- Links 6/30/10
by Yves Smith 6:02 am
Monthly Archives: June 2010
June 30, 2010
- Time to Investigate Blankfein and Paulson (More AIG Shenanigans Edition)
by Yves Smith 4:30 am
- Bank Stress, ECB Liquidity Withdrawal Efforts, Deflation Fears Rattle Markets
by Yves Smith 2:26 am
June 29, 2010
- Banks Face $5 Trillion Rollover by 2012
by Yves Smith 11:47 pm
- Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank Rumored to Pass Meaningless Stress Test
by Yves Smith 3:40 pm
- Links 6/29/10
by Yves Smith 3:59 am
- Richard Smith: Did We Wind Up With Any Reform of the Shadow Banking System?
by Yves Smith 2:40 am
- Will the Push for Short Sales Lead to Deeper Principal Mods?
by Yves Smith 1:37 am
June 28, 2010
- Whitney, Ritholtz Issue Bearish Calls on Housing Market
by Yves Smith 11:26 pm
- Links 6/28/10
by Yves Smith 4:15 am
- Parenteau: Marching to Austeria* and Other Neolib Fibs
by Yves Smith 3:38 am
- More on the Coming European Bank Stress Test Fiasco
by Yves Smith 3:27 am
June 27, 2010
- Corporate Default Expectations Rise, Emerging Market Spreads Widening
by Yves Smith 7:22 pm
- Links 6/27/10
by Yves Smith 4:31 am
- On Fannie’s Escalating Threats Against “Strategic Defaulters”
by Yves Smith 3:43 am
- Deficit Doves, the Gift that Keeps on Giving
by Yves Smith 12:20 am
June 26, 2010
- Links 6/26/10
by Yves Smith 5:50 am
- Gonzalo Lira: A Thought Experiment – Iran
by Yves Smith 4:43 am
- Misnamed Financial Services “Reform” Bill Passes, Systemic Risk is Alive and Well
by Yves Smith 4:29 am
- BP: Gulf Resident Gives Behind the Scenes Account, Slams Cleanup and Safety
by Yves Smith 1:42 am
June 25, 2010
- Links 6/25/10
by Yves Smith 5:23 am
- Mirabile Dictu: $19 Billion Fee Added to Financial Reform Bill (Updated)
by Yves Smith 2:07 am
- More on China’s Renminbi Headfake
by Yves Smith 1:37 am
June 24, 2010
- Links 6/24/10
by Yves Smith 4:03 am
- US Ranks Worst of Seven Countries on Health Care System
by Yves Smith 3:44 am
- The Buyers’ Strike in the Securitization Markets
by Yves Smith 2:54 am
June 23, 2010
- Worst Home Sales Numbers Ever
by Yves Smith 3:17 pm
- Links 6/23/10
by Yves Smith 3:58 am
- Will Planned Bank Taxes Go Far Enough?
by Yves Smith 3:14 am
- Geithner Yet Again Misrepresents TARP “Performance”
by Yves Smith 1:18 am
June 22, 2010
- Gonzalo Lira: Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State?
by Yves Smith 6:38 pm
- Links 6/22/10
by Yves Smith 4:52 am
- Afghanistan: Pentagon Payments to Warlords Undermine Central Government
by Yves Smith 2:42 am
- Guest Post: Experts Say BP Lowballing Size of Leaking Oil Reservoir
by George Washington 2:32 am
- Guest Post: The Second Energy Revolution
by Yves Smith 1:18 am
- Mirabile Dictu! The Fed Criticizes Wall Street Pay Practices
by Yves Smith 12:02 am
- George Magnus on China’s Renminbi Move
by Yves Smith 12:01 am
June 21, 2010
- Links Summer Solstice
by Yves Smith 6:39 am
- Eurobank “Stress Test” Disclosure Likely to Increase Jitters
by Yves Smith 5:37 am
- Why is No One Willing to Say Wall Street is Overpaid?
by Yves Smith 2:50 am
- Guest Post: Oil Coating Seafloor and Killing Fish, Crabs … and the American Dream
by George Washington 12:52 am
- Alford: Structural Remedies Necessary to Tame Global Imbalances
by Yves Smith 12:30 am
June 20, 2010
- Links 6/20/10
by Yves Smith 4:00 am
- China’s Renminbi Announcement: A Big Headfake
by Yves Smith 2:13 am
- Countries That Support US in Afghanistan Get Preferred Access to Minerals (Updated)
by Yves Smith 2:09 am
June 19, 2010
- Links 6/19/10
by Yves Smith 6:18 am
- On the Curious and Misguided Defenses of BP
by Yves Smith 3:41 am
- The New Republic Lays on Hot and Heavy JP Morgan PR
by Yves Smith 3:30 am
- SEC Investigates Magnetar, Sponsor of CDO Program That Pumped Up the Subprime Bubble
by Yves Smith 3:29 am
June 18, 2010
- Links 6/18/10
by Yves Smith 5:34 am
June 17, 2010
- Glenn Stehle: BP’s Hayward Before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce
by Yves Smith 9:07 pm
- White House Opposing Key Measure in Shareholder v. Bank Executive Pay Reform Fight
by Yves Smith 9:00 pm
- Rachel Maddow Rewrites Obama’s Oval Office Address on BP
by Yves Smith 3:45 pm
- “Death of an Economic Paradigm”
by Yves Smith 11:55 am
- Links 6/17/10
by Yves Smith 6:05 am
- Spain is About to Make Trouble for German and French Banks
by Yves Smith 5:14 am
- More Calls of Alarm About Eurozone Austerity
by Yves Smith 3:09 am
June 16, 2010
- BP to Create $20 Billion Fund for Leak Damage
by Yves Smith 3:55 pm
- Gonzalo Lira: What do BP and the Banks Have In Common? The Era of Corporate Anarchy
by Yves Smith 2:10 pm
- Links 6/16/10
by Yves Smith 5:39 am
- We Discuss the Double Dip Thesis and BP on BNN
by Yves Smith 4:23 am
- Banks Getting Worried About Rising Challenges to Foreclosures?
by Yves Smith 3:49 am
- Bank of England To Be Able to Restrict Mortgage Lending
by Yves Smith 2:09 am
- Martin Wolf: Austerity is Risky Business
by Yves Smith 1:11 am
June 15, 2010
- Links 6/15/10
by Yves Smith 5:51 am
- Double Dip Recession Talk Bustin’ Out All Over
by Yves Smith 5:11 am
- AXA: Eurozone Breakup a Real Possibility
by Yves Smith 4:37 am
- Satyajit Das: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide
by Yves Smith 4:30 am
June 14, 2010
- On BP: “Very Difficult, If Not Impossible” to Firewall US Businesses
by Yves Smith 11:45 pm
- BP: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairmen Send Damning Letter to Hayward
by Yves Smith 7:22 pm
- Links 6/14/10
by Yves Smith 4:47 am
- US/China Rhetoric Escalates Over Rise in Chinese Exports
by Yves Smith 4:17 am
- Jail for Unpaid Debt a Reality in Six States (Strategic Default Pushback Watch)
by Yves Smith 3:20 am
- Does This Mean We Never Leave? $1 Trillon Mineral Find in Afghanistan
by Yves Smith 12:09 am
- Satyajit Das: The Year of Wishful Thinking
by Yves Smith 12:01 am
June 13, 2010
- Links 6/13/10
by Yves Smith 4:36 am
- Guest Post: Liberals and Libertarians Need Each Other
by Yves Smith 3:50 am
- Borrowers Who Are Bad at Math More Likely to Go Into Foreclosure
by Yves Smith 3:45 am
June 12, 2010
- Guest Post: BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR
by George Washington 10:27 pm
- BP Given 48 Hours to Step Up Recovery Efforts
by Yves Smith 7:53 pm
- Links 6/11/10
by Yves Smith 5:25 am
- BP Shows Belly, Says Willing to Cut Dividend, So What Will Obama Do?
by Yves Smith 2:15 am
June 11, 2010
- Links 6/11/10
by Yves Smith 5:52 am
- BP: Is Team Obama Pushing for a Full Externalities Precedent?
by Yves Smith 5:05 am
- New York Times Runs Yet Another Banking Industry Propaganda Piece
by Yves Smith 3:18 am
June 10, 2010
- Video of Border Shooting of 15 Year Old Disproves “Self Defense”
by Yves Smith 7:21 pm
- Pete Peterson Has Won: Americans Rate Federal Debt as Top Threat
by Yves Smith 5:08 pm
- Goldman: No SEC Settlement Imminent
by Yves Smith 4:06 pm
- Links 6/10/10
by Yves Smith 6:17 am
- Rising Global Imbalances Likely to Precipitate New Crises
by Yves Smith 5:50 am
- SEC Investigation of Goldman Trading Against Its Clients Widens
by Yves Smith 3:38 am
June 9, 2010
- Auerback: The United Kingdom Draws the Wrong Lessons from Canada
by Yves Smith 11:29 pm
- RealtyTrac: Most Foreclosures Have Positive Equity
by Yves Smith 7:23 pm
- Links 6/9/10
by Yves Smith 5:08 am
- Guest Post: Predatory Pharma – An End to Too Big to Nail?
by Yves Smith 3:50 am
- Martin Wolf on the Dangers of Austerity
by Yves Smith 3:26 am
- Another Wee Poke at China Over Steel Exports
by Yves Smith 2:27 am
June 8, 2010
- Links 6/8/10
by Yves Smith 7:06 am
- Chinese Labor Markets Tight Since Last Year
by Yves Smith 6:22 am
- Satyajit Das: Even More Crunch-Porn and Crash Lit
by Yves Smith 3:59 am
- “Green Consumerism” Largely a Myth
by Yves Smith 3:28 am
June 7, 2010
- The cardio diet of deficit reduction – a modern tale
by Edward Harrison 3:02 pm
- FCIC Subpoenas Goldman (Update: Details on Firm’s Intransigence)
by Yves Smith 12:57 pm
- Links 6/7/10
by Yves Smith 3:17 am
- A Short Report from the Gulf Coast (Updated)
by Yves Smith 12:47 am
June 6, 2010
- Geithner at G20 Warns of Imminent Beggar Thy Neighbor Currency Policies
by Yves Smith 6:55 pm
- Links 6/6/10
by Yves Smith 7:05 am
- On BP’s Many Forms of Less Than Artful Dodging
by Yves Smith 5:37 am
- On the Maybe Not So Slow Motion European Train Wreck
by Yves Smith 4:38 am
- Has Much Changed on Wall Street Since the Roaring (and Ripoffsky) Twenties?
by Yves Smith 3:07 am
June 5, 2010
- Links 6/5/10
by Yves Smith 11:46 am
June 4, 2010
- Links and Quick Takes 6/4/10
by Yves Smith 6:35 am
- CBO Issues Fed-Flattering Propaganda
by Yves Smith 6:04 am
- WTF Alert: BP CEO is a Mere PR Problem?
by Yves Smith 5:52 am
- Weigh In on Pending Proposal to End Garnishment of Benefits
by Yves Smith 1:56 am
June 3, 2010
- Models Show Gulf Oil May Reach US East Coast This Summer
by Yves Smith 8:23 pm
- Links 6/3/10
by Yves Smith 5:15 am
- BP Admits to Being “Not Prepared” (“Low Odds” Fallacy Edition)
by Yves Smith 3:39 am
- The Continuing Mystery of the Lehman Black Hole
by Yves Smith 2:44 am
June 2, 2010
- Links 6/2/10
by Yves Smith 6:40 am
- Why is Washington Dithering with Unemployment High?
by Yves Smith 3:45 am
- Steve Rattner, Auto Bailout Advisor, in SEC Crosshairs
by Yves Smith 1:21 am
June 1, 2010
- Links 6/1/10
by Yves Smith 2:16 am
- Guest Post: Default, Please
by Yves Smith 2:07 am
- Chinese Monetary Official: Housing Risk Greater Than in US, UK Pre-Crisis
by Yves Smith 12:04 am