Ottawa to keep a couple of channels going 24/7. But they don’t come cheap.

  2. scott

    I spent two hours getting set up on the Fed’s SAM (System for Award Management), which you essentially have to do to sell anything to a government lab, for instance. It involved going to D&B, getting info from there, which was directly imported into pages at the SAM site, the site let me go back and change things on previous pages WITHOUT having to re-enter data on subsequent pages. I’d say it was about 20 pages of data entry, click boxes, etc., including two databases it accessed for technical fields that were embedded into the same page!

    I told my wife this was the best designed website I’ve ever used. WHO designed this? Did it cost $600M? Was one of the First Lady’s college buddies involved it its design?

    1. Veri

      Wouldn’t be surprised if it was developed by the government. One thing I noticed about government contracting, including software, is that… the more it costs, the greater the likelihood of failure. Especially if it involves private contractors. Failure means more business to correct the failure, ad absurdem.

      The Veteran’s Administration runs its own software suite that is very nice for patient records. Sure, it could use some polishing. Compare that to software used in private hospitals and then try to get your records transferred from one system to another – good luck.

      Highly inefficient and prone to making major mistakes that could cost you your life. That is the free market for you in servicing a ‘need’, instead of a ‘want’.

      1. Punchnrun

        Another cost/defect correlation is the relationship of visibility and management. The more it costs, the more likely it is to get upper management attention. But upper management is more concerned about schedule and looking good than about quality of the sort the original poster was noting. So design gets shifter to construction prematurely to create positive impression on senior management, and then testing starts to drag out because of all the defects, so there is pressure on testers to skimp, so long as the client doesn’t spot the issue. And the client has no understanding of thorough testing, they turn it on and if it doesn’t blow a fuse they think it’s OK and sign the acceptance line. Presto, crappy web site.

        Don’t ask me how I know, I know nothink.

  3. Jim Haygood

    ‘Moscow should also understand that there is no dark plan to draw Kiev into a hostile military concert with the west.’

    Oh, really? After all of eastern Europe and the Balkans have been recruited into NATO to surround Russia?

    Looks like the Anglosphere’s lying media are falling into line, just as they did in 2003 to back the Bush/BLiar seizure of ‘Saddam’s WMDs.’ I cancelled my subscription to The Economist in disgust. This may be a good time to dump the FT. Smash the MSM!

    1. Veri

      I remember during the 2001 Afghanistan invasion watching video recorded “live from the battlefield”. On CNN. A night shot using night vision.

      Fast forward to Iraq in 2004, and I remember watching a video from recorded “live from the battlefield”. A day shot.

      Both shots had soldiers with blank adapters on their rifles, wearing MILES gear. Both clips were the same except that one had been processed through software to give it the ‘night vision’ look. Both clips, actually one cllip, was filmed at Fort Irwin, CA, National Training Center. I had a buddy who could have taken anyone to the exact location used. He had been there enough times.

      Then again, CNN had military personnel inserted into their newsroom back in 1991.

      Americans do not understand just how controlled their media is. It in interesting to see dueling articles on Liberal news sites even being used as propaganda to support state actions. With many supporting Liberals.

      1. David G. Mills

        That analysis needs some exposure as it is nothing like anything else I’ve read. I sent it to a friend of mine who used to be in the Indian Air Force (flies for United now) and he thought the analysis was spot on. The neo-cons still run the show when it comes to American foreign policy and Democrats seem powerless to stop it (or maybe just want the neo-cons to do the MIC’s dirty work for them).

          1. different clue

            Perhaps Obama has been instructed to retain these people if he wants to collect his big payout after office? Perhaps that is why he retained all the BushCo attorneys at Justice? ( Though that second choice could be because he likes them so much and agrees with everything they did).

          2. Yves Smith Post author

            My guess would be that Obama, who is possessed of an unusually high opinion of his abilities, though he could manage them. He has no clue what a bunch of ruthless bureaucratic infighters they are. Reagan knew they were tenacious nutcases and made sure to keep them out of any positions of influence.

            1. Jackrabbit

              Yves, you are being charitable.

              My guess is that Obama was ‘convinced’ to leave the neocons alone. I think Obama has as much control over neocons as he has over Treasury, NSA, Eric Holder, etc. – essentially none.

      2. Jackrabbit

        This is half-truths and misdirection. The comments after the article are better than the article itself.

        Synoposis: Obama has been working with Putin to solve world problems but he has been unable to contain the neocons (he’s sooo misunderstood! – complete rubbish). And not a single mention of Hillary (who MUST have know about the neocons).

        This is Democratic – especially Obama/Hillery – CYA.

        1. Jackrabbit


          Can everyone PLEASE stop crediting Obama with supporting democracy by punting Syria to Congress?!?

          What really happened is this: the formula for making war broke. Obama got virtually NO support overseas that he could use to rally US support. The British Parliament vote a decisive ‘NO’ and the much trumpeted French support was vaporous: the French President can legally take short-term military action but the French legislature and the French people were solidly against any attack on Syria.

          In fact, it is difficult to view Obama as an independent actor anymore. Call it what you want: ‘quiet coup’, ‘cognitive capture’, etc. Obama pushes agendas that benefit powerful special interests and when something goes awry, he covers their a-s-s.

          1. JTFaraday

            Obama always needed a strong administration of his own. As soon as he failed to do that, appointing Clinton retreads to all his major economic positions, you knew it was over. He immediately lost a large constituency, before he was even sworn in.

            The model for potential electoral change in the US at this point is not the presidential election, but the (revolutionary) party vanguard.

            Just be careful with that thing. What coheres vanguard parties is ideological conformity. (Oh, is this thread on Russia?)

            Also, an electoral coup in a putative “democracy” requires appeals to “common sense,” and I am personally of the opinion that what’s considered common sense is the US today is more or less self defeating.

            In fact, 20th century “common sense” about the place of the US in the world and maybe even worse, how people are supposed to live within it, is probably just what produced the bipartisan takeover of “the neos.”

            I don’t know that appealing to the same set of common sense ideas, which happen to be among other things deeply inegalitarian, produces anything that isn’t self defeat in a new uniform.

            People talk a lot about the discontinuities of the era, but I also see a lot of continuity.

    2. Ignim Brites

      It seems likely that Putin recognizes a “hostile” western intent but recognizes it as vain. He probably figures that the Ukrainians will fight ferociously against any Russian incursions in the east of the Ukraine and that once real shooting starts the leaders of the US will assume the posture of soccer players facing a penalty kick. From which the leadership of the European side of NATO will basically conclude that the alliance is worthless and folly. Thus Putin will succeed in recreating a multi-historical world. This was inevitable but especially after the collapse of the neo-con universal democracy agenda in Iraq and conclusively Egypt. As the song goes, ‘it’s all over now baby blue”.

  4. Percy

    My father-in-law was destroyed by nursing homes. Not just one. He was in four of them during his last two years of deteriorating life. They altogether missed what was happening to him physically. They lied about whether he was ever visited by a physician. And it was an extended horror show getting him out so that he could be cared for more effectively at home. Even if one is prepared to shoulder the expense of that, the challenge is how to handle transition out of a hospital to home care rather than to one of these awful nursing home things. I still don’t know how to get this done. Why is it so hard ? My guess– and it is only that — is because the hospital fulfills its task under Medicare rules only by releasing the patient to the nearest nursing facility, thereby assuring that Medicare will pay the hospital. Maybe this does not happen if the hospital agrees to release the patient to home care. So it won’t. (Think, too, of just how disorienting and painful it is for the patient, loading him into and out of ill-equipped medical transportation.) Then one must wrest the patient from the nursing care facility, which, of course, gets paid only if it keeps the patient for thirty days or whatever it is, no matter how awful the nursing home’s “care” might be. We never knew just what kind of abuse he was being subjected to at night with the scary, uncaring, ill-trained night staff of these places. But he would have new, unexplained bruises sometimes that seemed to have occurred at night. Why? Who knows? And evolving wounds, unnoticed and untreated, from being unturned in bed for long periods. Lord help those caught in these traps! Medicare won’t and doesn’t.

    1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

      Thanks for that story.

      We only had one experience and my mother was so glad the day she was allowed to go home.

    2. Mark

      I’m a social worker in DC and used to work discharging patients from a hospital. The hospital is considered an acute care setting, and once the acute issue is resolved, no insurance will pay to keep someone in the hospital. The patient becomes persona non grata the instant that happens, and there’s a big difference between what most people (and many doctors) think of as “resolved” and how insurance companies (we called them “payers”) define it. Given the time pressures — hospitals are a volume business and the pressure to discharge is fierce — it’s hard for patients and their families to make an informed choice of skilled nursing facility (SNF), which is where they’ll supposedly recuperate with the assistance of physical and occupational therapy. In the DC area, there are a small handful of SNFs that I’d want to go to, and they’re all but impossible to get into. As for the rest, I wouldn’t even let them care for my dog.

  5. ex-PFC Chuck

    Jesse’s “To Understand the News” link refers, indirectly via the embedded Democracy Now video link, to John Perkins’ work in his first two books, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire. Both are very much worth the time of any NC reader who hasn’t read them yet.

    Upon being introduced to the controversies surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy when I read James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable about six or seven years ago after ignoring them for nearly half a century, I became interested not only in the assassination and subsequent coverup but also in Kennedy personally and his career. One hypothesis I’ve come to is that he either already held or was moving toward the view that the economically exploitive relationships the USA had had with Latin American countries since late in the 19th century and had been implementing across the world following World War II (these relationships are the subject of Perkins’ books) were not in America’s long term best interest. If this is true it would have put him cross-wise with the deepest elements of the Deep State, and were undoubtedly factors in his death.

    1. dearieme

      The idea of JFK having deep thoughts about anything seems pretty risible to me. He was the charming front man for a family of gangsters who pursued power for the hell of it. Nor does a deep thinker hire someone else to write his undergraduate dissertation for him.

      1. Susan the other

        I wouldn’t judge him by his ghost writers. One thing he was up against was the ill-conceived gold standard. The French, whose coffers were empty because trying to hold on to Vietnam and Africa had been a tad expensive, were busy cashing in their dollars for gold. They and all our allies knew we were operating on fumes and had been since the mid 50s which is why Eisenhower warned us against the MIC. JFK also distrusted the military and its corporate dependents, and yes it was family-think for the Kennedys to be suspicious because they could see our looming national bankruptcy as an end to profitable business. Which is a justified view since it appears something trashed our economy in spite of our extremely powerful MIC. Hmmm.

      2. optimader

        “He was the charming front man for a family of gangsters…”
        Any Links?
        His dad was a bootlegger ( I would have been at the time given the opportunity) and a insider trader before it was illegal.

        Lets use M-W working definition of gangster:
        gang·ster noun \ˈgaŋ-stər\
        a member of a group of violent criminals

        That said, ANY credible Links regarding the family being Gangsters -OR- JFK being the frontman for said?? ? More a point of curiosity about this ad hominem as most very successful Gangsters are presumably quite capable of “deep thinking”, just not in a socially endorsed direction.

        Lets use M-W working definition of gangster:
        gang·ster noun \ˈgaŋ-stər\
        a member of a group of violent criminals

        “..who pursued power for the hell of it…”
        So do you offer some differential analysis other than that that he was “charming”?

        <Nor does a deep thinker hire someone else to write his undergraduate dissertation for him..
        Depending on the bllsht subject he was purchasing the advanced degree chit in, think that is exactly what a deep think might do, so he

      3. Jess

        I don’t know if this comes under your definition of deep thoughts, but for me the idea of ordering a pullout from Vietnam and also having the Treasury Department issue currency (thus bypassing the Fed) are plenty deep enough — certainly deep enough for deep state types in the MIC and on Wall Street to want him dead. And it’s interesting to note that both actions were quickly rescinded by LBJ.

        1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

          The other choice was to be more direct in challenging the Fed by proposing to abolish it.

      4. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

        He did?

        That would be typical of the 0.1%, although being fallible makes a more believable super-hero and so, perhaps the story itself was a fiction, and the reverse psychology deployed here was even more typical of the 0.01%, the eilte 0.1%.

      5. different clue


        That sounds like something Noam Chomsky would say. In fact, it reminds me of something Noam Chomsky DID say. I can’t remember the exact quote . . . but it was along the lines of ” Kennedy was just some rich guy pursuing the Evil Upper Class American NeoColonial Imperialist agenda anyway, so what does it matter who shot John? It doesn’t even matter.”

        One can read some interesting things by searching Noam Chomsky Gatekeeper Left.

    2. nobody

      I was at a thing where Moe Tkacik was asked about John Perkins; as I recall, she said that she’d looked into things, and thinks he’s a liar. Maybe his stuff is “fake but accurate.”

  6. notexactlyhuman

    I am in awe of the msm’s woeful dumbness. I guess I haven’t listened to it much for several years, but still. My Gawd, what a lot of gibbering dullards. They’re still baffled by Putin not admitting that the troops in Crimea are Russian, instead insisting that they’re an “organic” wellspring of Russian pride and sympathy. Same for the Crimean parliament; the msm just can’t believe Putin’s gull in considering it a legitimate government with legitimate rights.

    Meanwhile, the msm continues to call the US funded Ukrainian revolution “organic” and insists the new Ukranian government is legitimate. Hohoho! Turnabout being fair play, Putin’s pwning these unobservant knuckleheads. Surely the USG is just playing dumb, like always, and recognizes the ploy. Surely…

    Also, Anderson Cooper is back in the US. After several days of unsuccessfully trying to get an angry Russian to shoot him, he gave up.

    1. Wayne Reynolds

      If only he had worn his pink triangle one of the members of the new government would have shot him.

  7. Chris Maukonen

    I wonder when the people will realize this is a case of “Lets you and him fight and we’ll hold your coat……and go through you pockets for money”

  8. Doug Terpstra

    A delightful antidote, the very essence of joie de vivre! All of creation yearns for such distilled beauty.

    1. participant-observer-observed

      New news on that front:

      “Behold Arscoin, our own custom cryptocurrency!”

      “The existing Bitcoin community has an inherent distrust of many altcoins. Bitcoin forums are replete with discussions of “pump and dump” scams, where the originators of a new altcoin might “pre-mine” coins, release their currency to the general public, and market their hot new cryptocurrency hard in order to drive the price up. Then the creators simply sell off their coins at a profit and walk away. It’s one of the oldest financial tricks in the book.

      But other altcoin creators are true believers in anarcho-capitalism, or they simply find Bitcoin and its derivatives new and interesting. And not all altcoins are quite as ridiculous as they may seem; even Dogecoin, which was jokingly based on an image meme, has an on-paper market capitalization of more than $60 million.”

    2. ChrisPacific

      The Salmon article is good except that he lets Newsweek off way too lightly. There is no hard evidence whatsoever, just a series of suggestive coincidences, which are actually much more common than people think. Look up the Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences for just one example or visit Snopes for many more, including the various conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11.

      Salmon does also present some of the evidence to the contrary, some of which is quite significant and is very much to be answered by any supporter of the theory (as Sherlock Holmes would point out, a theory that explains only some of the facts isn’t good enough). Eventually he sides with the conspiracy theorists by declaring his belief in the theory despite the lack of evidence (while however conscientiously pointing out that that’s what he might be doing, which I thought was pretty funny). This is a conclusion that was absolutely not supported by his argument, but then he is an economist I guess. However I do give him credit for showing his work and letting us reach our own conclusions.

  9. JEHR

    “Canada’s broadcasting regulator wants to see more locally-made porn on Canadian television, judging by a notice on its website that accuses three channels of failing to meet licensing requirements.”

    In a nutshell, that sums up what is wrong with regulators in this day and agez; Apply the rules especially when the rules shouldn’t be applied.

    1. Eureka Springs

      A bit chilly up there for much baring it all, don’t you think?

      Of course naked Tar Sand wrestling brought to you by Keystone… could be the sales/sex appeal neoliberals PR departments need.

    2. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

      If you know how to look (and you know it when you see it, that is so true), and the doors of perception are right here in front of you, unaided by anything (we all have that greatness in us), you will see native pornoticians pornocate for their hordes of hoarding horses masters, in every country, without exception.

      1. F. Beard

        I once sprayed some bear pepper spray AWAY from me and suffered for days afterwards. And no, I didn’t spray it upwind.

        Pepper spray sounds innocuous since it is “natural” but nature can produce some nasty stuff.

        1. optimader

          and its delicious on a burrito

          “nature can produce some nasty stuff…”
          Certainly no worse than aerosolized surströmming would be
          When opened, the contents release a strong and sometimes overwhelming odour; the dish is ordinarily eaten outdoors. According to a Japanese study, a newly opened can of surströmming has one of the most putrid food smells in the world, even more so than similarly fermented fish dishes such as the Korean Hongeohoe or Japanese Kusaya

            1. F. Beard

              Ah butyric acid! I remember a High School prank or two with sech.

              The Swedes attacked Russia too, if I recall. Some guy named Charles XII?

              1. optimader

                The Russian have a long history of being dicks, but the Swedes are lilly white in so far as they were Nazi Germanys armorers
                File under: Sanvik Steel

                1. F. Beard

                  Dey usury cartel must be paid its usury so people will do obscene things for money.

                  Question? Why are Leftist policies so distasteful that people prefer fascism instead? And why, when banks are almost universally hated, do Progressives wish to save them instead of euthanizing them?

                  1. allcoppedout

                    I read the amazingly numerate (or at least full of numbers) post on capital flows thinking of that very question Beard. Some sort of Sino-Soviet war against the USD was implied amidst boring reams of stuff on debt insurance. The choice between fascism and communism seems apparent in the currency war and numerology.

                    It seems to me this is all about charismatic leadership based on species of religion and the jackboot. The rational-legal is merely retained advocacy for one faction or another. People are not choosing, but responding in deep trauma for a ‘protector’. Economics can make no sense of this until democratic policing is sorted. Better the devil you know, perhaps?

                    1. HotFlash

                      “It seems to me this is all about charismatic leadership based on species of religion and the jackboot.”

                      ACO, Excellent! I steal this now.

          1. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

            Thanks Opti.

            I am going to try to see if I can find Hongeohoe and Kusaya.

            That should complement Durian well.

        2. participant-observer-observed

          Airport security classifies personal pepper spray as a “chemical weapon.”

    1. Susan the other

      Russia is not frail. Because China is showing up to be their serious ally. So that alliance also contains Mongolia (big source of uranium). And North Korea will come in handy. Iran and Saudi Arabia are secretly forming some kind of arrangement to do with their big natural resource and, in spite of Bandar’s leaked comments, it looks like both countries can and will do business with Russia, as will Kazahkstan (sp?) So if geopolitics (financial geopolitics) is the goal of the US it might just be that the heartland occupied by these countries is impossible to contain and any attempt would be sheer folly. And without their global cooperation nothing we concoct to control world finance as a spinoff of our once-important petrodollar will work. What are we going to do, send in a fleet of drones to take possession of Crimea? And how is that going to take control of all of Russia’s oil? Not to mention in today’s Links the map showing the worlds proven oil/gas/coal reserves. We look a little pale. That should give us pause since we’re claiming shale and sands which the Saudis say amount to “a drop in a bucket.” (Oil Price a while back.) The US is bluffing.

      1. allcoppedout

        I’m always worried when ‘we’ regard a country on which 90% of the Wehrmacht was exhausted gets a ‘frail tag’. Britain invaded Anguilla time back, 50 Metropolitan police officers wading ashore. This increasingly looks the paradigm case of western power.

        The long history of western containment of Russia has been to encourage some other fool to do it. There are even arguments the Nazis were encouraged by ‘our interests’ to rise for this purpose. The Soviets once had a similar strategy to support the rise of American black people. Crimea was once the site of Ottoman ‘harvesting of the steppes’ (via Tartars, Rhadamantine Jews), delaying development by centuries. What forces might be mobilised as proxies in Ukraine? Neo-nazi groups funded by US aid as the Russians suggest?

        The question for me is what happen to democracy, tainted by fears it was ever an illusion.

        1. Synopticist

          “What forces might be mobilised as proxies in Ukraine?”
          In the Crimea it would be Tatar jihadis.

          1. Synopticist

            “The question for me is what happen to democracy, tainted by fears it was ever an illusion.”

            Mmmmmm, same here. The old quote from Frank Zappa hits the spot…
            “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

            I used to think that was not only wrong, but naive. Democracy is about competing power groups and constituencies, represented by different political factions and parties, I would haughtily inform people.

            Now I’m not so sure. I’m not willing to give up on multi-party politics yet, but something’s changed, The great recession has brought to the west the sort of politics we used to see only in the third world or the global south.

      2. Johann Sebastian Schminson

        Iran and Saudi? Sunni and Shia teaming up? I doubt that, as the only greater Satan than the US to either of those parties is the other.

    2. Yves Smith Post author

      Yes. I’m sure the Germans thought the Russians were frail too until the Battle of Stalingrad proved otherwise.

      1. F. Beard


        “A man of great courage is a man of great faith.” some Roman guy

        So “congratulations” on producing a nation of cowards concerned only with saving their own skins cause, you know, there ain’t nothing else (except money and fleshly pleasures) according to current ideology.

          1. F. Beard

            Sex is a rather messy way to obtain pleasure but you can be sure that Heaven will not be short of non-messy pleasures:

            You will make known to me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; in Your right hand there are pleasures forever Psalm 16:11

            Now get’s to trampling them pearls? Oink? Oink?

                    1. optimader

                      it sooooo f-ing good allcopperout..

                      Emilio is a great, generous guy. He’s taught me a thing or two abt cooking. His best and original restaurant is a converted gas/service station. All about the food. Pennyless immigrant from Spain, built up four restaurants, then anticipating the realestate cliff dive here in Chicago, sold off three at the top of the market.
                      More sense in his little finger than the likes of Greenspan –and doing what he loves.
                      I have a tapas monkey on my back which ill relieve later today after I give up rolling the orange on an XL sheet keyboard

  10. ambrit

    Fellow Inmates;
    The car license plate scanner article and the drone domestic legalization one are proof positive that the Panopticon is here. I don’t know just what Bentham would think of the uses our modern version is being put to though.

    1. allcoppedout

      Bentham thought his prison would be subject to the scrutiny of an interested public ambrit. Prisoners in panopticans (I seem to remember a whole undergraduate essay using the term ‘pantechnicon’) have reported they are better places to do time than ones where one would never bend over to recover the soap. There was a money prize at stake for Bentham’s design and he might be more concerned with picking up royalties. I have noticed this surveillance seems to be broken when cops shoot someone and police evidence before they are aware there is CCTV is usually contradicted by it.

    2. participant-observer-observed

      There should be an easy way to spray a film of electromagnetic particulate over plates in such a way as to retain visibility to human eye while giving lots of noise to digital cameras. Try a kid’s toy of magnet filings and glue. It should definitely will should get noisy when moving.

      It is the new stazi economy folks!

      1. optimader

        Everything has a cost. For the Chinese, the Parties systemic inability to cultivate indigenous innovation relegates them to hind-tit .

            1. skippy

              Wellie…. was been the fastest hyper modernization eva in a per cap ratio, high tech one too imo, and yeah they actually lead some of the best research going on out there.


              skippy.. Down here and in America is seems the biggest game is how to build a better chutes and ladders game.

  11. afisher

    RE: Breathless in Beijing. In a how could I have missed this before: Americans for Prosperity, the political arm of Koch has a pledge, signed by politicians at multiple levels of governement: any legislation/ regulation related to climate change must be revenue neutral and unfunded. NO CLIMATE TAX!

    Not to worry, the US is busy competing to become Beijing and SE Asia.

    1. Susan the other

      The coincidence of China’s dangerous pollution and the decision to shut down factories with a sudden, very large drop in exports is causing China to have a trade deficit. Hence they will not be buying any more stuff from us. So the tax is on us regardless. And don’t forget China has been excluded from the TPP so they can do what they want when it comes to our “patents” (which we probably stole from others to begin with). Obama is not responsible for the mess we created over the last 40 years, but he is responsible for not acknowledging it. O is for odious.

    2. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

      When I read ‘revenue neutral,’ I think it means two things:

      A Tax carbon emission
      B. Refund that tax collection that money, equally, to the people.

      That’s (government) revenue neutral, to me.

      Disclosure: It is not (people’s) revenue neutral. As a beneficiary of approximately 1/3,000,000,000 share of that money – like everyone else – I do stand to benefit from that interpretation of ‘revenue neutral.’

  12. fresno dan

    Posturing from Weakness James Kwak
    “But no. Instead, he locked in low marginal rates, including low rates on dividends, that cannot be budged so long as Republicans have 41 votes in the Senate.”

    Well, as long as you have the made up rule of super majorities, that obscures and hides people’s real motives. Of course, we have such ridiculous rules because it allows Obama hiding whether he really wants tax increases for the 1%, and allows republicans to blather about balanced budgets without acknowledging math, tax cuts, and reality. As the church lady would say, How convenient.
    Works for them, but not for us.

    1. different clue

      Obama and the Ds could have passively ended the Bush taxcuts by passive-aggressively refusing to pass any laws extending them beyond their natural sunset date.
      They (and especially Obama) contrived their “fiscal cliff” precisely and deliberately on purpose in order to make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent under cover of pretending to force the Republicans to “negotiate” about something. On purpose. On purpose.

  13. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    Dinosaurs made up for toy industry….

    Is the real story being subconsciously implanted here this: Were wars totally made up for toy gun industry?

    1. craazyman

      that sort of progaganda here only serves to distract people from the real story. 3 years of doom and gloom macroeconomic analysis, relentlessly bearish, pessimimistc, oh=so-eruditely composed sleeping pills of financial complexity foisted upon innocent and believing minds by so called “experts” amplified by the global microphone and the loudspeakers of this forum has resulted in nothing but penury and financial melancholy for those of us who read with gullible eyes and a defensless brain, if not outright depression. why read this stuff unless you can get rich, or at least reasonably well off, quickly and without working? I don’t know. Now it’s dinosaurs? Space aliens? tomorrow it’ll be some distracting story about a mathematics of physics puzzle to snare the more precocious minds, so that they, too, forget? I can’t forget. We were supposed to be up at least 400% by now. Instead, it’s something with a negative sign in front of it. And the day job. So take those dinosaurs and make them read about Target II balances and the ECB and the EMU and the BOJ and the EU, because it’s Youtube time and that may be it from here on out. faak Led Zepplin Houses of the Holy just nails it song to song to song. Holy Smokes that’s what everybody in the world should be doing. Just chilin on Youtube.

  14. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    “Here are your defenses: wigs, surgical masks, veils (Lady Gaga variants so you can pretend it’s fashion), enormous hats (sun protection!) really heavy-framed glasses, and if you are super serious, fake eyebrows and noses. ”

    Another way is to learn from the master, inspector Clouseau.

  15. jfleni

    RE:An attempt to FOIL request the source code of the Value-added model

    This is normal. When they don’t want to answer, they pretend you were “speaking in tongues”, hence unintelligible, or that it was your fault for believing that you could speak ordinary, plain English and be understood!

  16. jfleni

    RE: Bank Of America Wants People To Pay $5 For A Currently Free Service
    RE:BofA Chief’s Pay Increases 37%

    They don’t call it “Bunko-America” for nothing!

    1. optimader

      I prefer they take money from wlling customers than stealing it from third party taxpayers. Don’t like the policy, use a community bank

  17. allcoppedout

    I did think of a long piece on this Prime. Take it seriously as one might a creationist denial of evolution sort of thing. No point now you’ve beaten me to the punch-line. Popper once said something on the poverty of historicism and I increasingly think history is made up on the spur of the moment complete with fossil record and memories. Not quite the place I’d expect myself to be as a trained biologist. I think too much exposure to people in police interrogation rooms (including cops) and accountants is the cause.

        1. F. Beard

          Remember Pascal’s Wager? Pascal also contributed to probability theory: “Pascal was an important mathematician, helping create two major new areas of research: he wrote a significant treatise on the subject of projective geometry at the age of 16, and later corresponded with Pierre de Fermat on probability theory, strongly influencing the development of modern economics and social science.”

          So I suspect Pascal has not yet had the last laugh as probability theory and modern science paints guys like into a corner – where you’ll find a dunce hat just your size?

          1. skippy

            If your coms is subspace, why listen to truckies all day.

            Its been said, its one of the most dangerous moments one can find themselves in… getting mixed up in a family domestic.

            skippy… maybe some evolved to have brains like Orcinus orca, more emotionally sophisticated – evolved. “Orcas live in stable family units or pods which are always matrilineal in nature. Males stay with the matrilineal pod for life, only leaving it to find a mate and returning afterwards. And while each pod is led by an elder female, males have an important role to play, caring for the elderly, very young and weaker members of the group.

            ‘There is a pattern that connects orca behaviour to that of humans,’ Dr. Randall Eaton, animal behaviorist and author of The Orca Project explains. ‘Orcas live in a stable society, have the longest period of dependent learning of any species on the planet and have an evolving language broken into local dialects, a trait that is shared with just a few other species, including man.’

            However, when it comes to social cooperation and altruism, it would appear we have a lot to learn from the orca. ‘Competition amongst males for females has never been observed,’ Dr. Eaton points out. ‘Similarly, distinct social groups feed together when food is in short supply. Orca groups may be territorial but intruding groups are never attacked.” –

            1. F. Beard

              If your coms is subspace, why listen to truckies all day. skippy


              1) No evidence of subspace exists.
              2) Even if it did exist one would expect a “primitive” period of ordinary electromagnetic communication to precede the use of it.
              3) One would expect at least some deliberate alien attempts to establish interstellar communications.

              1. skippy

                Point being is – why did the aboriginals down under not hear nor see a white man for over 40 thousand years. Was it because – “one would expect” – deliberate attempts to establish international communications sooner?

                Skippy… expectation is a massive observer problem, especially if species specific or ideological, see Orcinus orca example above.

                  1. optimader

                    File under:
                    Fudd’s First Law of Opposition
                    If you push something hard enough, it will fall over– The Frustrated Girlfriend Theorem
                    — A success metric based on signal surveys more convenient to the listener than the sender sometime result in missed events.

                  2. skippy

                    “So aliens had to be white in the case of Australia?” – beardo

                    “So aliens had to be white” – No such reference was implied imo, tho it is a classical ideological metric that outsiders are viewed as aliens.

                    The point, reiterating, is your cognitive utility of “expectations [SETI]” and how its used to frame in a binary manner T/F the possibility’s of life in the Universe by the virtue of one data point in a ludicrous time line.

                    Hay did you read the link… some spiritual like stuff in there wrt Orcinus orca “However, in an increasing number of cases it is the orca which initiates the contact. Divers off the coast of New Zealand have reported numerous instances where they have encountered orca on their dives. Many report they first became aware of the orcas’ presence when the orca ‘zapped’ them with their sonar. With their eyes, orca can see just as we do, but with their sonar, orca see not just the exterior, but the interior of a person, fish or other orca. Perhaps in these instances the orca was merely using its sonar to ‘check-out’ the kind of being that had ventured into its environment, but many who have experienced these Close Encounters of the Orca Kind have reported feelings of increased well-being as a result. One diver told of how an orca appeared to direct its sonar at his heart charka ‘I felt my entire chest open up.’ Another said the orca appeared to scan him from head to toe. ‘My entire skeleton appeared to articulate, as if I were being stretched then it did the same with my body. The next day I had this incredible purge. It was as if the orca had helped my body rid itself of toxins. I’d never felt so well.’

                    Fifty five million years in the making, the orca make us look exactly what we are by comparison – a Johnny-come-lately on the evolutionary scale. Next to the sperm whale the orca’s brain is the largest on earth and more highly evolved than ours. Which begs the question: Just how smart are they? Despite the work of John Ford who first identified orca dialects and the revelation that these local dialects form part of an evolving language, human/orca communication remains a Holy Grail. One thing is certain however. The orca have evolved large, sophisticated brains for a purpose and this purpose is geared around sound and the ability to communicate, feed and navigate in an environment with often extremely limited visibility.” – snip

                    skippy… what if Orcinus orca have souls[????] and having been around much longer…. well????

                    1. F. Beard

                      Orca’s DO have souls according to the Bible. See Dr. Hugh Ross’s site for more info.

                      Also see Baalam’s Donkey in Numbers.


                      A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, but even the compassion of the wicked is cruel. Proverbs 12:10

                      Also the Sabbath applies to farm animals.

                      But the question is: Did life arise anywhere else in the Universe independently of Earth life? So far the answer is no.

                    2. skippy

                      Sorry beardo… I don’t do the Austrian thing of starting off with a completely synthetic a priori, and then endlessly attach “rational totality of thought thunkit” to it, as necessitated by its own internal flaws. Ergo we believe the “BIBLE is 100% with out error” syndrome.

                      BTW Ross got called out by his peers for wonkery, you’ll get that when you stray to far from facts, attempting to reverse engineer a self serving reality. I pointed this out back in the day, tho it seemed to go over your head. [sic] Hugh Ross has been criticized by CSUF professor emeritus Mark Perakh for misunderstanding basic concepts of thermodynamics together with misinterpretations of Hebrew words. – snip. WOW a guy with an undergrad in physics has basic misunderstandings wrt thermodynamics and Hebrew language, me wonders why or not.

                      Ross believes in progressive creationism, bloody progressives eh beardo. i.e. ‘posits that while the earth is billions of years old, life did not appear by natural forces alone but that a supernatural agent formed different lifeforms in incremental (progressive) stages, and day-age creationism which is an effort to reconcile a literal Genesis account of Creation with modern scientific theories on the age of the Universe, the Earth, life, and humans.[11] He rejects the Young Earth Creationist (YEC) position that the earth is younger than 10,000 years, or that the creation “days” of Genesis 1 represent literal 24-hour periods. Ross instead asserts that these days (translated from the Hebrew word yom[12]) are historic, distinct, and sequential, but not 24 hours in length nor equal in length. Ross and his team agree with the scientific community at large that the vast majority of YEC arguments are pseudoscience and that any version of intelligent design is inadequate if it doesn’t provide a testable hypothesis which can make verifiable and falsifiable predictions, and if not, it should not be taught in the classroom as science.[13][14]”

                      Skippy… anywho enough shenanigans, if orcas have souls and predate our species… well… that would mean their are more Orcas in the creators sky house and since you folks operate on the premise numerical. superiority

                    3. F. Beard

                      Hugh Ross has a Phd in Astrophysics, not an undergraduate degree only.

                      But your problem is you don’t believe in GOOD since you believe in systematic theft from the poor and other less or non so-called “creditworthies” so long as government is in charge of the theft.

                      I suspect God might forgive disbelief in Him but disbelief in GOOD? That’s probably unforgivable if you die that way.

                    4. F. Beard

                      As for scientific proof, what’s being tested is YOUR CHARACTER since evidence in the Bible is sufficient for an honest inquirer.

                      And so far, you insist that you be dragged kicking and screaming into the Kingdom of God. Fine, stay out then but you will be JUDGED if you decline mercy.

                    5. skippy

                      Beardo do you have a massive problem with context comprehension ie I pointed out the physics undergrad status and his peer redress for not grokking basic thermodynamics and Hebrew language.

                      Hugh Norman Ross (born July 24, 1945) is a Canadian American astrophysicist, Christian apologist, and old earth creationist.

                      Ross has a Ph.D. in astrophysics from the University of Toronto[1][2] and an undergraduate degree in physics from the University of British Columbia.[3][non-primary source needed] He is known for establishing his own ministry called Reasons to Believe that uses scientific evidence to argue for the truth of Christianity.[4][not in citation given][non-primary source needed] It promotes progressive and day-age forms of Old Earth Creationism. Ross advocates an old age of the earth and an old age of the universe, though he rejects evolution and abiogenesis as explanations for the history and origin of life.[5][6][7].

                      Seems he can’t get away from see – In 2003, Perakh published Unintelligent Design (Prometheus Books, ISBN 1-59102-084-0), a book that is critical of Intelligent Design, and he is particularly skeptical of some of the arguments proposed by William Dembski, which he states are pseudomathematical. He has also written criticizing Old Earth creationist astronomer, Hugh Ross,[4][5] and has responded to claims by Jonathan Wells that the lack of published research by creationists contradicting the prevailing scientific consensus is due to a conspiracy he likens to Lysenkoism in the former USSR.[6][7] – snip.

                      I’m not being tested on anything old boy, information asymmetry precludes such a crazy classical supposition. Although a case could be made for a test of sorts, on this blogs comment section, on critical thinking ability.

                      Skippy… kinda like Fauxnewbs of late, they don’t know whats black or white, up or down anymore… its bloody hilarious.

                      PS. I don’t “believe” in anything… methinks and as such I’m very critical of where I get my information from. Hence your subjective values are meaningless to me and made more so by your zealotry. Buh Bye…

                    6. F. Beard

                      Although a case could be made for a test of sorts, on this blogs comment section, on critical thinking ability. skippy

                      You assume that God, a vastly superior Intellect should He exist, would be interested in your puny intellect? An intellect that has come to the absurd and insulting conclusion that life is meaningless? And that He doesn’t exist?

                      I don’t envy anyone their intellectual ability since I know one can be very smart and be a piss-poor human. What I do admire and envy is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control since these are the things that God values according to the Bible.

                      God can give brains and talent to ANYONE, you should keep in mind. The least in the Kingdom of God, having been found trustworthy, might be GIVEN an intellect that dwarfs any mere human that has ever existed.

              2. allcoppedout

                We all met God in sub-space. Remarkable what I can knock up in my shed. None of us had ever doubted the existence of God. Finding sub-space was a real shock.

                I fancy we will find life at some degree of separation from ourselves in the solar system before we shuffle off Beard. Maybe the guys and gals from Europa’s underground ocean will complain we took a long time to go and dig them out. On the wider universe I’m not sure we know much. Maybe the secrets are hidden as much in Vatican archives as star-wobbles detected by very odd telescopes? I’d still climb aboard for a trip to a habitable zone. I have faith. Reaching for the transmitter button, an alien hand will substitute a beer. ‘No mate’, the multi-gendered lovely will say, ‘when you know as much about that lot as we do, you’ll just want to forget’. The silence will turn out to be intelligent.

                1. craazyman

                  Just wait until you meet the Lemurians. I’m not sure “shock” is the right word, but certainly some form of mental paralysis and panic-stricken incomprehension. Then the shock. You need to recover first, before the shock can even be felt.

                  Beard they’re on the wrong channel at SETI. It’s the channel, dude! :)

                2. F. Beard

                  I fancy we will find life at some degree of separation from ourselves in the solar system before we shuffle off allcoppedout

                  Asteroid impacts can theoretically distribute primitive life throughout the Solar System by kicking life-bearing rocks to other planets.

              3. optimader

                My comment vaporized into the electromag ether :(
                I’ll restate more succinctly..

                Do Pascal or Fermat’s EM radiation fulfill the metric for what is intelligent life or might that sieve be a bit coarse if the surveyor has to wait for an episode of “I Love Lucy”?

              1. skippy

                What you might ask Orcinus orca when our species can speak to each other, is how the world was flooded, when there is not enough water on the planet for such an event to occur…. in the first place.

                skippy… some pod off New England was said to have help whalers, museum even has teeth with wear in them from rope friction.

                1. F. Beard

                  Ross says the Flood was local since mankind had not yet dispersed and the Bible often has a local context since Judah and Israel and the surrounding nations were a proto-type of God’s dealings with the rest of humanity. (And no, it wasn’t ignorance that other countries existed; they just were irrelevant since God was focusing on Judah, Israel and their neighbors and almost neighbors.)

                  But take the Earth and make it a perfect sphere. In that case, the ocean would stand to a depth of about 2.5 kilometers according to How deep would the water covering be on a perfectly spherical Earth?

                    1. F. Beard

                      Actually, I do my own thinking and rarely visit Ross’s site. But I do owe him a debt of gratitude for breaking a logjam in my thinking a decade or so ago.

                2. F. Beard

                  And if ALL OTHERS then mankind is the UNIQUE exception, i.e. “Special” and you should wonder why.

  18. allcoppedout

    On the proved oil, gas and coal reserves, one has to wonder what the relevant reserve is in the air, a resource still available to all. All one needs is a water-wheel, wind farm, wave, tidal, river or solar source and processes developed from WW2 fuel manufacture. If we develop this in the same sanity of the current Carbon Democracy we will soon be fighting for breath, even as we protect ourselves from global warming!

    I suspect the atmosphere dwarfs all the proven sources listed. I have a business plan to parcel it up. Each plot will come with a free copy of Lambert’s MMT Bible and first options on the coming New Testament of same (forward by Beard). The business will be vertically integrated into our campaign ‘Mercedes to Save Zimbabwe’ – someone after all will have to use our petrol from air and replenish the carbon in our resource. Win-win or what? Stock from our previous sale of the Sea of Tranquillity are not eligible as down-payment.

    The resource map is from BP. Anyone (seriously) know of a map of green resources?

  19. optimader

    “..strongly influencing the development of modern economics and social science..”
    What could be a worse endorsement?

    As far as SETI goes I would be thinking more in terms of stochastic probabilities –wherein previous events do no affect the probability of a future events. As in, historical survey outcomes do affect future survey outcomes, right?

    1. F. Beard

      Well, my comments are starting to disappear so I’ll take that as a hint for today.

      1. craazyman

        they’re probably running the “Delete-It!” app today at NC. Happened to me a few weeks ago. All the work, all the effort, all the contemplation and analysis, all the rigor to form just the right words, said just so, so perfectly, that one word less or one word more would be the destruction of a masterpiece . . .

        Delete-It is: “Drivel Entirely Lacking Edifyingly Thoughtful Elucidation – It’s Toast!”

        Somehow the app can tell a comment is dumb and pointless and it goes Poof! Don’t take it personally Beard. It happens to us all from time to time.

        if you don’t see this, it must have just happened to me!

        1. Murky

          ‘Akismet’ is the name of the beast. A mere software robot. Designed to kill specified forms of human verbal expression. You have already acquired a profile. A rap sheet of deleted content. No way to scrub it clean. Your thoughts have been identified as ‘spam’. Learn more:

          What bugs me most is that Akismet is broadly indiscriminate about what it eats. It does not give reasons for deletion. It is not accountable. It kills both evil spam, and good quality human communications. I can only guess that the flood of spam must be overwhelming to employ the likes of Akismet.

  20. allcoppedout

    One might think, given ‘breathless in Beijing’, that my plan above to parcel up the air and flog it off to private ownership and use is more advanced than a prospectus for IPO. Though sceptical almost to the point of total disbelief that can’t be scepticism (as one has started taking the doubt as immediately credible) on economics and its methods, I do think stuff like air pollution and green issues generally offer the potential of a science. I haven’t breather in Beijing, but parts of Indnesia and Malaysia were dire. So was Trafford Park on night Kelloggs were mashing cornflake production 35 years ago (smell like burning rubber).

    We can do sensible calculations on the processes of living, even if they seem difficult to quantify like distressed denizens in Beijing or Trafford Park. I grew up with bronchitis in the days of smog and couldn’t eat cornflakes for years after being on patrol in TP. Marx reported much worse from public records of early industrialisation, merely repeated today. In science we’d regard my time off the cornflakes as trivial (though something like it might inspire a survey on purchases near production and complaints have led to ‘improved polluting’).

    What scientists would be interested in regards industrial and other human pollution is correlation between such facts, who is doing what and such as profits. An obvious fact is that in more than two hundred years (and think of previous ecocides and cholera rivers), there are plenty of signs industrialisation still pollutes long after we have learned techniques to prevent or minimise it. Such should be a key base in economics and its calculations. One might argue that these are calculations done behind the cooperate door (and on the basis of a compost farm up the road, even the small corporate door – it has been improving its profits by not even doing required testing). I’m not arguing the green case here, but the beginnings of a genuinely radical economics.

    The case is as obvious as the Beijing smog. Much science is. They key issue in this is that people will cheat. This seems blindingly obvious. I can ask anyone here to look at bits from pollen grains dodging about in liquid (Brownian motion) and all but the blind will see.Yet how many could connect the observation with relativity via complex equations and thinking on the speed of light? I suspect economics as a science is not a matter of abstracting method, but knowing more science. In chemistry we change conditions (say with a Bunsen burner) and may have done this a dozen times to prepare the reaction we want. These very preparations may prepare our ingredients to do a great deal more of what we don’t want than what we want. All is not lost. We stop what is ‘polluting’, unwanted by-products and so on. We may well, of course, dump waste in rivers, the air and wherever the accountants tell us. But there is no need for demarcation between the controlled processes and the dumping because it is cheaper world. Economics should be able to predict dumping, cheating and arbitrage situations and prevent this resource allocation by stealing. Breathe the Beijing air and see it as theft.

  21. Chauncey Gardiner

    Thank you for the link to the article by a Scot on Slovakia, which became a separate nation upon the break-up of Czechoslovakia. The second UN World Happiness Report in 2013 ranked Slovakia at No. 46. Based upon the article, I would expect to see that ranking rise next year. See:

    More detail on the factors behind the rankings here (Noticed that Jeffrey Sachs was one of the co-authors):

  22. different clue

    Back to following the hitmen to follow the money to follow the news . . . and considerations about “who shot John” and “why they diddit”; I would suggest two links.
    L. Fletcher Prouty in general and a particular book of his in particular . . .
    called JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, and the plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

    Jeff Wells has written several blogposts about various politically significant recent assassinations, in a topic-group called Assassinations. He also wrote some blogposts about deep politics some directly relevant to this subject called Deep Politics. They can be found at his Rigorous Intuition 2.0 blog.

    This is all the stuff Chomsky warns us not to look at or think about or even acknowledge. ” Move along, Lookie Loos! Nothing to see here!” Noam Chomsky . . . Officer BarBrady of the gatekeeper left?

      1. participant-observer-observed

        This is interesting for many NC readers, so for convenience I’m showing it here:
        from Amazon comment:
        “Prouty was well postioned to tell his story as seen from inside the intelligence community. Unknown to most people Kennedy challenged the hegemony of the privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve. In the summer of 1963 Kennedy signed an executive order to create 4 billion dollars in United States Notes, in direct competion to Federal Reserve Notes. Why? The United States Notes were based on the government silver stores and their creation did not create interest payements to the world bankers and owners of the Fed. Bills in denominations of $2, $5, $10, and $20’s were authorized and the $2’s and $5’s were printed and in circulation. The $10’s and $20 were being printed when Kenndy was killed. In Johnsons first month in office the US Notes were recalled from circulation. Go to any good coin shop and ask to buy a 1963 US Note. See it for yourself! The one gem in Prouty’s book that ties Kennedy to this issue is a few sentences where he discusses Kennedy sending Robert McNamara to meet with the Governors of the Federal Reserve to let them know that there are going to be big changes in the nations money system. There is very little information out there about Kennedy and money and Prouty clearly knew there was a connection. Why is the topic of Kennedy and the money he created so obscure and unknown? The only other president in the history of the country to create US Notes directly from the authority of the US Government was Lincoln with his greenbacks during the civil war. The only two presidents to buck the money powers were both assasinated in office. I think Prouty shows a possible origin of one of the smoking guns.”

    1. different clue

      Finally, here is one of those Jeff Wells blogposts from the Assassinations topic-category, called Live with Regis and Harvey Lee. It begins with some particular incidents around the House Select Committee on Assassinations and finishes with Wells’s own thoughts on why it is important to “see what there is to see here”, notwithstanding the Gatekeeper Leftists’ periodic instructions to “move along, Lookie Loos! Nothing to see here!”
      Any reader who considers blogpost frivolous may not consider the others any more serious. But any reader who considers this one serious enough to consider may find facts and thoughts of value in some of the other blogposts.

Comments are closed.