Category Archives: Dubious statistics

Israel 4Q GDP Fell at 20% Rate; Downward Trajectory Set to Continue as War Drags On and Israel Readies Lebanon Invasion

The Financial Times report on the fall of Israel’s economy in the fourth quarter was briefly the lead story and was oddly shuffled quickly off the landing page. The article gives a terse but incomplete tally of the factors that contributed to a decline at a 20% rate in the final quarter, which was markedly […]


Bizarre Valedictory Interview by CalSTRS Investment Chief, Chris Ailman, Asks Private Equity to Be Nice and Share with Workers

A revealing, and not at all in a good way, discussion of private equity by departing CalSTRS Chief Investment Officer Chris Ailman.


CBO and CMS Continue to Overestimate Health Care Cost Increases, Creating Unjustified Pressure to Cut Benefits

The CBO and CMS, keep overestimating health cost increase, and at least for the CBO, it’s due to neoliberal fealty.


Global Economy’s Momentous Shift and Monumental Inequality

An in-depth yet lively debunking by Richard Wolff and Michael Hudson of Panglossian depictions of the state of the US economy and society.


Odds of US Bank Failures Rise with Office Space Loan Losses, Fed Interest Rate Mismanagement

US bank pain: Loans for urban office buildings come a cropper as they were already suffering other interest rate losses.