- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/31/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
Monthly Archives: March 2020
March 31, 2020
- Alejandro Nadal, a Giant in Global Conservation
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/31/2020
by Yves Smith 6:58 am
- Developing a Vaccine for Covid-19. What To Expect?
by Yves Smith 6:20 am
- Brace Yourselves: The US Is Setting Up a Ghastly “Natural Experiment”
by Yves Smith 5:47 am
March 30, 2020
- Bills are Due and Payable: Workplace Strikes and Rent Strikes
by Lambert Strether 4:55 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/30/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Having It Easy in the Beginning, Tough in the End: How My Dad Predicted the Decline of America
by Lambert Strether 11:25 am
- Links 3/30/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:57 am
- Radical Imagination: Imagining How the World of Finance Really Works
by Yves Smith 5:02 am
- Tax Justice and Modern Monetary Theory – A Guide
by Yves Smith 3:01 am
March 29, 2020
- The CARES Act: Stimulus and Unemployment Checks
by Lambert Strether 4:55 pm
- Why COVID-19 Will Strain the Safety Net for Homeless Vets to the Breaking Point
by Lambert Strether 9:25 am
- Links 3/29/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Do Not Force Us to Shut Down Comments
by Yves Smith 12:11 am
March 28, 2020
- Links 3/28/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Four Ways You Can Take Caring Action Around Coronavirus – Even if You’re Overwhelmed
by Yves Smith 6:13 am
- The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Is a $2 Trillion Slush Fund for Washington Cronies
by Yves Smith 5:35 am
March 27, 2020
- COVID-19 and the Working Class in the United States
by Lambert Strether 4:55 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/27/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Closing Hours of 2020 Mini-Fundraiser for Water Cooler!
by Lambert Strether 11:59 am
- The Irish Buddhist Monk Who Faced Down the British Empire
by Lambert Strether 11:25 am
- Links 3/27/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread: Coronavirus and Food Security
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:50 am
- Can the Intra-Party Rift Be Healed, At Least For Now? Or Must the Fight Be Fought in 2020?
by Yves Smith 12:41 am
March 26, 2020
- COVID-19 and Class in the United States
by Lambert Strether 5:25 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/26/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Announcing 2020 Mini-Fundraiser for Water Cooler!
by Lambert Strether 12:01 pm
- Edible Forest Gardens: A Quick Review of a Very Beautiful and Useful Book
by Lambert Strether 11:30 am
- The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Letter to G20 Leaders (“The G20 must act now”)
by Lambert Strether 9:55 am
- Links 3/26/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:57 am
- RJ Eskow: 7 Rules for the Boeing Bailout
by Lambert Strether 6:45 am
March 25, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/25/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Michael Hudson: A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Unpayable Corporate Debt
by Yves Smith 9:12 am
- Links 3/25/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Coronavirus Kayoes U.S. Recycling
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:25 am
- How Far Will Trump Go To Save U.S. Shale
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 4:25 am
- ‘This Is a Massive Scandal’: Trump FDA Grants Drug Company Exclusive Claim on Promising Coronavirus Drug
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 3:25 am
March 24, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/24/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- What the Government Needs to Do Next to Tackle the Crisis
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/24/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Debt and Power: An Interview With Michael Hudson
by Yves Smith 6:46 am
- Rule Number 1 for Government Bailouts of Companies: Make Sure Voters and Taxpayers Share in the Upside
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 1:25 am
March 23, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/23/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Global Level 4 Travel Advisory: Stealth Subsidy for Insurers?
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 1:55 pm
- Sanders Calls for ‘Unprecedented Legislative Response’ to Coronavirus Crisis—Not Corporate Bailouts
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 7:55 am
- Links 3/23/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Bailout Shenanigans: Making 2008 Look Good?
by Yves Smith 5:54 am
- Covid-19: A Tale of Three Regions
by Yves Smith 4:25 am
March 22, 2020
- A Modest Proposal: Make Sure the Public Knows, in Real Time, When Congresscritters are Dumping Shares
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 10:45 am
- Links 3/22/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Michael Hudson: A Debt Jubilee is the Only Way to Avoid a Depression
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 3:55 am
March 21, 2020
- Links 3/21/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- NYU Preparing for Possible Use of Dorms as Field Hospitals
by Yves Smith 6:48 am
- UN Chief Warns of Coming Recession for the Planet
by Yves Smith 6:07 am
March 20, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/20/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- The Pros and Cons of Planting Trees To Address Global Warming
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/20/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:58 am
- How McKinsey Got Greedy
by Yves Smith 6:54 am
- Why the Coronavirus Pandemic Could Weaken the School Privatization Agenda
by Yves Smith 2:27 am
- Low-Cost Ventilators Could Be Available Next Year. But Will It Happen?
by Yves Smith 2:00 am
March 19, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/19/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Prisons and the COVID-19 Pandemic: What Must Be Done NOW to Prevent Catastrophe
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 3/19/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- A View From The Front Lines Of California’s COVID-19 Battle
by Yves Smith 6:54 am
- The Coming Fiscal Crisis Of State And Local Governments
by Yves Smith 6:45 am
- IMF Refuses Aid to Venezuela in the Midst of the Coronavirus Crisis
by Yves Smith 4:53 am
March 18, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/18/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- There’s Nothing So Political as a Pandemic
by Lambert Strether 12:55 pm
- Links 3/18/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:57 am
- Why Sending $1,000 Checks to Everyone Won’t Solve the Coronavirus Crisis (Updated)
by Yves Smith 6:42 am
- Debt and Financial Crises: Will History Repeat Itself?
by Yves Smith 5:15 am
- Triggering a Global Financial Crisis: Covid-19 as the Last Straw
by Yves Smith 4:05 am
March 17, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/17/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Closing Polling Places Is the 21st Century’s Version of a Poll Tax
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/17/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Coronavirus Means Zero Hour for the European Union
by Yves Smith 5:23 am
- Brexit: The ‘Australian Option’?
by Yves Smith 4:50 am
- Why Sanctions Against Iran and Venezuela During a Pandemic Are Cruel
by Yves Smith 3:08 am
March 16, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/16/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- How Lifesaving Organs For Transplant Go Missing In Transit
by Lambert Strether 12:25 pm
- Links 3/16/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
March 15, 2020
- Live Blog: Democrat Presidential Primary Debate #13 in Washington, DC
by Lambert Strether 7:30 pm
- I Knew My Dad Was a Sexual Predator
by Lambert Strether 12:55 pm
- Links 3/15/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- The Future of Exxon and the Permian’s Flaring Crisis
by Lambert Strether 6:50 am
March 14, 2020
- Links 3/14/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Coronavirus Testing Shortages Force Extreme Shift In Strategy By Local Health Officials
by Yves Smith 5:33 am
March 13, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/13/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- How the COVID-19 Shock Is Different
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/13/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- COVID-19 Math Explained, With Data
by Yves Smith 6:44 am
- CalPERS Legacy Assets: How Much in Overvaluation Has CalPERS Been Hiding?
by Yves Smith 3:26 am
March 12, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/12/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- When Safety Measures Lead to Riskier Behavior by More People
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/12/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Boeing Crashes: $43 Billion in Share Buybacks Turn into Existential Threat
by Yves Smith 6:31 am
March 11, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/11/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Who’s Responsible? How the “Independent Contractor” Dodge Guts Employment Protections
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/11/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Coronavirus: Three Vignettes
by Yves Smith 6:15 am
- MMT is a Political Problem: Part 1
by Yves Smith 5:19 am
- Coronavirus Reveals the Cracks in Globalization
by Yves Smith 2:10 am
March 10, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/10/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Malnourished Insects: Higher CO2 Levels Make Plants Less Nutritious
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/10/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- As Youth Suicides Climb, Anguished Parents Begin To Speak Out
by Yves Smith 6:00 am
- Oil Price Crash: 50% Of U.S. Shale Could Go Bankrupt
by Yves Smith 5:18 am
March 9, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/9/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- A Tale of Two Cities: How Hong Kong Has Controlled its Coronavirus Outbreak, While New York City Scrambles
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 11:30 am
- Links 3/9/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Will Biden’s Trade Policy Record Come Back to Haunt Him in Midwest?
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:50 am
- ‘Internet of Things’ Could Be an Unseen Threat to Elections
by Yves Smith 1:56 am
March 8, 2020
- Right to Repair: Will the European Commission Have the Guts to Stand Up to Apple et al? Details on Wednesday…
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 3/8/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Let’s Get Real. Economists Have a Women Problem
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 3:55 am
March 7, 2020
- Links 3/7/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- The Catherine Principle for Negotiating With the Turks – Let Arms Do the Talking
by Yves Smith 5:03 am
- Revillaging: Looking to Our Roots as We Redesign Towns and Cities
by Yves Smith 4:19 am
March 6, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/6/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- China Could Start A New Solar Price War
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 3/6/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Airlines: Bleeding from Coronavirus, and Worse to Come
by Yves Smith 6:54 am
- Is the U.S. Fracking Boom Based on Fraud?
by Yves Smith 6:29 am
March 5, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/5/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 3/5/2020
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- How Books and Bookshops Improve Our Mental Health – And Why We Must Protect Them
by Yves Smith 3:32 am
March 4, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/4/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 3/4/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Brexit: Pawing and Snorting
by Yves Smith 6:40 am
March 3, 2020
- Super Tuesday Open Thread
by Yves Smith 7:33 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/3/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Tim Cook and Apple Bet the Farm on China, But Then Coronavirus Hit
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 3/3/2020
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- US Successfully Planned for the ‘Endless Frontier’ of Science Research in 1945 – Now It’s Time to Plan the Next 75 Years
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:25 am
- Why Our Food Systems Need a Radical Overhaul
by Yves Smith 4:21 am
March 2, 2020
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 3/2/2020
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- What Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy Can Offer in the Anthropocene
by Lambert Strether 10:25 am
- Links 3/2/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Coronavirus: Bracing for the Economic Shockwave
by Yves Smith 6:15 am
- Porkfest! Tallying How Much the Pentagon Really Costs
by Yves Smith 6:10 am
March 1, 2020
- 2020’s Plague of Locusts: Updates on Africa and Pakistan (and China)
by Lambert Strether 2:25 pm
- Links 3/1/2020
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Why East Germans Are Not Taking Advantage of the Large Wage Gap Between East and West Germany
by Lambert Strether 5:55 am