Links 3/29/10

Sorry, I had this ready at 6:00 AM and failed to publish it.

How the stimulating smell of wasabi can save lives BBC

Felony Marijuana Cases Getting Tossed Out Of Court Huffington Post

Are cosmic rays really causing Toyota’s woes? Detroit Free Press

Obama throws out the political rules Clive Crook, Financial Times

What does the USA think of the ‘special relationship’? Telegraph (hat tip reader Swedish Lex)

Punks and Plutocrats Paul Krugman. One sour note is Krugman deeming the Barney Frank bill as tough reforms…aargh.

Insider Buying Remains Non-Existent The Pragmatic Capitalist

Euro Trashed Joachim Starbatty, New York Times

A different perspective on interest rates Steve Waldman

How exorbitant is the dollar’s “exorbitant privilege”? Maurizio Michael Habib, VoxEU

Antidote du jour:


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  1. Bill

    I’ve been reading a different Krugman the past 2-3 weeks, more friendly to Washington.
    I wonder, with the news about Larry Summers leaving in a few months, has the White House tapped Krugman for a position?

    1. EmilianoZ

      Yeah, Krugman is a weasel. He’s a neo-classical economist for pete’s sake! The amount of intellectual dishonesty needed to be a neo-classical economist… Man, that’s truly phenomenal.

      But he’s right when he says the Republicans will paint the bill as a “big bank bailout bill”. And the reason they can do that is that the bill doesn’t go far enough. If weasel-in-chief had the balls to cross his friend Jamie and break up the big banks, then it would be totally unambiguous even to the layperson. The banks could not possibly like that. But with a little spin a weak bill can always be painted as pro-bank.

  2. Jim in MN

    ECONNED is in the Amazon top 25: Economics section. Don’t know if everyone knows this already….

  3. MyLessThanPrimeBeef

    The only thing I know about wasabi is that you are not supposed to mix it with soy sauce to make a thick goo. That’s a big no no.

    That’s what I have learned so far from reading The Story of Sushi.

  4. Fifi

    Are cosmic rays really causing Toyota’s woes?

    Quite possible.

    I’m working in electronic design and you’d have no idea how much of a pain in the **** cosmic rays are. Now, microelectronic systems have to be extensively designed to detect and correct them in real-time or you can kiss your FIT rate goodbye.

    Those cosmic buggers flip bits at random and they can even create short circuits (so-called micro-latch-ups) that require power cycling the components to cure them. Go do that with the engine controller of a running car :-(

    1. mw

      One caveat about this Prius news though.

      How do you explain that the run-away accelerator incidents happened only in the U.S., and not in Japan where a million or more are sold? Their accidents seem low speed, low impact collisions, and they have been selling Priuses much longer than the U.S. Does cosmic ray has some sort of geographic preference?

      1. Fifi

        No, cosmic rays don’t have a geographic preference except for altitude which is a big factor but I wouldn’t think this is the case here.

        If there is a difference between US vs. Japan, I would rather think about different sub-assembly suppliers using different components for different markets. Susceptibility to SEU/SEL can vary a lot between components, in particular with design rules and process node.

      2. claire

        “Does cosmic ray has some sort of geographic preference?”

        I had no idea this was a concern in microelectronics.I work in the power industry, and it’s a huge problem here under certain cases (long HV lines running in a North-South configuration–the further north you go in the north pole, and the further south you go in the south pole, the more pronounced the effect).

        That’s just in the “for what it’s worth” department–I’d be surprised if microelectronics exhibited the same characteristics.

        1. claire

          “the further north you go in the north pole, and the further south you go in the south pole, ”

          Oops–meant to say that the further you go away from the equator and towards one of the poles, the more pronounced the effect.

    2. wunsacon

      I think I have an explanation.

      Do you notice how these two headlines appear one after the other?

      >> Felony Marijuana Cases Getting Tossed Out Of Court
      >> Are cosmic rays really causing Toyota’s woes?

      It’s simple: The druggies from the first article wrote the second.

      It’s the drugs, son…

  5. KFritz

    Special Relationship

    As per yesterday, believe that the relationship is truly on the skids when the US sides w/ Argentina on the Malvinas petroleum.

  6. kevinearick

    keep in mind:

    under Sith conditions

    1: control will increase
    2: control depends upon contrived loads
    3: if you do not present a load, control will short into gravitational implosion
    4: if you present a unique load, they will quickly develop a control circuit to re-direct it
    5: they cannot think for themselves; they will always need people who can think
    6: they will always employ extortion against those who think
    7: there will always be a population that chooses not to think
    8: there will always be a group of kids bypassing the control circuits

    the brain is adjustable, in both amplitude and frequency. Mass media re-enforces the least common denominator, establishing the ground vortex. The difference between republicans, democrats, capitalists, socialists, and communists is little more than a slight shift, easily compensated for by the cartels, which is all they can see.

    Traversing the helices requires discrete energy input, to alter amplitude and frequency, dividing and joining the wave signal so each looking glass sees a fairly uniform signal, in a frequency and amplitude compilation. Net energy is released because speed of travel, relative to the ground, is increased, with no discernable load presented to the ground, which is why the cartel gate system always has a sledge hammer, connected to a spring, and loaded by the cartels own energy, poised above it, waiting for the last fool to enter.

    The gatekeepers along the circuit can only see the relative money, the control feedback mechanism. Control, not money, is the cartel’s goal. Money, replacing liberty with desire, is just the lubricant. Cartel outcomes are symptoms, contrived loads, of processes. To the extent remedial energy is applied to the symptoms, more symptoms are created, creating money at the cost of liberty, and increasing the perceived distance, misdirection, between the individual and the cartel.

    A productive asset is much more valuable than money. Under cartel conditions, money can only chase money, to no satisfactory end, except for the rabbit, which only lives for the next carrot, and to avoid the dogs on its heel. The speculators are betting on the dogs, running around in circles, to the end of non-productive consumables, in a system arbitrarily rigged to the end of income disparity. The pension money paid for the arena. The cartel inductor is always a spectacle, driven by fear of non-participation.

    The market continues to rise on contrived profits supplied by the Fed, low volume, and market-maker calls by the Treasury, while both active and passive investors, inside and out, sweat.

    Welcome to the circus; tickets please …

    sentience: emotional intelligence; confidence in the unexpected; fractional signals in a bullpen employed by the fulcrum apparatus to automatically adjust the vortex and the incoming signal, to open the gate.

      1. kevinearick

        efficiency, especially on the front-end is a bad, bad thing. consider the lifetime cost. troubleshooting and total system replacement is much more expensive than a few pennies in system design and installation. add a few extra coils to separate the circuits, and avoid recursive backlash with fractal signals.

  7. Hugh

    Krugman is doing a classic head fake. He goes after the Republicans. He even goes after Dodd. So wow, the must be credible, right. And how does he use his credibility? To endorse Barney Frank’s pathetic POS “reform” legislation. I agree aargh! Personally, I think Bob Herbert is doing far better writing about economic issues at the Times nowadays than Krugman.

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