At Davos, Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez Just Said the Quiet Part Out Loud on Online Anonymity and Digital Identity

“In our countries, no one can walk the streets with a mask on their face,” and “yet we allow people to roam freely on the Internet without linking their profiles to a real identity.” 

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez was uncharacteristically candid on a range of sensitive issues in his speech this week at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. He suggested not only putting an end to online anonymity on social media but also forcing “media platforms to link every user account to a European digital identity wallet.”

In other words, what we’ve been warning about for a few years now — the worldwide emergence of digital identity systems and how they will be used, in the words of a 2018 WEF report, to “open up [or close off]” access to basic online (and offline) services — is now being openly discussed at Davos by a senior European politician. Eight months after the EU launched its digital identity program, the race is on to sell it to the public.

Ripping the Mask Off

Below is the relevant clip of Sánchez’s speech which includes the bizarre words: “in our countries, no one can walk the streets with a mask on their face,” and “yet we allow people to roam freely on the Internet without linking their profiles to a real identity.” Of course, not that long ago, no one could walk the streets of Spain and other European countries without a mask on their face, a fact that Sánchez, who was president of Spain throughout the pandemic, seems to have conveniently forgotten.

Sánchez’s proposal ostensibly seeks to curb the toxic effects of social media networks on what he calls “European democracy”, which is a bit rich given that the EU has done more than anyone to undermine European democracy. As the great, late British MP Tony Benn once said, “the powers that rule us talk about [democracy]. But they resist it with all the wiles and techniques at their command.”

The EU and national EU governments have been doing this for decades, as NC reader vao pointed out in a recent comments thread:

Case in points: the various referenda that took place in the past.

1) Referendum on the EU Constitution. As soon as that treaty was rejected in the Netherlands and France, the ratification process was interrupted, including in countries where referenda were to be held, and the process re-launched in a form that made sure popular opinion would have no impact on the final decision.

2) Except in Ireland, where a referendum was compulsory. When the Irish answered “incorrectly”, they had to vote again to make sure the new EU organization was accepted. Again, politicians will never take “no” for an answer.

3) A similar procedure was attempted regarding the compensations of losses of British and Dutch banks following the financial melt-down in Iceland. The voters rejected the loan guarantee packages twice. The Dutch and British government then attempted to get their way via judicial means.

4) Netherlands introduced the possibility of a consultative referendum in 2015. In 2016, a referendum was demanded regarding the EU-Ukraine association agreement — which treaty was rejected by 61% of the voters. After a period of dithering, the government decided to ignore the result and ratify the treaty anyway. A second referendum was held regarding a new intelligence and security services act — which law was also rejected. Again, the government passed the law anyway after minimal modifications. This was the second and last referendum to be held; by then, Dutch politicians were enough pissed off by the popular opinion and had already repelled the law instituting the possibility of a referendum.

The EU’s assault on European democracy has become even more brazen of late. In November, it tried to overturn an election in Georgia, which is not even an EU member, to no avail. It then had more success in pressuring Romania’s Constitutional Court to cancel the first round of the country’s election in Romania after a right-ring populist who favoured better ties with Russia won the most votes.

A few days ago, the former Commissioner for the EU’s Internal Market, Thierry Breton, who used to describe himself as the “enforcer” of the EU’s Digital Services Act before stepping down from that role, said the same could happen to Germany if the voters there also make the wrong choice in the upcoming elections.

“We have to prevent outside meddling and make our laws apply,” Breton said, referring to allegations of Russian involvement, based on bogus intel from the state intelligence services, before admitting actual EU interference. “We did it in Romania, and we will obviously have to do it in Germany, if necessary.”

This is the model of European democracy Sánchez wants to protect — one that has zero regard for elections in national member states. Incidentally, Breton joined Bank of America as an advisor just weeks after resigning from the Commission, in direct contravention of the EU’s own rules on lobbying bans for ex-commissioners. According to the Commission’s Code of Conduct, outgoing commissioners must respect a two-year cooling-off period before taking up a new role that involves lobbying or a potential conflict of interest.

Full Weaponisation of the EU’s Digital Services Act

In his speech, Sánchez also called for “the European regulation of Digital Services to be fully applied” as well as sanctions to be imposed on those who do not comply with it. Sánchez accused the owners of the social media platforms of wanting to increase their political power “by undermining our democratic institutions”. Many of those social media owners were not at the Davos this year since it clashed with Donald J Trump’s inauguration, and this time round Trump is their ticket to direct political power ally.

“We must ensure that social media executives are responsible for compliance with the rules on platforms, as is the case in other sectors,” said Sánchez.

Of course, Sánchez has one particular Big Tech owner in mind: Elon Musk, whose X platform, formerly known as Twitter, has been under investigation for over a year under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) over how it tackles the spread of illegal content and information manipulation. The company has been accused of manipulating the platform’s systems to give far-right posts and politicians greater visibility over other political groups. In recent months, Musk has intensified his meddling in countries around Europe, including the UK.

Sánchez also has one particular country in mind when it comes to spreading mis-and dis-information that is supposedly harmful to European democracy. No prizes for guessing which: Russia, he said, is “weakening democratic institutions and forces.”

Sánchez’s proposed plan to deal with the problems of online hate, misinformation and tech billionaires’ increasing influence over political processes revolves around three main measures:

  1. Ending anonymity on social networks by linking people’s profiles to their EU digital identity system, which became a legal reality in May 2024.
  2. Forcing transparency of algorithms.
  3. Establishing criminal liability for the platforms’ owners.

The proposal to end online anonymity is nothing new; politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have been talking about banning or discouraging the use of anonymity on the Internet for almost as long as the Internet has existed. In 1999, Microsoft even launched Passport, a single sign-in and digital wallet service for communication and commerce on the Internet that was supposed to allow users to easily access information and purchase goods on multiple Web sites using a single login and password (h/t Rev Kev).

Needless to say, the idea didn’t take off. But in the past year, the topics of online anonymity, age verification and digital identity have gained a lot more attention as governments have begun moving from words to action.

A License to W*nk

Spain’s Sánchez government was one of the first movers in this area. In the early summer, it unveiled plans to push the boundaries of Internet control by launching a digital age verification system to prevent minors from being able to access pornographic websites. The proposed system will be based on a digital wallet app through which adult porn users will be able to obtain anonymous digital access credentials. And those credentials, the government says, will soon be necessary to enter digital spaces hosting adult content.

As we reported at the time, the digital wallet is not only intended to close off access to porn websites to minors; it will also ration the number of times adult users can access pornography websites. The Spanish government also spoke of requiring a similar digital identity wallet to access other online platforms. Carmen Cabanillas, director general of Governance at the Ministry of Digital Transformation, said that the tool could be used by messaging applications, social networks or browsers to check the age of users, as well as presumably other things.

In October, Ireland adopted its Online Safety Code, which mandates that digital services protect people, especially children, from harm online. It calls on video-sharing platforms to, among other things, use age-assurance mechanisms to prevent children from accessing pornography or gratuitous violence. Ireland’s age verification rules will apply to all video-sharing platforms that have their EU headquarters in the country including Facebook, YouTube, X, TikTok, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Instagram.

Australia, which launched its own digital identity app, myID, in early 2024, in November became the first Western democracy to pass legislation banning all under-16s from social media platforms. For its part, the UK is pushing for digital identity to be used to verify the age of pub and clubgoers. As we noted at the time, it seems that online age verification will be the Trojan House for the mass rollout of digital identity systems:

For governments around the world, one of the great advantages of age verification, or assurance as the Austrian government is now calling it, is that it traps everyone in its web — not just under-16s but just about anyone who wants to use the Internet. As members of the Australian government recently admitted, everyone will soon have to prove their age to use social media. And that will presumably mean having to use the government’s recently launched digital ID app, myID.

Australia’s social media ban is scheduled to come into effect in just under a year’s time. Digital researchers have warned that there are no guarantees that the as-yet unspecified technology the Australian government plans to use to enforce the social media ban — which will presumably rely on biometrics and/or the government’s fledgling digital identity system — will work. As the BBC reports, critics have also sought assurances that privacy will be protected:

They have also warned that restrictions could easily be circumvented through tools like a VPN – which can disguise a user’s location and make them appear to be logging on from another country.

Children who find ways to flout the rules will not face penalties, however.

Polling on the reforms, though limited, suggests it is supported by a majority of Australian parents and caregivers.

“For too long parents have had this impossible choice between giving in and getting their child an addictive device or seeing their child isolated and feeling left out,” Amy Friedlander, who was among those lobbying for the ban, recently told the BBC.

“We’ve been trapped in a norm that no one wants to be a part of.”

But many experts say the ban is “too blunt an instrument” to effectively address the risks associated with social media use, and have warned it could end up pushing children into less regulated corners of the internet.

Protecting the Children: A Perfect Pretext

Protecting the children from online evils is, it seems, the chosen pretext for unleashing digital identity and imposing online anonymity on a largely unsuspecting world. According to Sánchez, “in a democracy, citizens have a right to privacy, not to anonymity or impunity,” especially when it comes to pernicious acts committed online such as cyberbullying, sexual offenses or violence.

However, banning the use of anonymity online can have very serious consequences, warned Gabriella Coleman, author of Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous, in a 2014 op-ed for the New York Times:

Debates about trolls routinely conflate anonymity with incivility but a broader look at online activities reveals that public good can come when users can hide their identity.

For example, medical patients and mothers discuss sensitive issues (be they clinical or related to parenting) in pseudonymous forums, allowing for candid discussions of what might otherwise be stigmatizing subjects. Anonymous activists rely on the web for whistle-blowing or to speak truth to power without fear of retribution. And, in a strange twist, victims of hate crimes use anonymity to speak out as well: anonymity can empower those who seek consolation and justice to speak out against assailants enabled by the same processes.

Anonymous expression has been a foundation of our political culture since its inception, underwriting monumental declarations like the Federalist Papers. At its best, it puts the attention on the message, rather than the messenger.

For these reasons, we should stay away from sweeping and blunt prohibitions on anonymity. Requiring real identities online would chill a vibrant democracy.

But saving the children is, I believe, the last thing on the minds of the political establishment. It is just a pretext, albeit a very seductive one; the real goal, as the US tech analyst Tim Hinchliffe notes, is “to end online anonymity while giving governments and corporations the power to manipulate, coerce, or incentivize human behaviour.”

With the Digital Services Act, the EU plans to stamp out as much as feasibly possible the dissemination on social media of what the EU Commission, national governments and their handsomely rewarded armies of private-sector fact checkers deem to be dis-, mis-, and mal-information. For those who may not know, mal-information is, in the words of Wikipedia, “based on fact, but removed from its original context in order to mislead, harm, or manipulate”. It is, even by Wikipedia’s moral standards, a “controversial concept”.

The primary objective with all this is to choke public expression and debate on sensitive issues, as the retired German judge Manfred Kölsch warned in 2023. Those issues could include the EU’s support for genocide in Palestine, Germany’s rapid deindustrialisation, Europe’s crumbling economy, the rampant corruption at the very top of the EU Commission and Parliament, the EU’s ever-diminishing democratic legitimacy (I’m sure you can think of more).

If it is successful in this endeavour, the inevitable and desired result will be that EU citizens will begin self-censoring to align their messages on the platforms with what is currently acceptable in Brussels’ and NATO’s corridors of power.

But that is just part of the process. By simultaneously rolling out digital identity as stealthily as possible — as far as we could tell, no mainstream media outlet bothered to even cover its launch in May — and then making it a prerequisite for accessing and using social media platforms, as Sánchez is suggesting here, the EU intends to close the circle by killing online anonymity.

As NC readers are well aware, digital identity is also an essential prerequisite for the rollout of central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which threaten to revolutionise money in ways that are unlikely to favour the common man.

At the same time, Brussels, like the UK and other Five-Eye nations, has its sights set on encryption. Just a few days ago, the chief of Europol urged tech firms to cooperate with law enforcement in unlocking encrypted messages. A failure to stamp out encrypted messages threatens European democracy, she said. Her actual words were (emphasis my own): “You will not be able to enforce democracy without it.”

“Enforcing” democracy must surely rank as one of the most Orwellian terms of this fledgling year. In his 2013 article for the Guardian, “How Cryptography Is a Key Weapon in the Fight Against Empire States”, Julian Assange wrote: “Strong cryptography is a vital tool in fighting state oppression.” But fighting state oppression is the last thing on the EU’s collective mind right now, given it is the EU itself and its member states that are increasingly meting out that oppression, much of which is taking place online.

It has been a similar story in the US — until recently. Just yesterday, Rob Urie revealed on this site how hundreds of his articles were essentially disappeared during the Biden administration. In December, those articles magically reappeared just a day or two after a Federal entity called the Global Engagement Center (GEC) — an offshoot of the US State Department tasked with censoring legal political speech on the internet, was closed after Congress stopped funding it. It was a positive early move by the Trump administration.

However, it remains to be seen how Trump’s decision to surround himself with some of Silicon Valley’s most powerful overlords, including, of course, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, the founder of Palantir, the Israel-linked, CIA-funded spytech firm, who paints himself as an economic libertarian while denouncing competition as “for losers“, will ultimately pan out. My guess is that it won’t be pretty. Meanwhile, in Europe the EU is preparing to escalate and expand its war on freedom of speech, encrypted communications and online anonymity.

Julian Assange’s warning in his foreword to Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet, the 2012 book he co-authored with Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Muller-Maguhn, and Jérémie Zimmermann, has proven to be sadly prescient: “the Internet, our greatest tool for emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen”.

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  1. Zagonostra

    But saving the children is, I believe, the last thing on the minds of the political establishment. It is just a pretext, albeit a very seductive one; the real goal, as the US tech analyst Tim Hinchliffe notes, is “to end online anonymity while giving governments and corporations the power to manipulate, coerce, or incentivize human behaviour.”

    Saving the children, like the 20K+ slaughtered in the genocide in Gaza. Damn right it is “the last thing on the minds of the political establishment.” Go ahead, make online anonymity a requirement…see how fast engagement in it evaporates. The silly thing is, there really isn’t anonymity for the National Security State, they know who is clicking the keys on this keyboard and if they want to find Zagonostra they know how to do it.

    1. Jana


      Like the ones injected with the experimental mRNA shots knowing the risk is with the elderly and immune deficient? Like the ones on Epstein Island?

      Could Joe Public continue to be this daft?

    2. Hickory

      The reality is some percentage of those people at Davos are likely pedophiles themselves.

      Whenever a few people rule over everyone else and choose how the law is enforced, certain patterns play out in a culture – like some percentage of authorities molesting children. The Franklin Cove-Up was a book by Dave DeCamp describing a massive child abuse operation that came to light in Nebraska in the US in the late 1980s, including many local and nationally powerful people in Nebraska – including local police chiefs and business owners all the way up to George HW Bush, president and ex-CIA chief. These people were clearly identified by abused children at trial. And there never was any accountability… and this is not an isolated story. I found the same kind of story in Portugal, also at least from the 1980s to early 2000s. Priests of the Catholic Church have regularly been called out for molesting hundreds of thousands of children all round the world, going back centuries. A few priests may get thrown under the bus when an investigation has to happen, but the child abuse racket always seems to continue – because in all these societies, whether the US, France, Russia, or wherever, citizens are forbidden from holding authorities accountable from inappropriate behavior. That’s what it means to be ruled. Widespread child abuse by authority figures is simply one of the tragic patterns that results when a few people rule over everyone else.

      Having rulers is seriously problematic, and none of these problems are going to stop while we live in societies where citizens are forbidden from holding authorities accountable – because that’s supposedly police’s job, and honest police are regularly kicked out of any police force leaving only officers who won’t stand up for what’s right (do a search online for what happens to police whistleblowers if you don’t believe me, or see the book One Disease One Cure, chapter 32 and 38).

      Healthy cultures don’t have these problems – cultures where people maintain a baseline of mutual respect as a normal way of life, and everyone is expected (rather than forbidden) to stand up for their neighbors when injustice occurs. In unhealthy cultures (where a few people impose law on the rest and choose how it’s enforced), it’s just normal for many authorities to abuse children, and use whatever cover story they want to try and do whatever it is they want to do, like this digital id scam. Not saying every authority figure molests children; just that it shouldn’t be surprising because it happens so commonly. It’s also normal for authority figures to lie and try to increase their control in these kinds of human cultures.

    3. steppenwolf fetchit

      People may have to start sending eachother landmail letters and etc. again. And if they want to send digitized media material, they will have to get it onto tiny little memory storage devices and send it around physically from PC owner to PC owner to PC owner.

      It could create an “Internet of people”. People catapulting the samizdata.

  2. JMH

    There are books. There is always samizdat. The people will have a vanguard. It is curious how those who prance and prate about democracy, free speech and a free press are so afraid of any opinion, any idea that does not conform to their narrow view of the world. It is no surprise that this speech was voiced at the WEF, a bastion of privilege, the forum at which the self-appointed “masters of the universe” work tirelessly to fit iron chains or digital collars on all us unruly deplorables.

    1. Bugs

      Yeah that was weird. Even the URL says PM. Such a bourgeois doofus Sr Sanchez. Right out of Madrid central casting.

      Any time they try stuff like this, there’s usually a technical workaround (hack) before you can even count to one. France has a whole administration (HADOPI) chasing down people who download music and video, and it’s a joke. The government has never understood the Internet. They can create their little Empire niches where you’re going to need (fake or otherwise) ID to get in, but they won’t be able to stop something that has no off switch.

      Microsoft Passport was a joke internally because it was too slow and buggy and didn’t even work correctly on Microsoft’s own sites. Eventually it became Live login and and parts of it are also in the corporate encrypted sign on, iirc. Google actually succeeded at a login that does what Passport was supposed to do…

      Agree that CBDC is a very very evil idea.

    2. Nick Corbishley Post author

      You’re right, Principe, and I have changed it to “prime minister”, though his official title in Spanish is “presidente del gobierno de España”, which confuses the family blog out of me. As you can see in this BBC article, he is even referred to as “El presidente Pedro Sánchez”. But in English he is generally referred to as “prime minister”. Thanks for the clarification, I’ve clearly been out of the country too long ;-)

    3. hk

      The official title is president of government (presidente del gobierno). President is probably the better translation than prime minister (and I know academics who insist on president as the correct terminology.)

    4. ciroc

      The word “president” did not originally mean head of state of the republic, but rather chairman. The “President of the Privy Council” in the United Kingdom is a remnant of that era. Incidentally, the position of Prime Minister in Spain was called “Secretary of State” until the 19th century.

  3. The Rev Kev

    Dissent will not be tolerated. Criticism of government officials will not be allowed. It can be a crime to simply forward a post. And this is what the WEF is planning for us all. Well, maybe not for them as shown by Thierry Breton’s new job. It is all part of the Rules Based International Order which I will post as soon as I can find a copy of them. I guess that the WEF needed a goose to put these thoughts into a speech and Sanchez is a not well know figure that could get the job done for them. A problem for them as far as social media is concerned is that it is mostly American. A Biden would go along with the WEF completely but Trump as a wild card here. The EU has made noises about building their very own social media corporation but we all know that that will never happen. Can you imagine? EuroBook. Who would even go there? But we are having a taste of what it mean to have everybody having to identify themselves online.

    A 64-year-old German pensioner faces hate crime charges for retweeting a meme that called Economy Minister Robert Habeck of the Green Party an idiot – which he is. The retired German army sergeant had the police search his home and confiscate his tablet computer and mobile phone because that is what happens in a democracy. And he was not even the first to have this happen to them through sharing Habeck said afterwards that he was right and that all social media should be regulated. In Oz last year, Prime Minister Albanese stated that he wanted to regulate social media because there were people online that were mean to him and mocked him but mostly because he is a thin-skinned idiot. And now the UK is jailing its own citizens for making “hateful” social media posts though it is up to the government to decide what is hateful or not. People like Boris will be free to write what they want however. Come time for this internet “passport” do not be surprised that in doing so you have to install a small program on your computer, tablet or mobile to enable it – along with other “functions’-

      1. JBird4049

        Don’t laugh. The Soviet Union did send to mental hospitals some of its dissidents for years using some made up psychiatric “disorder” that only they used to provide legal cover.

        The older I get the more I see the Soviet Union around me.

        1. gk

          But that’s just Bavaria did. Mollath was claiming that a major bank was laundering money, which obviously meant that he must have been insane (precedents in Bavaria include Ludwig II and Oskar Panizza)

    1. mrsyk

      Dissent will not be tolerated. Breton makes this abundantly clear.
      I do enjoy the framing of public discussion of politics on social media as “toxic effects” lol.
      Oh, note to Don, I have it on good authority that the s in brics does not stand for Spain. It stands for Switzerland (on the map, slightly above the boot shaped thingy). AI, are you listening?

      1. BeliTsari

        It’s WILD to try BlueSky & actually witness a veritable elephant graveyard of fahklenpt yuppies & hive-minded in a PMC box whine echo-chamber, amygdalas engorged after repeated “little sniffles” & Colbert returning to all Trump, ALL the time? Kinda figured: Gaza genocide, Ukraine, Altadena, Syria, Asheville & DNC™ LLC installing the SAME boogyman TWICE, to mau-mau ofay liberals & BLAME life-long loyal victims; while eugenic cleansing red-lined sacrifice zones & replacing voters with H1-B & SIV & robot factories wasn’t going to be Netflix or Hulu romantic comedy series, any more than COVIDs 3rd week in NYC, Nazis under Azovstal, IDF bulldozers & RussiaGate?

        1. mrsyk

          Indulge me.
          It’s WILD to try BlueSky & actually witness
          a veritable elephant graveyard of fahklenpt
          yuppies & hive-minded in a PMC box whine
          echo-chamber, amygdalas engorged after repeated
          “little sniffles”
          “little sniffles”
          “little sniffles”
          “little sniffles”
          Colbert returning to all Trump, ALL the time?
          it’s the end of the world as we know it
          it’s the end of the world as we know it….
          , REM

          Your words are lovely, and apologies if I’ve overstepped.

          1. BeliTsari

            Only, if you add, “all the foo-dah DAY” & perhaps get Victoria Nuland, Neera Tanden & Debbie Wasserman Schultz to dance in the video?

            This would be a swell time, to publish our real life identities, GPS, DNS & IP address?

          2. steppenwolf fetchit

            I don’t do social media, neither twiXtter, nor Fecebook, nor this new BlueSky, nor any of the rest. Blogs like this are the closest I come to social media.

            I look at selected random outputs of social media when posted to reddit or here or wherever. But I don’t join any of them.

            The little bit I have read about BlueSky as it emerges is that it is being designed as a silo for Blueanons. Maybe it could be nicknamed Blue Silo or Blue Sky Silo or some such thing.

            The time really is ripening for all the engineers-in-exile from good old twitter to get the band back together and build up a twitter 2.0 or cricket or twitter in eXile or whatever they want to call it.

            Separately, a vague possibility-space is opening up for someone to design a non-polluted non-pollutionogenic subscription-based Search and Social company. People merely want to view it could do so for “free” at the price of reading ads. People who want to write or post stuff on it would have to pay to do so. The subscription side of the possible model. It could be called Shinola Search and Social or some such thing.
            And it could avoid doing the kind of mass dataveillance that the current antisearch and antisocial platforms are doing.

            1. John Doe

              > I don’t do social media, neither twiXtter, nor Fecebook, nor this new
              > BlueSky, nor any of the rest. Blogs like this are the closest I come
              > to social media.

              I’m 100% with you on this.

              Digital control in all its pernicious aspects is of course a very serious problem and I am not trying to deflect or minimise when I observe that elimination of online anonymity will mean the end of places such as NC, where just about everyone, including the esteemed staff, posts under a nom de guerre, whether obviously so or not.

            2. mary jensen

              “The time really is ripening for all the engineers-in-exile from good old twitter to get the band back together and build up a twitter 2.0 or cricket or twitter in eXile or whatever they want to call it.” I’ve often thought the same. Think it will ever happen? What are the monstrous obstacles? Didn’t facebook just buy out all the other successes on the block to become the thing it is now?

              I’ve never joined Twitter, X, facebook, Instagram etc either. Just youtube long long ago and I never forgot my password so I do like to comment on youtube about music, cinema, and I like to read the comments. There are some amusing and astute people about. GB commentators are a scream, much appreciated. I can’t imagine a European wide “digital identity passport” ever seeing the light of day; for the children or not. What exactly is malicious in South Korea?

    2. Fritz

      “It is all part of the Rules Based International Order which I will post as soon as I can find a copy of them.”

      There is no written rules based international order. It is whatever the world’s bully and its vassal states want it to mean. These bullies prattle on about the sacredness of human rights when it concerns China’s Uyghurs, but advocate censorship when one dares to speak about Israhell’s abuse in Gaza.

  4. Altandmain

    The elite high net worth individuas that make up the class of people who are attending the WEF are getting scared of ordinary people. They know that they screwed over their citizens to make the rich richer through neoliberal economics and they are increasingly afraid of the consequences of their greed.

    This loss of anonymity on the Internet that they want to enact is about keep their position of power and preventing the public from revolting. They want to track people to prevent dissent and criticism.

    I have no doubt that the Western elite will become more desperate as the West loses ground around the world. Losing a war in Ukraine, and more importantly China seems to be overtaking the West quickly on technology. That’s only going to make the rich in the West turn to more authoritarian measures at home, as they lose power over the rest of the world.

    Apart from the loss of hegemony and all the money they wanted to make from looting nations like Russia, I suspect that the rich fear a real revolution at home. They know that their policies are not popular among ordinary citizens, who are increasingly turning to populist politicians. More people are making the connection between the choices the Western elite made and the fall in living standards of the Western citizen.

    That seems to be the real motive for this attack on anonymity. Ultimately it will fail, like so many other schemes that elites have always tried when they don’t have theur citizens best interests at heart. The government will lose legitimacy and the West will face an end-USSR like scenario. Enforcing their Orwellian state is going to take a lot of resources at a time when the resources of the Western world are diminishing. There is a lack of state competence. Witness the failures of big Western infrastructure projects and industrial policy in the past few years.

    There certainly has not been a case made to ordinary people as ti why this loss on online anonymity that the elite want to legislate is going to benefit the lives of ordinary people, nor solve the problems that they face.

    A better choice for the West would be to make the necessary reforms for a more egalitarian distribution of wealth and to end the wars, but that would require a new elite. The current elite want to keep looting society without fear of the consequences and public backlash.

  5. DJG, Reality Czar

    Nick Corbishley: Thanks for the article and descriptions of ramifications of these proposed rules and of effects already making themselves evident.

    What boggles me for a moment is the sheer stupidity of Pedro Sanchez in this regard. I’m tempted to write, “He knows better,” but then Kaja Kallas exists, as does Elise Stefanik, as does Emanuel Macron. So there is the possibility that most politicians, and certainly the EU Parliament and EU Commission, are just a bunch of not-so-hidden authoritarians.

    Having just read today’s excellent posting here at Naked Capitalism by Richard Murphy on how a government is not a household (or business), and how politicians maintain the metaphor so as to enforce austerity, I will point out that Spain has a long, long history of masking:

    What about those Holy Week processions in Andalusia, and the idea that a penitent can appear anonymously in public?

    And there are some Catalans enjoying the dance of the diables, and blowing up things. In masks:

    Is it possible that the face of authoritarianism is just plain old studied stupidity? “No one can wear a mask.” “The government is like a household.” “We want government to be run like a business.”

    1. Ignacio

      I have checked commentaries on Sanchez’s intervention in Davos in Público, which can be considered a leftist outlet. Interestingly, they frame the intervention in quite a different way as Nick does here. Nothing about privacy rights, anonymity… nothing. The article says that Sanchez wants to “protect us from the abuses of the owners of social networks”. There is, according to Sanchez a fight between “democracy” and the “tech-billionaires” and the way to win this battle (for the democratic side, of course) is to end with anonymity (privacy rights in social networks) in social networks, transparency of the algorithms (someone please explain me), and holding the owners accountable (accountable for what not specified). The less privacy the better democracy seems to be the motto. Everything is public in social networks and anyone can be held responsible for what it said/wrote/published in social networks. So the idea goes, we can bring Ignacio from Spain to accept censorship to X because he dislikes Musk. Good try but nope. Ignacio doesn’t want you to control what can or cannot be said in X even if he believes that Musk is a bloody techno-libertarian billionaire who farts a lot.

      The push from public institutions to turn particulars into responsible, accountable, for whatever happens extends well beyond social networks it has to be said. These days, in all interactions with public institutions that require license, permit or registry in public databases the documentation must be always be accompanied by a “statement of responsibility” to facilitate in legal terms any administrative and judicial action against any particular. That may make sense in many cases of wrongdoing though it is not clear to me in many cases in which things turned sour for reasons other than wrongdoing (let’s say for instance bad luck). But come on! The possibility of being held responsible for whatever you wrote in social networks is a very direct attack on free speech and democracy.

  6. Carolinian

    “My guess is that it won’t be pretty.”

    And yet Trump just signed an EO against fed govt involvement in censorship. It’s true Musk is a bit of hypocrite on the issue but at least his self serving censoring is out in the open and not deep in the shadows as was true under Biden. Perhaps we should admit that libertarians do have some good points and aren’t just a front. I used to link here and got objections that they are a bunch of libertarians. But the desire of the fat cats for less military and therefore lower taxes could be a good thing if you are under the bombs in Gaza. Leftists promote the state while pretending to ignore that “war is the health of the state.” Power must be zealously monitored and kept under control.

    So this Euro drive against Trump’s now good buddy Musk may not get very far given how they kowtow to all things American–assuming Americans in power truly choose to push back.

    1. HJ

      This Musk-rewarding EO limits the U.S. government’s direct interference with social-media platform owner’s operations (speech-suppressing algorithms/policies) and profitability.

      1. Yves Smith

        What about Constitutional free speech guarantees don’t you understand?

        I suggest you read the post from Rob Urie. This rewards all social media platforms. Urie had his articles reappear on Google after being delisted under the Biden Admin. More content = more ad revenues. Zuckerberg also seems pleased to be able to cut his expenditures on content moderation.

  7. t

    Will it also be illegal for a single waitress to wear a wedding ring in the hopes of shutting off a small percent of unwanted attention?

    Publius tho, that guy never bothered me. I suppose they have similar guys in Spain, as noted above.

    1. lyman alpha blob

      You beat me to it.

      To all the liberal goodthinkers out there in the EU and the US who would like to see anonymity go the way of the dodo, Publius would like a word with you.

  8. Michaelmas

    the inevitable and desired result will be that EU citizens will begin self-censoring to align their messages on the platforms with what is currently acceptable in Brussels’ and NATO’s corridors of power.

    ‘The advanced societies of the future will not be governed by reason. They will be driven by irrationality, by competing systems of psychopathology.’

    — J. G. Ballard

    This is a means to that end.

  9. dao

    We already have a “digital ID” in the U.S. so people’s online activity can be tracked.

    It’s your phone number.

    People have no problem giving their phone number (a rather unique identifier) to sign up for internet accounts. Increasingly, you have to receive a security code by text in order to log in.

  10. Yei

    This all reminds me of Star Trek, the Borg…… “We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.” my friends all think I’m crazy when I talk about being “incognito” and will say “I have nothing to hide” to which I respond “privacy is a function of freedom, no privacy no freedom.” I often think of politics in the context of evolution in the sense that political systems need to take into account the political environment therefore having just one world system ie “democracy” or any other system can only lead to a Darwinian dead end.

  11. ciroc

    Registering real names online is not an effective way to combat fake news. The Korean experience shows this:

    Academic findings analyzing the effects of the Korean real name policy on online speech show mixed results. One study suggested that malicious speech, defined as the number of posts deleted by censors on major portal sites, Daum and Naver, remained the same (around five percent) before and after the real name policy came into force.[18] Other studies observed a decline in online participation and a reduction in the number of violent comments in the immediate aftermath of South Korea’s 2008 real name policy but no long-term change.[19]

    One consensus across these studies was that the real name registration policy did not deter wild and unfounded positions from being promoted online.

    1. timo maas

      You don’t need the Korean experience in order to show that registering real names online is not an effective way to combat fake news. One look at MSM is enough. Lies presented as news have been a thing since forever, and the “journalists” are not some anonymous individuals but named professionals paid to lie. In addition to that, people are more likely to buy a lie from someone named Elon Musk, than from user1234.

  12. JCC

    Walter Kern and Matt Taibbi covered a lot of this today on their “weekly roundup”. Mr. Kern also, laughingly, noted all the heavy German accented English spoken at Davos which reminded him of “times past”.

    He also mentioned in passing, rule by the WEF, or, reversed, the FEW.

  13. Kouros

    The time of European Luigis is slowly coming upon us. In the late 19th century and beginning of 20th, anarchism and assassinations were a weekly event. Politicians and proeminent business men and women will start to be a target again.

    But it will be likely the work of lone wolves, because the overpresent state, as in the past, will have infiltrators everywhere and will try to create agregator points of dissafection, to only flush them out at the right time. As such, the lone wolves, like Luigi will start popping like mushrooms after rain, because the orwellian future that our betters are envisioning for us will crate a very rich undergrond layer of mycelian dissatisfaction.

  14. Matthew

    Welp, in the United States you CERTAINLY can’t walk the streets in a mask–that would be protecting yourself from Covid. A person can get lynched. Sanchez is the poster child for a fully co-opted neolibrul “socialism.” And–worse–the thin barrier between Brussels-style neolibrul socialism and some outright fascistic people, many of whom increasingly, loom as a new kind of Montezuma’s revenge bringing their truckloads of stolen S. American treasure to Madrid to park it, and wield influence.


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