Category Archives: Investment banks

China Cannot Finance the Belt and Road Alone

The One Belt One Road initiative holds great promise for the global economy, but will need a huge amount of finance. Initial presumptions that China would be able to provide all the finance are now unrealistic. Other partners should consider providing finance for some aspects, especially Europe – which has a lot to gain from the project.


Wolf Richter: Judge Reveals Shady Side of Crushed Aetna-Humana Merger, Banks to Lick their Wounds, Aetna to Get Pummeled

Yesterday, a federal judge blocked Aetna’s $34-billion acquisition of Humanam, citing concerns that their combined pricing power would raise costs to consumers.


Ending Too Big to Fail

Yves here. Remember the explosion of press coverage last year when incoming Minneapolis Fed member and former Goldmanite and Treasury official Neel Kashkari announced his intent to develop a plan to end the “too big to fail” problem. He not only was going to devote Minneapolis Fed researchers to his program, but solicited broad based […]