Another Compliance Failure: CalPERS Discussed Recusal of Ex-CIO Ben Meng but Failed To Enforce It; CEO Marcie Frost Says “Not My Job”
CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost told the press that she’s punting on her compliance duties.
Read more...CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost told the press that she’s punting on her compliance duties.
Read more...A CSU group has asked Gavin Newsom to put CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost on administrative leave while an inspector general probes governane failings.
Read more...Ka-ching
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Read more...A survey of CalPERS’ investment professionals reveals that CalPERS is one big unhappy family. Not only that, it shows that they’ve become less happy in the last year, since Ben Meng became Chief Investment Officer. We’ve embedded the summary page of the survey, but this section shows that less than 1/4 of CalPERS’ investment professional […]
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