Links 5/8/08

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  1. Richard Kline

    So Yves,

    Let me ‘letterdrop’ a query to you here where it’s out of the way. I read the extended and interesting discussion on stability and non-linear processes re: liquidity of yesterday; I was otherwise engaged, and didn’t join in. I’ve kicked around the idea of doing write up on some of the issues raised there. It would be longish for a comment post, though, and would take the better part of an evening if I put it together so I wouldn’t invest the time unless I was going to put it up somewhere. Would you have an interest in eyeballing it to see if you wanted to give it space if it so merited? I could do it and drop you a .pdf for a yes/no if you are inclined and have an email. I’m not fishing for a spotlight; the issues involved regarding dynamical systemicity in socially mediated parameter spaces have interested me deeply for many years so I’d like to push that discussion to the extent that I can. Post up and let me know; I probably won’t check back here until late in the afternoon. Thanks for all your efforts and enterprise, BTW.

  2. Yves Smith


    Would be delighted to host a guest post, particularly on that topic. I think it is of fundamental importance (particularly since it both gives a rationale for chastened authorities against the anti-regulatory crowd, and puts the focus on an overarching issue: how much regulation is desirable? How do we think about that issue on a systemic level?).

    If you click on my name, in the Contributors section, it takes you to a wee bio which includes an e-mail link.

  3. Richard Kline

    So Yves,

    It’s a go, then. I will definitely mash up a piece then over the next 24-48. More an ‘ideas’ effort than a ‘conclusions’ effort, but I’ll try to push the wheel around on this one. I wish we could get some of the Santa Fe boys back in to opine whereof on some of this, but the hedgies hired them off and proprietarized their stuff, one reason why we’ve had very little good, new thought to this quarter over the last ten years.

    Soon . . . .

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