- Links 6/30/13
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
Monthly Archives: June 2013
June 30, 2013
- Some Datapoints on Global Political Risk
by Lambert Strether 2:33 am
June 29, 2013
- Former Top Regulators Tell Congress to Rein in Big Banks
by Lambert Strether 11:55 pm
- Links 6/29/13
by Yves Smith 4:55 am
- Advocates Oppose Senate Immigration Bill Over Escalation of Border Militarization
by Yves Smith 1:26 am
June 28, 2013
- Links 6/28/13
by Yves Smith 5:11 am
- US Mortgage Rates Skyrocket
by Yves Smith 4:46 am
- How Much Are the NSA and CIA Front Running Markets?
by Yves Smith 3:55 am
- James Boyce: Limits to Growth – of What?
by Yves Smith 2:17 am
- Gaius Publius: Obama’s New Climate Plan: Less Coal, More Fracking
by Yves Smith 12:06 am
June 27, 2013
- Links 6/27/13
by Yves Smith 6:56 am
- South Africans Plan to Protest Obama’s Crimes Against Africa During Presidential Visit
by Yves Smith 5:37 am
- US: Desperately Seeking Income
by Yves Smith 1:37 am
June 26, 2013
- Links 6/26/12
by Yves Smith 6:06 am
- Nathan Tankus: Krugman von Hayek
by Nathan Tankus 1:04 am
- Hong Kong to US on #Snowden: A4 Paper, Please. And Do Remember to Spellcheck!
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
June 25, 2013
- Links 6/25/13
by Yves Smith 6:45 am
- Mortgage Rate Shock Likely to Dent the Housing Market
by Yves Smith 6:04 am
- Danny Schechter: Mandela and Snowden – Two Heroes With More In Common Than We Know
by Yves Smith 4:35 am
- Gensler Staring Down Administration and Banks on Derivatives Reform
by Yves Smith 2:20 am
June 24, 2013
- Links 6/24/13
by Yves Smith 5:33 am
- The BIS Loses Its Mind, Advocates Kicking Citizens and the Bond Markets Even Harder
by Yves Smith 5:19 am
- Quo Vadis, Edward Snowden?
by Yves Smith 1:12 am
June 23, 2013
- Monday DataDive: Fedspook, May Reports on Consumer Prices, New Home Construction, and Existing Home Sales
by Lambert Strether 11:35 pm
- Bill Black: How Ecuador Won By Defying Neoliberal “Washington Consensus” Playbook
by Yves Smith 11:33 pm
- Links 6/23/13
by Yves Smith 3:47 am
- Warren Mosler: Consumer Borrowing Has Kept Economy Afloat, but for How Much Longer?
by Yves Smith 3:14 am
- Bill Moyers: The United States of ALEC
by Yves Smith 2:00 am
June 22, 2013
- Links 6/22/13
by Yves Smith 3:05 am
- “The Political History of American Inequality”
by Yves Smith 1:46 am
- Yanis Varoufakis: The Death of Direct Bank Re-capitalisation: Europe’s (Newest) Day of Shame
by Yves Smith 12:29 am
June 21, 2013
- Links 6/21/13
by Yves Smith 6:17 am
- How Wall Street Fraudsters Plunder Public Finances, And How to Fight Back
by Yves Smith 5:50 am
- The Taper is Too Sharp
by Yves Smith 5:21 am
- New York’s Benjamin Lawsky Collects Scalps, Showing Regulators Can *Gasp* Regulate
by Yves Smith 4:16 am
- Pepe Escobar: Why American Worries about “Containing China” Are Off the Mark
by Yves Smith 12:55 am
June 20, 2013
- Bernanke Kills Fed Credibility and the Confidence Fairy in One Shot
by Yves Smith 7:21 am
- Links 6/20/13
by Yves Smith 6:58 am
- Wolf Richter: One Part Of Japan’s Abenomics Salvation Is Already A Fail
by Yves Smith 2:52 am
June 19, 2013
- Links 6/19/13
by Yves Smith 5:53 am
- Extreme Energy, Extreme Implications: Interview with Michael Klare
by Yves Smith 12:42 am
June 18, 2013
- Links 6/18/13
by Yves Smith 6:07 am
- Coming to a Broke Municipality Near You: The Greek, Um, Jefferson County, Solution
by Yves Smith 3:28 am
- Robert Wade: Elite Denial of Corruption and Inequality – World Bank Case Study
by Yves Smith 12:23 am
June 17, 2013
- Links 6/17/13
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Techies’ Efforts to Own #Snowden/NSA Surveillance Narrative = #Fail
by Yves Smith 6:54 am
- Vale David Hirst
by Yves Smith 6:26 am
- Some Datapoints on Global Political Risk
by Lambert Strether 4:10 am
- May’s Retail Sales Up 0.6%, Industrial Production Flat
by Lambert Strether 2:30 am
June 16, 2013
- Links 6/16/13
by Lambert Strether 5:32 am
- ObamaCare’s Relentless Creation of Second-Class Citizens (2)
by Lambert Strether 5:11 am
- Six Reasons Why Choosing Hong Kong Is a Brilliant Move by Edward #Snowden
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
June 15, 2013
- Links 6/15/13
by Yves Smith 3:50 am
- What Are You Doing to Protect Yourself From NSA? #SafeData
by Yves Smith 3:02 am
- Why You Should Stop Worrying About Central Bank Losses
by Yves Smith 1:35 am
- The Party is Over: Children, Clean up the House! Lessons from the Turkish #OccupyGezi
by Yves Smith 12:59 am
June 14, 2013
- Links 6/14/13
by Yves Smith 5:45 am
- Is the Fed Going to Dial Down Its QE Taper Talk?
by Yves Smith 5:16 am
- Snowden Shows South China Morning Post Details of NSA Hacking in China
by Yves Smith 3:41 am
- Yes, Congress and the President are Responsible for the Surveillance State
by Yves Smith 1:58 am
- Joe Firestone: What Social Security/Medicare Solvency Problem?
by Yves Smith 1:01 am
June 13, 2013
- Links 6/13/13
by Yves Smith 7:03 am
- Top National Security Experts: Spying Program Doesn’t Make Us Safer, and Spying Leaks Don’t Harm America
by George Washington 12:39 am
June 12, 2013
- Links 6/12/13
by Yves Smith 5:42 am
- Are Early Calls on ObamaCare Costs Premature?
by Yves Smith 5:12 am
June 11, 2013
- Links 6/11/13
by Yves Smith 6:02 am
- China to Build Panama Canal Bypass Through Nicaragua
by Yves Smith 5:24 am
- Lynn Parramore: Class of 2013 – All Dressed Up and No Place to Work
by Yves Smith 4:47 am
- Patrick Durusau: Social Security Numbers – Close Enough for a Drone Strike?
by Yves Smith 1:24 am
- Richard Alford: Trust in Economists?
by Yves Smith 12:11 am
June 10, 2013
- Site Switchover Notice
by Yves Smith 11:26 pm
- Links 6/10/13
by Yves Smith 6:52 am
- Edward Snowden Makes Himself an Even Bigger Problem to the Officialdom
by Yves Smith 6:25 am
- Mary Jo White Institutionalizes Deutsche Bank Protection Racket at the SEC
by Yves Smith 4:20 am
- Mortgage Delinquencies Down….But a Record 843 Days to Foreclose
by Yves Smith 2:17 am
- Lynn Parramore: Half Lives – Why the Part-time Economy Is Bad for Everyone
by Yves Smith 12:51 am
June 9, 2013
- Links 6/9/13
by Yves Smith 5:18 am
- Obama Defends “Big Brother” Powers
by Yves Smith 3:10 am
June 8, 2013
- Links 6/8/13
by Yves Smith 5:03 am
- Could the Verizon-NSA Metadata Collection Be a Stealth Political Kickback?
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- The Jobs Report Covering May 2013: About As Good As It Is Going To Get And Still Too Insufficient By Far
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
- Update on Site Performance Issues
by Yves Smith 12:46 am
June 7, 2013
- Mr. Market’s Temper Tantrum Over Fed Tapering Talk
by Yves Smith 7:20 am
- Links 6/7/13
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Nathan Tankus: Memo to Paul Krugman on the Eurozone – Read Your Own Research!
by Nathan Tankus 2:54 am
June 6, 2013
- Links 6/6/13
by Yves Smith 5:48 am
- Mortgage Rate Increases Starting to Bite
by Yves Smith 5:02 am
- Dan Kervick: Do Banks Create Money from Thin Air?
by Yves Smith 4:02 am
- Dave Dayen on Student Loans as Medieval Indentures
by Yves Smith 2:53 am
- Bill Black: How Elite Economic Hucksters Drive America’s Biggest Fraud Epidemics
by Yves Smith 12:46 am
June 5, 2013
- Links 6/5/13
by Yves Smith 6:45 am
- Puzzling Economic Sightings
by Yves Smith 6:44 am
- Sasha Breger: How Commodities Hoarding Distorts Food Prices
by Yves Smith 4:55 am
- Nikkei Disses Third Dose of Abenomics, Falls Nearly 4%
by Yves Smith 3:35 am
June 4, 2013
- Links 6/4/13
by Yves Smith 5:18 am
- Why Isn’t Elizabeth Warren Attacking the Student Debt Problem Head On?
by Yves Smith 4:46 am
- The Stealth Problem of Predatory Mortgage Modifications
by Yves Smith 3:20 am
- Yanis Varoufakis: Mixed Messages from the IMF
by Yves Smith 1:46 am
- Philip Pilkington: Paul Krugman and the Fatherless Keynesians
by Yves Smith 12:30 am
June 3, 2013
- Links 6/3/13
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- ObamaCare’s Relentless Creation of Second-Class Citizens
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- WSJ Bemoans Rise in Rationality, Um, Decline in Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking
by Yves Smith 4:27 am
- Lynn Parramore: Guess What? Fewer Americans Call Themselves Economic Conservatives
by Yves Smith 1:11 am
- China’s Minsky Moment
by Lambert Strether 1:06 am
June 2, 2013
- Links 6/2/13
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Democrats’ Vision for Economy is GOP-Lite
by Lambert Strether 4:00 am
- Leverage Versus Debt
by Lambert Strether 1:18 am
June 1, 2013
- Links 6/1/13
by Yves Smith 3:47 am
- Sasha Breger: How Big Finance is Eating the World’s
LunchAgricultural Wealth
by Yves Smith 1:11 am
- Wolf Richter: Lobbying And GMO Giant Monsanto Buckles In Europe
by Yves Smith 12:30 am