Links 4/27/19

Dead fish wash up near $6.3 million passageway designed to protect them. Why didn’t it work? Sacramento Bee. Looks like we can’t build tunnels on the West Coast either.

Permaculture brings prosperity to Ethiopia’s rural areas France24

Plight of the Platypus bioGraphic

Rewilding complex ecosystems Science. “We suggest that rewilding efforts should target trophic complexity, natural disturbances, and dispersal as interacting processes that can improve ecosystem resilience and maintain biodiversity.” Important.

Mark Carney: Resolving the climate paradox (PDF) Bank of International Settlements. From 2016, still well worth a read.

Activists ensure climate change is centre stage Editorial Board, FT

World Economic Outlook, April 2019 Growth Slowdown, Precarious Recovery (PDF) International Monetary Fund

U.S. economy feels like the 1990s, but with more inequality, less readiness for a downturn WaPo

Bankers: the only sure-fire winners from the IPO boom FT


Labour Brexit row breaks out as draft European election leaflet fails to mention second referendum – despite it being official party policy Daily Mail

2019 European elections: Lib Dems stand on ‘stop Brexit’ message BBC

S&P and Fitch warn UK rating still at risk from a no-deal Brexit Reuters

Warren Buffett ready to buy in Britain regardless of Brexit FT. Picking the carcass clean?

London’s Unsold Homes Under Construction Increase to Record Bloomberg

Sturgeon wants Scottish independence referendum by 2021 BBC

Spain’s populists are set to change the country’s politics for good Spectator

Spain elections: WhatsApp suspends left-wing party Podemos’s communication channel days before vote Independent. TOS violation which, apparently, Bolsonaro was able to avoid. A make-good?

Shareholders rebuke Bayer bosses over Monsanto-linked stock rout Reuters

North Korea

U.S. Citizens Who Raided North Korea’s Embassy In Spain Are “Dissidents”? Moon of Alabama (KW).

Time to bury the hatchet Jakarta Post


Belt and Road Project Strengthens the Role of China Valdai Discussion Club


US slaps sanctions on Venezuela’s foreign minister, judge Al Jazeera

Heterodox and Orthodox Economics in Venezuela: A Conversation with Luis Salas (Part I) Venezuelanalysis


Notes on the Mueller Report: A Reading Diary Benjamin Witte, Lawfare

The Mueller Report Indicts the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory Aaron Maté, The Nation

Trump: Russia investigations an attempted ‘coup’ Politico

Woodward Says New Evidence Needed for Impeachment Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire. This is a re-headlined Axios excerpt, but it’s a better headline.

‘I can land the plane’: How Rosenstein tried to mollify Trump, protect Mueller and save his job WaPo. Unfortunate metaphor, these days.

Maria Butina reflects on her future in jailhouse interviews with CNN CNN

Here’s the Kremlin’s playbook for disrupting the 2020 election Think Progress and F.B.I. Warns of Russian Interference in 2020 Race and Boosts Counterintelligence Operations NYT. The litmus test for good faith coverage of this issue is very simple: Support for or at least mention of hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public, because — just hear me out — that voting system can’t be hacked. There’s no digital middleman. (Notice also the vague and therefore hysteria-enabling “disrupting” and “interference.”)

Assange’s Imprisonment Arguably Reveals Even More Corruption Than WikiLeaks Did Caitlin Johnstone, Consortium News

Trump Transition

Trump withdraws from UN arms treaty as NRA crowd cheers in delight Guardian (KW). A treaty we have never signed…

Trump leaves Pentagon power vacuum Politico

Trump administration reevaluating offshore drilling plans AP. Good. Leave it in the ground.

Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects Defense One. Move them to a US nursing home. Problem solved.

Big Brother Is Watching You Watch

‘Digital privacy does not really exist’: A Q&A on data privacy around the world Politico

No need for passports as Heathrow goes hi‑tech The Times

Vein-pattern recognition is the latest technology driving China’s AI, robotics revolution South China Morning Post

Imperial Collapse Watch

America Isn’t as Powerful as It Thinks It Is Stephen Walt, Foreign Policy (Re Silc: “It’s why guys in sandals and ak47s always beat us”).

Time for Trilateral Coordination on 5G Dennis Blair, Michael Chertoff, and Arthur Coviello, The Diplomat. “When China joined the WTO in 2001, nobody imagined that less than 20 years later, it would be positioned to dominate one the most lucrative emerging technology sectors in the world.” What a confession of policy bankruptcy. “Nobody could have predicted.”

A misremembered empire Tortoise. The sun set….

Guillotine Watch

A Mystery Solved in the College Admissions Scandal: The Family Who Paid $1.2 Million NYT

Lobbyist’s crusade to change Title IX in Missouri stems from his son’s expulsion Kansas City Star

Class Warfare

Hedge-Fund Ownership Cost Sears Workers Their Jobs. Now They’re Fighting Back. The Nation (UserFriendly).

Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ‘Greedy.’ NYT

Toward an Information Operations Kill Chain Bruce Schneier, LawFare. Interesting and important, but surely with broader application than Schneier seems to realize.

What to know about measles in the US as case count breaks record Ars Technica

Antidote du Jour (via):

Bonus antidote (MR):

Try that with your robot car!

See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here

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About Lambert Strether

Readers, I have had a correspondent characterize my views as realistic cynical. Let me briefly explain them. I believe in universal programs that provide concrete material benefits, especially to the working class. Medicare for All is the prime example, but tuition-free college and a Post Office Bank also fall under this heading. So do a Jobs Guarantee and a Debt Jubilee. Clearly, neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans can deliver on such programs, because the two are different flavors of neoliberalism (“Because markets”). I don’t much care about the “ism” that delivers the benefits, although whichever one does have to put common humanity first, as opposed to markets. Could be a second FDR saving capitalism, democratic socialism leashing and collaring it, or communism razing it. I don’t much care, as long as the benefits are delivered. To me, the key issue — and this is why Medicare for All is always first with me — is the tens of thousands of excess “deaths from despair,” as described by the Case-Deaton study, and other recent studies. That enormous body count makes Medicare for All, at the very least, a moral and strategic imperative. And that level of suffering and organic damage makes the concerns of identity politics — even the worthy fight to help the refugees Bush, Obama, and Clinton’s wars created — bright shiny objects by comparison. Hence my frustration with the news flow — currently in my view the swirling intersection of two, separate Shock Doctrine campaigns, one by the Administration, and the other by out-of-power liberals and their allies in the State and in the press — a news flow that constantly forces me to focus on matters that I regard as of secondary importance to the excess deaths. What kind of political economy is it that halts or even reverses the increases in life expectancy that civilized societies have achieved? I am also very hopeful that the continuing destruction of both party establishments will open the space for voices supporting programs similar to those I have listed; let’s call such voices “the left.” Volatility creates opportunity, especially if the Democrat establishment, which puts markets first and opposes all such programs, isn’t allowed to get back into the saddle. Eyes on the prize! I love the tactical level, and secretly love even the horse race, since I’ve been blogging about it daily for fourteen years, but everything I write has this perspective at the back of it.


  1. Amfortas the hippie

    re: the lawfare killchain.
    the thing that bothers me is the lack of any consideration of who gets to define “truth”.(and then he mentions “Russiax3!”)
    from mass produced newspapers, radio that reached even the illiterate, to todays thoroughly mediated environment, the Machine(and others) have gotten pretty handy with all the bernaisean levers and wheels.
    But the narratives and counternarratives, from all and sundry, are now so thick…to the point that even the more rube-ish among us are noticing the contradictions and cognitive dissonance leaking out of the tangle of reality tunnels.
    I reckon this is at least partly why new dealism has found such traction…at least where i lurk about.
    That it’s often mixed up with alex jones and the pocket universe glenn beck conjured into being, indicates that the collective mind(tielhard was right) is in considerable flux.
    that presents an opportunity, and thankfully, the stars appear to be aligned.
    i just hope we don’t blow it.

    1. Chris Cosmos

      I agree, more or less. The problem is that the mainstream Narrative is so hard to accept these days. One of the reasons that Narrative survives at all is some mythological framework is required for sanity and a way to have some kind of culture. Some people seem to be desperately holding on to ideas that are ridiculously easy to debunk yet they hold on to at least some parts of the Narrative for the sake of comfort if nothing else.

      But how is a new framework going to emerge? How do we know what is real and what is made up? It’s not enough to be “rational” because not only are we in a post-rational age but most people who think they are being rational are deluding themselves. We are mainly motivated by unconscious forces which, by definition, we are not aware of unless we take journeys to the center of our minds and that’s a risky endeavor. The other problem with rationality is that we have to have some philosophical/metaphysical basis for what we believe based, in my view, on some spiritual view of existence or, if you prefer, a view that transcends our narrow individual needs if we want to be happy–as studies on happiness have shown pretty conclusively.

      1. Carey

        I think probably the last reality-based collective moment here in the Exceptional Nation was the 1980 Carter-Reagan election. Carter had plenty of issues, but
        he often spoke truth, too. After that it’s been pretty much all fantasy.

        Such great resources (USA, I mean) utterly squandered.

        What a country

        1. Adam Eran

          In fairness, the early settlers hit an enormous jackpot. They (or their diseases) killed 90% of the natives, so free land! Free gold and silver! .. We can’t be too surprised that the several-centuries-long-potlach party ensued, valuing extractive, exploitative practices rather than conservation and partnership. That we’ve somewhat woken up, and discovered an enormous hangover…again, not really that surprising.

          Carter was defeated by the craven opportunists who arranged the “October Surprise” (Iran intransigent about releasing hostages, see the Gary Sick book of the same name), and the press like George Will, who stole Carter’s debate briefing book and gave it to the Reagan campaign…

          Carter was a neoliberal austerian at the time, too. Remember “zero sum” budgeting? Remember deregulating airlines and trucking (which threw the Democrats’ union allies under the bus)? He showed Reagan how to do it…and the Teamsters endorsed Reagan in the election.

          1. pretzelattack

            i dont know how much of the austerity was carter and how much was the democratic party itself. carter was not a strong president, and didn’t have much party support for a lot of things, (like reducing consumption or solar energy, or fighting the right’s narrative about communism being a worldwide malignant force trying to take our freedoms. i don’t think anyone needed to show reagan (or rather whoever was running the white house while reagan slipped into senility) how to cut taxes and deregulate, or union bust–that was reagan’s agenda from the early 60’s at least.

        2. jackiebass

          Meryl Haggard calls it Rainbow Stew in one of his songs. Unfortunately too many people lack critical thinking skills and believe what they are promised.

      2. Summer

        ’”It’s not enough to be “rational” because not only are we in a post-rational age but most people who think they are being rational are deluding themselves..”

        When was the “rational age” when most people were not deluding themselves?

        1. Chris Cosmos

          By “rational age” I mean a time when reason was culturally considered a good thing ir something people would like to follow. Today, there is active resistance to reason from the very class that once believed in it. So I would date it starting in 1648 and ending in about 1998.

      3. Briny

        “Man is not a rational animal. He is a rationalizing animal.” R. A. Heinlein, I believe. Which is why I never bought that ass-u-mption in economics back when getting a degree in it. Kept my tongue firmly in check on it.

    2. pjay

      Lawfare should certainly know all about information warfare. They practice what they preach about. Speaking of which, was Lawfare’s Witte and Aaron Mate reading the same Mueller report? There must be two of them.

    3. DJG

      Amfortas: Lawfare and Benjamin Wittes. I stopped reading when I got to this:

      FBI material germane to the FBI’s counterintelligence mission.

      Maybe it is mission creep, or just the creepiness of the FBI, but the FBI’s bailiwick is domestic issues. I’m highly skeptical of the FBI and counterintelligence, knowing what we know about its long past history of abuses. Yet Wittes accepts the idea that the “intelligence community” is just doing its job.

      1. Amfortas the hippie

        since i first gained access to real american history(cointelpro, etc)…in head shops in north houston, no less…I have been no fan of the fbi.
        they haven’t let me down in my low, low expectations of them over the years.
        add in the known history of the rest of “intelligence”, and it’s shocking to me that we’re expected to love and trust these organisations because some people can’t admit that their pied piper nonsense backfired.

        and the post-911 surveillance frenzy(‘apokalypse’-Gr. “rending the veil”= ‘ secrets revealed”) wasn’t that long ago.
        I mean, are we that a-historical?
        all dewey eyed and innocent, falling from the turnip truck anew each day?
        “but, but Trump!!!”
        I suppose dyncorp and Xe and tigerswan are our friends now, too.

      2. JBird4049

        I seem to remember that the FBI was building its own counter intelligence unit not only only for empire building, but also the CIA and the NSA were hoarding their intelligence from the other agencies in the DHS in their empire building, which made work difficult to do.

      3. Alex V

        Counterintelligence has been part of the FBI’s mission essentially from its founding, with counterintelligence defined as catching spies operating against the United States. It is the domestic intelligence service, much like MI5 in the UK, or the FSB in Russia. It has done many bad things in its existence and abused its power, but implying this is some new type of nefarious mission creep is a stretch.

      4. Procopius

        … the FBI’s bailiwick is domestic issues.

        Yes, and counterintelligence is a domestic issue. The Old Queen made it clear back after World War II that the FBI is the only agency allowed to look for spies in America and the CIA is not allowed to conduct any kind of operation there. He by golly enforced that rule, too. I’m damned glad he’s dead, but his successors have not maintained that boundary the way he did. Brennan should have been chopped off short when he introduced the Russia, Russia, Russia narrative. Instead, after some hesitation the FBI leadership decided to help him. Idiots.

    4. Craig H.

      Schneier is a really smart guy and in the past he has done great stuff. Far more than I. He was stale when he gave his talk at google and in his opening remarks he said to them (and all of us in the you tube land.)

      “Google knows what kind of porn you all like.”

      “You all watch game of thrones.”

      So he is 2/2 on false premises and he has only been talking for a minute.

      And on top of that I watched through the question session and not one of the doo-doo heads sitting there listening to him had the moxie to call him on his bull. Should I presume that the rest of his schtick these days is similarly erroneous? Perhaps I am being too harsh and these are not ridiculous things to say. How many people watch Game of Thrones? According to wikipedia HBO has 130 million subscribers worldwide. That is a really huge number but nowhere near all. Not even close.

      Also there should be a few consumers who find sex-and-gore-video off-putting and subscribe to HBO for some reason and skip Game of Thrones. So chop down a couple three million more there. It is very popular but the taste for sex-and-gore-video is not a human universal.

        1. Matthew Kopka

          My daughter does and I worry for her soul. Every time I peek in someone is getting their head knocked off or melted.

    5. Eclair

      Thanks for making me go back and read this, Amfortas (and I hope everything is going well with you and yours). I have been reflecting on the ‘narrative’ theme, even more than usual, for the past few days (why, is another longer story) and realizing that we have fractured into a land of several main national narratives. This situation might have occurred before …. pre-Revolutionary War, pre-Civil War, the time of radical labor unrest in the early years of the 20th century (yeah, pre-WWI). But, living through it is disconcerting.

      Reading through the author’s 8-point ‘kill chain,’ I was struck by how that scenario could describe the spread of
      Christianity in it’s infancy.

      1. Find the cracks, social, economic, ethnic, in the fabric of society. Roman occupying forces in Palestine, Emperor as divine, peasant rebellions, etc.
      2. Create an alternative narrative. One God only, but now, with a Son! Screw the Emperor!
      3. Wrap the alternative narrative in a kernel of truth. Jesus Christ was an actual Jewish carpenter’s son.
      4. Cultivate relationships with people who will help build the narratives. Start with an Emperor’s conversion! (Constantine.)
      5. Make it seem as if the narrative came from somewhere else. It’s all ‘the word of God!’
      6. Cultivate ‘useful idiots’ who will take extreme positions. The martyrs?
      7. Deny involvement. Well, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did do the writing, but they were ‘inspired.’
      8. Play the long game. Y’all will get your reward in Heaven. Or burn in Hell.

      A successful ‘national’ narrative has to give a reason for living (why else would a person who had nothing to look forward to but another day of slogging through muddy fields to raise a crop which would then be taken for taxes, get up in the morning?) It has to instill some sense of pride in being part of a group which is bigger than the individual or family. It has to give some hope for the longer term future, even if that future begins after you die. It has to provide heroes.

      1. Amfortas the hippie

        aye…and remember that the Right Wing Counterrevolution, beginning in the early 70’s was modeled shamelessly off of the Great Commission….they were an evangelist movement, spreading the Good News of Reaganist Conservatism.
        Hence, I am an evangelist for New Dealism in the hinterlands.
        Perhaps the hyperindividualism of neoliberalism isn’t all that conducive to maintaining a Narrative,lol.
        and since the www/intertubes got loose into the world, it appears that…instead of even trying to maintain a narrative(“historia officionale”)…a more chaotic program was attempted–no filter, bury us in mountains of bs.
        including the hallmark channel,lol….last time i cooked at mom’s the old folks watched 3 of those cheesy films in a row. that’s not even mere patriotic american cheese, but gooey off-brand velveeta, comfort food for the battered american soul.
        there’s a great hunger for a believable narrative, and given where i live…in rural texas hill country, back of beyond…the most recent existential crisis is that of the American Right.
        It’s like they woke up one day and god was dead, and somebody(prolly a librul) had painted the world in different colors.
        I observe ordinary folks trying real hard to believe…in trump…in the GOP…the tea party(less and less)…and, failing all that, sinking into the warm embrace of the various churches. but even there, i see the look in their eyes.
        so…get out there and evangelise!…because if we don’t, be assured that somebody will. I imagine a competent version of trump, and shudder.

      2. Harold

        Also give roles and representation to women (including the childless and unmarried) and of slaves and look askance at regular entertainments involving mass killings of animals and people in gladiatorial games in the arena. I don’t consider myself a Christian, but have to admit christianity had solid reasons for becoming popular.

  2. allan

    MILO, reporting for duty:

    Democratic 2020 candidate Moulton says Sanders, Warren too liberal to beat Trump [Reuters]

    … A representative from Massachusetts and Iraq war veteran, Moulton said Trump is a much more difficult candidate to defeat in 2020 than many Democrats realize because of his appeal to voters in the heartland who are frustrated with Washington.

    “We can’t go too far left or we will lose middle America,” Moulton said in an interview in Los Angeles, part of a tour to California and other early voting states since he announced his candidacy on Monday. …

    While he agreed the wealthy ought to pay their share of taxes, Sanders and Warren wanted to “punish the rich,” Moulton said, which he called un-American.

    Voters in the heartland don’t want to tax the rich because it’s un-American.
    This is the bipartisan centrism real Americans have been thirsting for!

      1. Christopher Fay

        He’s delivering the message that his audience in L.A. wants to hear, don’t raise taxes.

      2. chuck roast

        Seth has the Heartland down. He lives in Salem, Mass. Next stop further east…Portugal.

        Four tours in Iraq…the boy’s brain is addled.

    1. jrs

      “He said most Americans aspire to be rich. “That’s the sprit of America, that’s the American dream,” he said.”

      No stop projecting, that’s your messed up pathology, that’s your mental disease, not ours. Although there are exceptions whose wealth came as a result of other pursuits, getting rich often requires a singular focus on money (or else an inheritance). Balanced healthy well-integrated people don’t have that mono-mania for money.

      Most Americans might aspire to have a decent life, but being rich (as opposed to middle class, decently paid working class etc.) has absolutely nothing to do with that.

      1. JBird4049

        To some, it is pathological not to worship Mammon. Which helps to explain some of the rage against Communism, Socialism, and even Democratic Socialism all of which do not hold money as something good. Necessary in some way, just like markets are, but not something so intrinsically wonderful that shows the increasing personal worth of a hoarder.

        1. Amfortas the hippie

          my patio/bbq pit book for the last while has been “after the ice”(steven mithen). a wander through prehistory.
          stories about the invention of agriculture, and then the consolidation of power into a few hands….in one middle eastern village some thousands of years ago, as the climate dried up, a certain family enclosed the former communal grain storage pit behind walls, and they became the ruling caste—proto-royalty…only they knew how much grain there was in storage, and there’s evidence that they used artificial shortages as a political weapon.
          almost an archaological version of some buddhist diamond cutter sutra or flower sermon…the mind reels at the patterns.
          or habits of some people, perhaps…the subspecies of psychopath that our current system seems designed to produce and maximalise.
          but we could, instead, endeavor to become heretics(Gr:”choice makers”): i, for one, don’t care much for money…and wish fervently that i didn’t need it…that i didn’t have to pay to live on the planet i was born on.
          I must, because other people made that choice…so long ago that it seems like the natural order of things.
          I think that the word,”Reification” doesn’t get near enough usage out on the hustings

        2. The Rev Kev

          ‘Which helps to explain some of the rage against Communism, Socialism, and even Democratic Socialism all of which do not hold money as something good.’

          You know, you might be onto something there.

          1. drumlin woodchuckles

            Well, it probably explains some of the rage against the Hippies ( the real ones) back in the 60s and 70s.

            ” make Love, not Money . . .”

            1. The Rev Kev

              They interviewed a Texan back then about the Hippie’s new morality with is sexual freedom. He said that he was agin’ it for three reasons. First it was against the laws of God, second because it was against the laws of Man and thirdly because he wasn’t getting any of it.

    2. Xihuitl

      Wait. Now there’s Another Candidate running to split up the Democratic primary first round?

  3. johnM

    ‘what to know about measles’ tells me that pre-vaccine annual deaths averaged 432 while actual cases were between 3 and 4 million – but the mortality rate is 1-2 per thousand? Looks like 1-2 per 10 thousand to me.

    So they are repeating the CDC’s (deliberate?) exaggeration of basing the death rate on ‘reported’ cases when the know actual cases are 10 times higher, and therefore, the actual death rate is 10 times lower. I’m not an anti-vaxxer but I completely understand the distrust.

    And this is before we even start to discuss the very real loss of passive immunity associated with the vaccine program.

    1. jhallc

      ” Between 1958 and 1962, there was an average of 503,282 measles cases and 432 associated deaths reported to the CDC each year. And those were just official figures. The CDC estimates that the actual case counts each year were between 3 million and 4 million.”

      The associated death count was likely higher but, they do not give an estimate. The 1 in a 1000 is based on the official reported number.

    2. skk

      if you want to use the estimated actual cases rather than reported cases as the denominator in the fatality rate then good stats hygiene dictates that you should also use estimated actual deaths in the numerator as well. One ought not to mix ( estimated ) actual and reported.

      I came across this blog that attempts to answer your objection and digs into where the 1 or 2 per thousand deaths number comes from. Caution: it labels your argument as one made by anti-vaxxers.

      For me, its a valid one and one that the reporter should have anticipated, answered, albeit briefly and shouldn’t have just strung together numbers.

      1. ChristopherJ

        Not an anti vaxxer either, but does anyone know what percentage of cases are for unvaccinated people?

        It should be 100 per cent, a stat which should underpin the efficacy of being vaccinated. And, the risks you are taking with your children for not joining the herd immunity program…

        Anyone know any figures on this?

        1. Oregoncharles

          I just saw a headline saying that many adults need to be re-vaccinated. Vaccines are not 100% effective, and many lose their effectiveness over time.

          Come to think, I don’t believe I was ever vaccinated for measles. Too old.

          1. Procopius

            You probably should go for a vaccination, then. From what I have read, measles is much more serious if contracted when an adult than when a child. I think I was not vaccinated, but may have been while in the Army. After all, they don’t waste time trying to figure out what shots you’ve had, they just give all of them.

  4. Krystyn Walentka

    Re: “Time for Trilateral Coordination on 5G”

    Aside from potential compromise of 5G equipment vendors by hostile governments, 5G networks will face attacks by criminals, state-sponsored hackers, and hacktivists.

    Can someone explain to my why this is such a concern for 5G and not 4G?

    1. lyman alpha blob

      Because China is going to roll out 5G before the US does and make tons of money, so it must be denounced while the US tries to figure out how to thwart Chinese efforts in its never ending but ultimately futile effort to prop up its floundering global empire which now exists mainly in Uncle Sugar’s febrile dreams? Just spitballing…

    2. skk

      Consider the source :

      Dennis Blair is the Chairman of Sasakawa USA and former Director of National Intelligence. Michael Chertoff is the Chairman of Chertoff Group and former Secretary of Homeland Security. Arthur Coviello, Jr. is a Venture Partner at Rally Ventures and Former CEO of RSA Security.

      I read this as unlike Cisco and other US companies so ready to install backdoors, cooperate in cover-ups for the likes of Chertoff, these non-US manufacturers won’t be so cooperative.

    3. Cal2

      Can someone explain to my why “this” is such a concern for 5G and not 4G?

      Or, “That”

      “What is not widely acknowledged is that this will also result in unprecedented environmental change on a global scale. The planned density of radio frequency transmitters is impossible to envisage. In addition to millions of new 5G base stations on Earth and 20,000 new satellites in space, 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, will be part of the Internet of Things by 2020, and one trillion objects a few years later. Commercial 5G at lower frequencies and slower speeds was deployed in Qatar, Finland and Estonia in mid-2018. The rollout of 5G at extremely high (millimetre wave) frequencies is planned to begin at the end of 2018.”

      Rev Kev,

      Guantanamo is where John “Walker” Lindh is held.

      1. skk

        There’s a OMG, “we’re all gonna die” quality to that article. For example, they say 26,000 scientists.
        The original report says 26,740 signatories.

        “appealing to authority of experts” isn’t a particularly good tactic nowadays anyway in my book but at least get the actual “experts”. The actual report does have a LOT of numbers. And footnotes, and links. That’s to its credit. Its working at a level that I can try and understand and also verify as needed.

        But when I sample some footnotes, links to chase, this doesn’t inspire confidence though –

        More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate harm to human health from RF radiation.[10][11]

        So I looked at footnote 10,11 Together they add up to around 7,000 ( not 10,000). I can’t verify 11 since the URL leads nowhere.

        10 is a bibliography, compiled by US Navy authors in 1981 – of “conflicting literature on the biological responses to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at radio and microwave-frequencies, with particular reference to the effects of concern to humans”. Note the word “conflicting”.

        These sort of distortions don’t help their cause much.

        1. Cal2

          Agree,it’s hard to find completely balanced warnings about anything.

          Quoting and paraphrasing Wombat, re Glyphosate, on March 24, this year:

          “…In a field where you need 99.7% confidence to be considered “evidence” (3 Sigma).
          For all that is holy, if that is not the definition of moving statistical goal posts? You would need tens of thousands of people and expose half of them with 5G, and wait twenty years to “prove” anything under this bar.”

          “So we need “beyond reasonable doubt” threshold, say for civil court? ”

          “Why do all these purported supporters of 5G get to pick which side is the null hypothesis? Why don’t we go with the null hypothesis that 5G DOES cause cancer etc? Now you prove with 99.7% confidence that it does not. Good luck.”

          1. skk

            Now that I’ve stopped working ( aka “retired” ) – maybe I will look at this anti-5G debate in far more depth. Thanks for posting the link ( to the link ). I’ll look at some of the other numbers in that link too and where opportune share what I see.

            I for one recognize and want the benefits of a really fast comms world. “Beam me up, Scottie”, with pics of Ohura ( no not Scottie) at that ! I have family and friends living wayyyy distant from me.

            But at what cost, personal and community, human and animal of course !

            But not at some made-up bullshitting by numbers. From any angle.

            On the Fisherian statistical significance aspect I was heartened by this

            But that was 2015. Since then I haven’t seen further progress in forcing/ mandating the use of Bayesian techniques in the scientific field and looking very sceptically at p-values. I’ve been pushing it since the late-2000s in the marketing analytics field when IMO computing power got good enough to no longer need to use Fisher’s highly slick, incredibly innovative, but still way flawed methods from the 1920s.

            1. Krystyn Walentka

              The major issue with the research is they are only looking at thermal effects on DNA and cell function. But many scientists are seeing other effects that would make finding an health effects more difficult because it is skewed by an individuals genetics. They are seeing that the EMFs can affect ion channels, like the calcium ion channels, and cause an influx of ions into cells. In the case of calcium this can be bad for a number of reasons.

      2. KIlgore Trout

        While not directly relevant to the 5G article, and the concerns it raises about same, the site where the article appears–“Principia-Scientific” is, at least in regard to climate science, a frequent source of [family blog] and pseudo science, since one of its contributors/ founders, is a long time denier/exterminist blogger, whose posts got to be too much even for WUWT.

      3. Yves Smith

        There is a simpler reason to oppose 5G.

        It is an environmental train wreck. Will take tons of new equipment and a lot more energy than 4G. It is utterly irresponsible even before you get to potential health risks to humans and beasties.

          1. drumlin woodchuckles

            Well . . . its a feature to the equipment makers and the equipment vendors. Its a bug to us bystanders.

            Since all levels of government look ready to steamroll 5G into wall-to-wall deployment, the only thing we passive-obstructive sullen rejectors can do is figure out which 5G-ed things we can live without and how to Faraday cage our houses and yards against 5G-wave emitters and maybe wear Faraday clothes and hats ( which will become a new clothing trend among the 5G-skeptics) and how to get away with sabotooging various little emitters and receivers here and there.

            Did I mention a trick someone once told me? It seemed mean to me at the time. What you did is you would pour a 1-inch wide sphere of Elmer’s Glue into a bunch of sand and roll it around so when you picked it up very carefully, you were touching sand not glue. Then you would throw it at passing cars. I never did approve.

            But if sandy glueballs could be slingshotted at 5G emitters and receivers, millions and millions of them all over everywhere, it might overtax the 5G companies to keep repairing and replacing them. Or maybe people could get portable mirrors and all focus their additive heat-ray sunspots of thermal death on selected 5G devices. Things like that.

  5. The Rev Kev

    “Guantanamo Is Becoming a Nursing Home for Its Aging Terror Suspects”

    Hmm. I’m going to have to sort through some of the stuff in this article and unpack it. Let’s see-

    The US provides the same health care to the detainees that it provides to its own troops, as required by the Geneva Conventions.

    These are men who are supposed to be the worse of the worse and are allegedly terrorists.

    Average Americans cannot get any sort of decent health care, affordable or otherwise.

    Therefore the US treats its citizens worse than terrorists. Am I missing something here?

    1. marym

      Thank you for including the descriptor “allegedly.”

      As of 05/02/2018

      Of the roughly 780 people who have been detained at the United States military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 40 remain.

      Most have not been charged with any crime. Only 2 have been convicted.

      7 Charged in Military Commissions System
      2 Convicted in Military Commissions System
      5 Held in Law-of-War Detention but Recommended for Transfer if Security Conditions Met
      26 Held in Indefinite Law-of-War Detention and not Recommended for Transfer

    2. polecat

      If we were to transfer the detainees to nursing homes, as Lambert suggests, then I say we ‘rotate’, with a few exceptions, everyone in the House, the Senate, and both K & Wall Street for a little R & R (Retribution & Retirement) … permanent like !!
      Oh, and for extra points throw in some Oligarchs and IC miscreants as well !

    3. Robert McGregor

      In Michael Moore’s documentary on Health Care, “Sicko,” there is a great scene where he and other health care “refugees” are rowing a boat towards Guantanamo. He yells through a bullhorn, “We just want the same health care the evil doers get.” That’s when the Guantanamo sirens sound!

      1. pretzelattack

        and the occasional heavily assisted “suicide”. of course, we do that domestically, in local jails and prisons.

      2. Briny

        As I deal with level 10 pain on a daily basis, and suicide regularly, which is treated only with anti-depressants by the VA, my alleged healthcare is torture. For comparison, I have also been actually tortured, so I have a rational basis of measurement.

  6. witters

    Department of Water Resources spokeswoman Erin Mellon said the setback at the Fremont Weir [the fish to be saved died] is a small one that shouldn’t detract from the important work state officials are doing to help the state’s struggling fish populations. She said lessons learned from this winter’s problems at the new passageway will be used to ensure they don’t happen elsewhere.

    “We’re always trying to tweak and improve our projects to address either known or unknown design issues to make them operate even better,” she said.

    It is now redundant to say “Kill me!.”

  7. Chris Cosmos

    It seems the “left” as the right-wingers call those who follow the mainstream Narrative is intent on keeping the Russia hysteria going. I read the NYT article listed above and it shows the depths of idiocy that the NYT has gone to in the past decade. It shows that paper is nothing but the mouthpiece for the State, meaning a Washington establishment that depends on the existence of enemies to give it a reason for being–never before, since Trump, has the System been exposed as the con it is at least to those of us who actively object to being chumps. The majority of “leftists” seem desperate for meaning so they are now becoming the old right seeing commies under the bed. People here seem to know this why can’t others on the left?

    Ralph Nader wrote a great piece “Who Really Owns America?” in the American Conservative looking at some interesting aspects of the decentralization movement in the 30s. I think many of us need to look at his article and think about what it implies about adopting a new philosophy of government and social order. We must decentralize, I believe, before we can effectively unite in dealing with truly common threats–and Russia is not one of them.

    1. drumlin woodchuckles

      There are two basic Lefts with some overlap, but still two different basic Lefts. ( Well, there is also the Western Orthodox Church of Marx, but that’s another matter).

      We could call the two Lefts to be #1: the PE Left (the Political Economy Left) as against #2: the COW Left ( the Coalition Of Wokeness Left). If you find a self-described Leftist who believes in the official mainstream narrative of Trumputin and the Election, you probably have yourself a COW Leftist. If you find a self-described Leftist who doubts the official narrative, you probably have yourself a PE Leftist.

  8. The Rev Kev

    “Vein-pattern recognition is the latest technology driving China’s AI, robotics revolution”

    NSA seen to be furiously taking notes.

  9. anon in so cal

    Russiagate psyops (retweeted by Moon of Alabama)

    “New Rand study on how US can “overextend and unbalance,” including via economic coercion, “diminishing faith in the Russian electoral system,” and global propaganda campaign.

    RAND researchers conducted a qualitative assessment of “cost-imposing options” that could unbalance and overextend Russia. Such cost-imposing options could place new burdens on Russia, ideally heavier burdens than would be imposed on the United States for pursuing those options.”

    1. Enquiring Mind

      Cold War 2.0
      USA outspent USSR a few decades ago, so now the kids and grandkids get their turn.
      Does RAND have an investment fund? Asking for a friend.

    2. drumlin woodchuckles

      What if the Russians have people who are smart enough to read English? What if they have English-readers reading that Rand study at this very moment? What if, even now, the fiendishly clever and evil Putinazi Fiends are fiendishly preparing fiendishly assymetric responses and evasions to every Overbalancing Overextendificationization opportunity that the Mind of Rand can devise?

      1. The Rev Kev

        Did you see the name of the Russian think tank in that article? It was the Russian institute for Research and Analysis for National Defense (RAND) I kid you not. So maybe the RAND organizations is playing both sides of the geopolitical fence and profiting from both?

        1. Alex V

          Um, not sure if you’re being humorous, but MoA was messing with us, and explains so a few paragraphs down…..

          1. The Rev Kev

            Nah, I fell behind in my reading this morning so only quickly skimmed the article, missing the messing part. After, when I had caught up in my bookmarked article and read it properly, it was too late to retract that comment. In other words – oops!

  10. jfleni

    RE: Maria Butina reflects on her future in jailhouse interviews with CNN.

    She should be released to return to Russia NOW! All she ever
    did was pose with a brace of guns that NRA supplied, something that ALL gun nuts do at the drop of a bullet!

    1. The Rev Kev

      I think Putin had the last word when he said-

      “[The US] is just trying to save face. There’s nothing they can charge [Butina] with, so to avoid looking ridiculous, they decided to slap her with 18 months in prison.”

  11. Brindle

    Why Dems need Biden….Not

    Was watching a cable news pundit show the other day and they explained why Biden will competive against Trump—his height 6′ 2″. Apparently (according to pundits) one of the reasons Trump won the GOP nomination was that he was physically larger and taller than the rest of the GOP field and they said Biden will measure up well in that regard.
    So I googled some Dem canidtates for their height and Biden is a towering 6.0 ft—the exact same height as Bernie. Interesting that all the female candidate’s height was easily found on the internet but there was one male candidate whose was height listing was “unavailable”—Pete Buttigieg –guessing that means he is not very tall.

    1. NotTimothyGeithner

      5’7″. Rahm Emanuel’s height. And there it is. Rahm’s plot to become President as Wasilla…South Bend Pete’s running mate.

      Given the people behind him, his candidacy with his impressive 27% of the vote in his statewide venture reeks of desperation to find a new Obama without recognizing the appeal of Obama including Obama’s actual presence. He was cool or attractive without being too cool or attractive.

      1. Brindle

        Have to say Tulsi Gabbard’s physical presence/demeanor is more imposing than just about any of the male candidates—she projects “kick ass”.

        1. Cal2

          Imagine Trump, Buttigig, Biden, Harris, or Warren on a surfboard on Hawaii’s north shore, or, running in full combat gear to their station in Mortaritaville, Iraq.

          In my humble personal opinion, Bernie + Tulsi wins the white house.
          The others? Not so much.

      2. Carey

        Can you imagine Mr. Buttigieg on a debate stage with DJT?
        The first time the latter called the former “kid” would be the End.

    1. Tvc15

      Good question. It seems pharma is exempt from the critical thinking that is appropriately applied to the rest of the rigged system.

  12. Cal2

    “$6.3 million fish restoration project west of Sacramento championed by Jerry Brown.”
    Part of a 15 billion dollar plan to pump taxpayer subsidized water to Beverly Hills billionaire’s farms.

    Jerry’s retired now after servicing his masters in the lending/development/construction/cheap imported labor/agricultural complex, and has been replaced with a succesful one of the latest round of Democratic Machine marionettes to ooze out of San Francisco, like a peek-a-boo turd, to Sacramento and they hope, the white house.

    A “champion of fighting carbon emissions,” through “smart development,”
    Jerry’s now raising methane producing cattle on his boutique ranch.

    1. drumlin woodchuckles

      Are the cattle on multispecies pasture and range? Are they managed in tight-packed bunches moving fast from paddock to paddock?

      If they are, then there is every chance they are helping to sequester more CO2 than the methane they are emitting. They may even be having a net-cooling effect.

      If scientists were permitted to measure the level of Jerry Brown’s boutique ranch soils bio-carbon, then we would find out over time.

  13. Joe Well

    I’ve learned so much about logical reasoning from Yves, Lambert and the NC commentariat.

    Can someone confirm for me that Russiagate was and is primarily based on agnotology? People pretending that facts were in evidence when they weren’t and even that certain lines of reasoning were reasonable when they self-evidently were not? Obviously there’s a lot of xenophobia (“Russophobia” and “Slavophobia” in particular), nationalism, group-think, and ordinary profit motive involved as well, but what is the underlying structure of this whole bizarre thing that I would not have believed possible except that it happened?

    1. Carey

      As I see it the aims of Russiagate are mainly two:

      1) Keep the citizenry from getting what the rest of the developed world get to take
      for granted

      2) Keep the party going for the 10%ers, and more importantly, the .001% at the top.

    2. dk

      Opinions vary of course. IMO the germ for Russiagate was the Clinton Campaign’s (and DNC’s and related PAC’s) need to provide some kind of explanation for just how the campaign lost. To that guy. How could the “most qualified., most experienced” all-things-to-the-right-people candidate drop the ball?

      Unacceptable answers might include: “most of our key strategists are self-serving grifters,” “we didn’t really think we had to campaign against that guy I mean wtf,” “we spent the money on events and media, but the candidate didn’t want to travel,” “we didn’t prepare (spend $$ on) our ground game in advance so GOTV didn’t kick for us,” and “who needs election protection (teams of lawyers and representatives to monitor polls in key locations and respond aggressively to reports of election tampering) when you’re going to win anyway,” and “down-ticket Dems can just fend for themselves, we’re not running a charity here [not for them anyway].” Answers like these can destroy carefully cultivated credibility and ruin careers, and that certainly can’t be allowed to happen.

      Another blind spot seems to be the activities of other foreign nations, their representatives, proxies, unwitting dupes, etc.

      Until we evaluate the entire context, including reviews of activities in previous elections, the Russian (by some definition) activity can’t be considered a complete story. An if it’s not complete, it’s intrinsically inaccurate.

    3. Tomonthebeach

      From my perch, Russiagate was like the drunk looking for his lost car keys under the lampost rather than by the care because the light is better there. An equal analogy is in the pop song “Looking for love in all the wrong places.”

      Mueller et al looked for legal evidence of collusion via secret meetings and backstreet connivance. The entire time, Trump continually publically praises and cozies up to Russia, neuters the US intel community, causes widespread distrust of the new media (which they willingly helped to validate), abandons all major treaties – including nuclear ones – makes policies that push borderline allies and enemies like N. Korea in the direction for Russia and creates a global market that has turned Wall Street into a deer-in-the-headlights – frozen and confused as to which way to jump. In almost every trade and military policy change Trump has strengthened Russia while weakening the USA.

      The FP article by Walt is nothing new. Most of us could see the Iran embargo being the last straw for the EU and a clear motivator to create an alternative monetary system. Technically Switzerland is in Europe. China and Russia will surely embrace any EU attempts to work around the dollar – Japan and S Korea will enroll in that club too.

      So while Aaron Maté and Sean Hannity boast nonstop that there is no there there, any fool can see that there is a Bear there.

    4. Yves Smith

      IMHO, Clinton was ready to foment a hot or very close to hot war with Russia. She campaigned on having a no-fly zone in Syria. Syria is Russia’s ally and Russia has permission to operate there. Clinton was saying she intended to have the US shoot down Russian aircraft in Syria. You can see where that goes.

      The “RussiaRussia” happened so quickly after Trump won that it didn’t feel like the Clinton campaign groping for excuses. That usually happens upon reflection and there was none. This looked like the people who were expecting a nice Russian-hostilities related payday making sure we got there by other means.

      1. JBird4049

        Clinton grew up in the Cold War so even the idea of having a shooting war with a nuclear power like Russia should make her ill. The horrors of a nuclear war was pounded into our collective heads. However, those points are good ones. Sometimes, I think our leadership should be put into an asylum.

      2. Joe Well

        But why did so many people in the media, in politics, and just in the general public go along with it?

        They kept pretending there was evidence when there was one and never admitted embarrassment after any of the times their beliefs were proven wrong, starting way back with “the Russians hacked Vermont’s electrical grid.”

        1. Plenue

          I think there’s a spectrum of people pushing it, ranging from true believers who really think Orange Hitler™ is a Russian agent, to cynics who are fully aware it’s all BS but love the ratings and money it brings in, and lots of people somewhere in between.

          That there’s a whole army of Columbia Stenographer School graduates who are paid big bucks to pretend to be journalists who uncritically pushed this conspiracy theory, and now can’t be honest about how it’s now shown to have been a lie is completely par for the course for the profession at this point.

          1. pjay

            Right. In addition, there is definitely a ‘Deep State’/intelligence aspect to this effort, and the intelligence community has numerous assets in the MSM that simply report whatever they are told by their “insider” sources. This has been on full display with Russiagate, which was actually a sting operation by segments of the IC against Trump. It will be interesting to see if any of the CIA/MI6 people get any scrutiny now. I doubt if anyone will face any consequences, but if so it will probably be a few FBI/DOJ scapegoats.

            1. drumlin woodchuckles

              The DemParty controlled House will never investigate anything to do with Deep StateGate. Would the Republican-controlled Senate investigate Deep StateGate? Given how many Republican Senators are basically McCain-minded war-seekers and money-loving Russia-haters . . . I don’t think they will.

        2. Jonathan Holland Becnel

          Because only about 10% of the population knows whats goin on Political wise.

      3. nippersdad

        Just my opinion, but color me unsurprised that a “former” Goldwater Girl and her clutch of neoconservative friends would use a Red Scare as the instant fallback excuse for literally anything; these are people that could find a way to blame hemorrhoids on the Russians hiding under their bed.

        One thing that conservatives routinely prove is an almost pathological lack of imagination.

      4. pjay

        As Yves suggests, it’s important to recognize that the anti-Russia propaganda campaign long predates the election. It can be traced back at least to Ukraine/Crimea or Georgia, and probably back further — as soon as Putin demonstrated he was not going to be a “sober Yeltsen,” but instead began to put the brakes on the economic destruction of Russia and resist unlimited US hegemony in the ME and central Asia. The neocons made the permanent crippling of Russia part of their global strategy in the 1990s. The Clintonites simply piggy-backed on an ongoing intelligence operation.

      5. Susan the other`

        I think you are absolutely right. That’s exactly what I worried about. Still do. But her chances of gaining the white house are now extra-slim. Thank god.

    5. VietnamVet

      Russiagate started out as opposition research by an intelligence contractor for a Jeb Bush donor; transferred to the Hillary Clinton campaign and then passed on to the FBI all before the 2016 election. It morphed into a counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign. It was widely disseminated but not published until just before Donald’s Trump inauguration. The Steele dodgy dossier was the sole support for the Russian collusion claims. None have been proven to be true. This is incompetence of epic proportion. Democrats have this albatross tie to their neck because they cannot cut it lose. Russiagate provides them a scapegoat their incompetence, hides their complicity in the exploitation of working Americans that keeps getting worse since Jimmy Carter was President, it keeps funds flowing to their donors, military contractors, and provides a rationale for the soft coup against Donald Trump.

      Democrats restarted the Cold War to remain the sole hegemon. Damn the risk of a nuclear war. They failed.

  14. Cal2

    Joe Well, Re “Russiagate”,
    A gem from yesterday:

    Hitchen’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”
    “Vox has also positioned itself firmly in opposition to the women’s rights movement which has strengthened in Spain after a grim rape trial…”

    Vox wants children, the elderly, men and women to be treated equally before the law, in case of assault, instead of only women being a special protected class. Spain does have experience with the Inquisition, which makes them favor impartiality.

    What “reconquista” is the author blathering about? 711 when Tariq invaded from North Africa?, or, 1492 when the Moors were driven out of the Peninsula?

    One look at the neighborhoods around the train stations in Paris will illustrate what the Spaniards want to avoid in their “nostalgic quest.”

    The solution for Spain would be to make the customs border at the point of debarkation from the boats, using the Mediterranean as a border, instead of the fence around the North African national enclaves.

    1. Ignacio

      1492 when the Moors were driven out of the Peninsula?

      That one, the long period that ended im 1492. I would say that we don’t have experience with the inquisition. It is history long passed. What has fueled VOX is catalan independentism as an article linked today asserts. Results tomorrow are uncertain. Nobody knows what will occur. I don’t know but now VOX has been voiced very much and part of it, I believe, has been to inspire fear to the far right this party represents. Something (the fear) absent in Andalusian elections when VOX surprised everyone. Whether this strategy succeeds and keeps VOX below 12% and under 30 seats (yeah, that would be success) will be seen tomorrow. The most important is to see if the results allow for a progressive or conservative coalition to govern which is highly unclear.

      1. Cal2

        “I would say that we don’t have experience with the inquisition.”
        No Autos da Fe in La Plaza Mayor?

        Do you mean Vox’s linked in opposition to Catalan Independence?
        Vowels are voiced.

        I like your reporting from there.

        1. Ignacio

          No, I am not experienced with autos de fe in the Plaza Mayor or elsewere. I don’t know anybody who is or was experienced on that. Inquisitorial courts were abolished in 1834. During the XVIII and XIX those were basically a political arm of the crown, very different from medieval inquisitory courts.

          1. Cal2

            Oh, I see, politics is based on expierences “in living memory.”

            Well then, were you mature and earning a living under El Caudillo?

            Otherwise, it’s history past and there’s no living memory of “fascism.” The PSOE? Maybe?

            1. Ignacio

              Under El Caudillo I was very young. I was born in 1965 and he passed away in 1975. I lived not far from his residency in Palacio de El Pardo and I remember well foggy winter days when the road in front of my house was closed and phantasmagoric Guardia Civil vigilant figures in their winter cloaks and their peculiar helmets (tricornios) appeared.

  15. Gary B

    …hand-marked paper ballots, hand-counted in public, because — just hear me out — that voting system can’t be hacked.

    . . . and Kodachrome can’t be photoshopped, but pictures still were doctored, back in the day.

    Not that I’m against “hand-marked . . . in public” In fact, I think it’s a pretty good idea, but I’m old enough to remember when “stuffing the ballet box” was the trope du jour. Press for the better system, but be careful about claiming some kind of incorruptability.

    1. Pat

      “Hacked”. That is the important word there. Hacking is done on a mass scale with no fingerprints and little chance of anyone noticing there are more votes than people voting as it entails making sure the votes are not counted accurately by changing the programming using across multiple voting machines and districts at the same time.

      While there may be ways to corrupt a precinct’s vote count, it does not include hacking. (And is far more limited and much easier to catch.

  16. ewmayer

    So last couple times I’ve tried to post a comment I’ve been asked to please help train Google’s self-driving car AI … skipped it yesterday for a short would-be comment, but today had composed a longer one, so submitted to the procedure, got the code-good-for-nest-2-minutes, pasted it into the box, and got … a blank page with the following url:

    [Edit: Interestingly, the above whinge-comment made it through, so perhaps SkyNet is only flagging me when I attempt to post substantive commentary. Got it!]

  17. cripes

    Attended Organizing for Bernie meeting with video presentation from Bernie, Nina and Faiz Shakur today in Chicago. Focus is on canvassing, unions, voter registration, emails, recruiting even more volunteers to bulk up 1.1 million already subscribed.

    Usual suspects there; DSA, Socialist Alternative Trotsyists and other locals. New app for gathering contacts from your circle.

    Thousands of these events today in all 50 states and 30 countries, including 1000 in Illinois. This is a big ground game.

    I wonder how many volunteers kamala and warren and beto have? 100,000? 10,000? How ’bout Sleepy Joe? Little Pete?
    Without MSNBC and CNN these guys wouldn’t even register.

    Attendees concerned that another primary theft, or a split-the-vote maneuver in the election a la Ross Perot or Howard Schultz, could derail the result.

    Favorite quote; “In 2016, the fake (populist) Bernie Sanders got elected, in 2020 we’re going to get the real one elected.”

    1. Shonde

      I was unable to attend because of a family issue but did watch the taped intro. The feeling I had after was that this organizing is not only for Bernie for President but also to work on getting Bernie candidates elected to all levels of government with a working pressure group ready to lobby. In other words everything Obama did not do. If this organizing succeeds, and so far it looks good, it could be the end of centrist control of the Democratic party if Bernie supporters overwhelm Democratic conventions and can get control of party positions. How I would love to see that day! Go to Bernie’s website if you want to load the app.

      1. NotTimothyGeithner

        In other words everything Obama did not do.

        Well, everything Obama used and then stomped out once he had achieved his ends.

    2. Amfortas the hippie

      i’m still playing catchup from a month in the garden, and ran across this somehow:
      apparently, david brock is still on the payroll, and is being listened to by all those well appointed deaf ears.
      they’ve learned nothing.
      and the comments have some of the usual apologia for hilldog and excoriation for bernie…but there’s a whole lot more berners represented there than last time….and the hilltrolls sound strident, and not in a good way.
      “what we need is centrism and pragmatism…and a sharper focus on Identity”, lol.
      reckon this time around will be even more entertaining than the last.
      I’m on the edge of my seat to learn what new, improved shenanigans the versailles set comes up with.

      1. Hepativore

        I wonder if we will have to worry about the Hillbots/Blue Dogs waiting to pounce in a neoliberal backlash after Sanders finishes his presidency should he be elected? I doubt they will go away and might attempt a soft coup in 2024-2028 and try and dismantle any reforms he put forth. This is why it is important that we find a worthy successor to Sanders in the near future.

        The problem is that politicians of Sanders’ caliber are a rarity.

  18. crittermom

    >”Hedge-Fund Ownership Cost Sears Workers Their Jobs…”

    Good article, that should enrage anyone who reads it and becomes aware of what’s happening to loyal workers all over this country.

    I was happy to read that not only are former employees victims of such ‘business dealings’ fighting back, but that behavior is finally getting a little attention from some in government.

    This practice is absolutely disgusting and helping to destroy this country to the benefit of only a few who obviously lack any conscience.

    So sad that while the closures and lay-offs may reach the news desk of the MSM, the failure to expose the real reason they happened is lacking.

    Time to construct more guillotines?

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