Notice re Short-Term Change in Coverage

Dear patient readers,

Your humble blogger is en route to checking out a possible place to which to move after I evict myself later in the coming months (I am currently in my deceased mother’s house, which I have to sell as part of settling her estate).

While the overall level of posts will remain the same, I will be writing much less frequently through Monday February 13. It will be a bit of a challenge for me to stay on top of the news during this time.

Naked Capitalism has been fortunate in that every time I’ve needed to take a partial leave of absence, such as when I was writing ECONNED or during my surgery, talented regulars and friends of the site have done extra duty to maintain our high standards of reporting and analysis. I hope you all will applaud Lambert, Conor, Nick and KLG for stepping up while I have competing duties. And enjoy the change in information mix!

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  1. square coats

    I hope the place seems like it will be right for you Yves! I’ll be doing some kind of keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  2. The Rev Kev

    The good news will be Yves lining herself up a brand new place. The bad news is that this will involve the dreaded experience of ‘moving house’. Good luck – and good hunting.

  3. Steve H.

    > I hope you all will applaud Lambert, Conor, Nick and KLG for stepping up while I have competing duties.

    BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!

    My fourth parent in two years is on hospice. Has me contemplating continuity.

    Janet and I were discussing the development of news, from information to propaganda to disinformation. We seem to be in the Surkov phase in the US. All of the individuals I continue to look at regularly (Robb, Welsh, Greer, Stauber) have blind spots. NC reflects enough that blind spots become illuminated.

    But NC is exclusive in this regard. Nowhere else. Main news to be viewed to see what they are Not reporting. Apparently NC has become a monopoly in this regard, as far as I can tell. But what happens if Yves isn’t around?

    Yves, you have shown superb judgement in who is on the deck with you. This is distinct from the perspective you have, and your ability to communicate it. Most impressive.

  4. Hayek's Heelbiter

    Sending you condolences and prayers from across the pond for a smooth transition and look forward to reading an even feistier Yves once you settle in.

  5. Pat

    Wishing you great success in your endeavors. IOW, may this possible location check off even more on your list than you think it might.

    And I have no doubt that your “regulars and friends” will keep this place up, running and brilliant.

      1. Colonel Smithers

        Thank you, Yves. All the best.

        I was in Mauritius for the festive break, fell into conversation* with a Texan family who have just relocated / taken early retirement and thought of you. *The fellow was interested in the car I was driving as they are looking to buy a car. The family have a 10 year visa, but can extend to permanent and even citizenship without much ado. The fellow said another American, colleagues in Tanzania, suggested Mauritius. The family have been in Africa and Asia for decades and have one child of senior school age.

        We’d love to welcome you, even for just holiday.

      2. sporble

        I’d wanted to ask what Lexx asked… wishing you (and the promising city/country) the best of luck and success!

      3. Martin Oline

        Well that is good news indeed. I was going to ask you to spare your back but moving out of the country will allow you to jettison many possessions you are fond of but don’t really need. I should consider such a move. Best of luck and health to you.

  6. Tom Pfotzer

    Best of luck with the new digs, Yves.

    And thanks to all the folks at NC for your excellent and most necessary work.

  7. Ancient1

    Dear Yves,
    As you travel on this journey, I wish you the best and a satisfy success. May the Graced be with you.

  8. JEHR

    Yves, I am very curious about that country and that city you have chosen. I have no idea where I would go if I thought I could no longer be where I am.

    1. Keith Newman

      Re JEHR @ 11:04am.
      I’m curious too. Similar to you I have no idea where else I would go. I live in Quebec. I believe you live somewhere in Canada. I share the disappointment in our country that you expressed a day or two ago. It is no longer what it once was – much less respect for free speech, slavish devotion to the US since 2005, public services declining. Sad.
      Anyway, good luck to you Yves. I hope you find the right place.

  9. Cristobal

    All the best Yves, I hope that you find a great place. After living in many parts of the US I decamped for Spain (Andalucía) almost ten years ago and like it a lot. Nowhere is perfect, but the quallity of life here is pretty good. As they say here: ¨Jodido pero contento!¨ I´m sure you will make a good choice – either inside or outside the Belly of the Beast over there. There are good people everywhere.

  10. HH

    Someone with a crackling, powerful intellect engaging issues of global importance should not live in a provincial American city or flee to a cheap and cheerful expat locale. Yves should move to a great city to be energized by its human and cultural riches.

  11. Jeremy Grimm

    Some hiatus from NakedCapitalism might prove of benefit in two ways. Sometimes distance brings a new perspective when working a problem or crafting a work. Distance might also offer some view of how NakedCapitalism might evolve and continue through changes over times.

    Find good fortune in your quest.

  12. Check the natural light

    So many things to consider, if one has the resources and time to do so, when moving. One issue, if a person is affected by it, is the natural light. If the place has Northerly or Southerly facing windows and no Easterly or Westerly facing windows, there will be far less natural light.

    During one of my unexpected urgent moves, the bathroom mirror was only about four inches from the wall. Since I had been cutting my own hair for years, I was enormously frustrated by it. Then there was that neighborhood psychotic ex police dog who kept being allowed to run the street, and took an instant disliking to me, and the entire house, with no provocation. I had to carry around a bat. I did get very lucky on the windows though, with a nice sunny kitchen and living room.

    Then, if renting, checking things like does the refrigerator door open towards a wall right next to it (which should be illegal, only slightly exagerating)? Ahh the litlle things in life that can cause more frustration than one might first consider.

    Good luck, looks like your due for some!

    1. Lambert Strether

      > So many things to consider

      These are all excellent and helpful points, and just the sort of thing one must be physically present to check. Especially natural light.

      To your checklist of “the little things” I would add two things:

      1) Fresh air. I hate air conditioning with a passion — I don’t like the quality of the air, and I’m not going to be cleaning filters because that’s work — and so being able to open a window and turn on a fan is important to me. I think this and natural light correlate, and both are healthy.

      2) No noisy neighbors and ideally not the possibility of them!

  13. Elizabeth

    Good luck, Yves. I hope the trip works out and that wherever you end up is everything you hoped for. Yes, NC is in good hands with Lambert, Conor and KLG.

  14. LawnDart

    I’ve done a fair amount of research into where I’ll make my next home– hopefully a “forever” home. This past year I’ve spent a lot of time in fairly-comfortable spots in the USA’s midwest: blue-collar, working-class with good jobs; a healthy balance of students and professionals. But I see these places changing, and the balance rapidly turning into a stark and lopsided contrast like you see elsewhere in this country. Still, if I was to stay in USA, it would probably be somewhere in the northern midwest.

    I could easily go on a tangent about why I am looking to get out of USA– now, as in this year. It has a lot to do with the dishonesty, the predominant cowardly and ignorant culture, as well as the corrupt governments that I’ve encountered (federal, state, and local), and the crass materialism– stuff being more important than people, and people being forced to work excessively just to survive versus working to live life. This place hasn’t been good for me, so I’m getting out while I can still start-over elsewhere, and to more fully enjoy the life that I have.

    I hope that Yves finds what she is looking for. And when she does, I have no doubt that this change will be seen through her writing: none of us are our best under duress or persistant, adverse stress.

    Safe travels, Yves.

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