1. Yves Smith Post author

      I did, and he rounded up his colleagues Ed Conway and Jeremy Warner. We had a very interesting discussion of the euro, US politics, and financial reform. Given how fierce Evans-Pritchard’s writing is, he is unexpectedly soft spoken in person.

    1. IF

      I think it was fine. Great improvement by Yves. I think she can stay that way. If she gets any smoother it won’t be Yves anymore…

  1. DragQueen Capitalism

    great interview. So happy you’re out there speaking out … can you get a guest spot on Stephen Colbert show? that’d be just fantastic. Should we write him and suggest it?

    Started your book, but as I have to finish Rothkopf’s book “Superclass” for an upcoming meeting, haven’t gotten too far yet, but love what I’ve read so far (altho I knew I would)…
    You’re quite extraordinary.

    PS: Have you read Dreisser’s “The Financier”? It’s a great airplane read to indulge in during all that traveling.

    1. Yves Smith Post author

      Thanks so much for the kind words!

      I am WAAY behind on books, but will add The Financier to my list.

      Re Steve Colbert, would love to do the show, my publicist has not had much luck thus far. Nudges and requests would be very much appreciated.

      1. DragQueen Capitalism

        BTW, they are not kind words, they are simply true. The vituperation I received, often from so-called friends, for merely pointing out some of the anomalies and their likely repercussions from ’04-’08 was frightening. I just can’t imagine the fierce responses you must have gotten for actually posting your much more cogent thoughts on the Web.

        In one of the Seinfeld episodes, the George character tells Elaine: “You’re like a Rock Star!” ..That’s how I feel about you.

        In “The Financier”, the Chicago fire is the spark that ignites the panic in Philadelphia via the concatenating collapse of insurance companies (sound familiar)? Wonder if those insuring Alcoa debt figured in serial volcanic eruptions in their formulations….I’m just speculating…. or airline debt, a much more precarious situation.

        Finally, I went to Colbert’s facebook page and suggested an interview with you for “Econned”. He must get millions of suggestion, but, hey, if enough people do the same, who knows?


  2. readerOfTeaLeaves

    Nice interview, Yves. And I agree with other comments that you seem to be more comfortable in front of the camera (your host also did a nice job).

    Too bad some magnetar in a distant galaxy seems to have whalloped up some magnetic weirdness and set off that Icelandic volcano. Enjoy London till the space weather and volcanos calm.j

    Appreciate your pointing out (in this interview) that economists are providing policy advice without any apparent accountability when things go bonkers.

  3. Evelyn Sinclair

    I think the interview question was on the idea that the UK “may see a sovereign debt downgrade from the credit rating agencies” and that is different (in my mind) from a devaluation of currency. Did I catch something you interpreted differently or is that a simple step toward devaluation of currency?

    (Nice to see the stunning features and personality that animates them — the words are not so disembodied as they’ve been.)

  4. jerome

    being from france(citizen of the US now) i thought yves you were a man(in france yves is exclusively a man’s name) so what a lovely surprise to see you ,finally.(i am not in finance at all,a photographer and organic farmer in east hampton,NY…just to be precise) but i wanted you to know how valuable your blog has been to people like me in understanding the world of finance and the crisis we are in,and now seeing you( i say that because being in the bizness of ‘portraying’ people,a face tells me a lot about who a person is…’the features do speak’ dare i say.this is a quite relying knowledge the aware and concerned photographer acquires over time).this being said i can now rest assured that you are one of the ‘right’ person to listen to on financial knowledge and i truly wanted to thank you very much for it all.your blog is really way more valuable than you might think for many like me.could you be the perfect woman ? who is,right ? but you are quite close….people like you represent the hope and faith in Humanity one always feel.
    once again thank you yves, from our collective heart, for your contribution in fraternal knowledge,it is a pleasure to read you…and now to see you.
    ps: if you need help in photography/cinematography one day,i would be happy to oblige, just for u to know.e pluribus unum.

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