Category Archives: CEO compensation

Stumpf is Still Faking It – Claims 75% Couldn’t Resist Wells Fargo Credit Cards

In a not-exactly-shocking development of the ongoing Wells Fargo account faking scandal (see our previous coverage here, here and here if you’re late to the party and need a quick catch-up) CEO John Stumpf, fighting a rear-guard action, is making outlandish claims about how, having begun the process of contacting customers who it has cause to […]


Michael Hudson: Celebrating the One Percent – Is Inequality Really Good for the Economy?

The backlash has begun. Prominent economists are upping their game in trying to depict the gains of the One Percent as virtuous and beneficial.


Michael Hudson: Clinton’s Red-Baiting Distracts from Failure to Address Inequality, War-Mongering as Trump Flails

Clinton’s attacks on Trump distract attention from her 1% serving economic policies and her war-mongering, but Trump isn’t responding effectively.