- Wow, Met Our First Goal, On to Our Second!
by Yves Smith 4:37 pm
Monthly Archives: September 2014
September 30, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/30/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/30/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Ending the Era of Stupid
by Yves Smith 6:25 am
- The New Normal of Monetary Policy
by Yves Smith 3:08 am
- Americans Work Too Long and at Strange Times
by Yves Smith 1:36 am
September 29, 2014
- Launching Our 2014 Fundraiser!
by Yves Smith 4:56 pm
- A Quick Tour of Naked Capitalism’s New Features
by Lambert Strether 4:55 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/29/14
by Lambert Strether 1:48 pm
- Fed Whistleblower Carmen Segarra, Snowden, and the Closing of the Journalistic Mind
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/29/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Ilargi: Can Money Save The Climate?
by Lambert Strether 3:55 am
- William R. Black on Prosecuting Criminal Banker CEOs: Obama and Holder Don’t Even Care Enough to Fake It
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
- Contra Jared Bernstein: Stagnation, Spending, and The Velocity of Wealth
by Yves Smith 12:08 am
September 28, 2014
- Links 9/28/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Yanis Varoufakis: Frances Coppola and Simon Wren-Lewis on the “Modest Proposal vs. Austerian Federalists”
by Lambert Strether 3:55 am
- Ukrainian Squillionare Victor Pinchuk and His Clinton, Brookings, and Peterson Connections
by Lambert Strether 2:25 am
September 27, 2014
- Links 9/27/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Iceland: Bankers Convicted, Unemployment Down
by Yves Smith 3:09 am
- Philip Pilkington: Is Economics a Science? Dogmatic Economics Vs. Reflective Economics
by Yves Smith 2:25 am
September 26, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/26/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Don Quijones: “Slimlandia,” The Land of Mexican Oligarchs
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/26/14
by Yves Smith 6:58 am
- The Tenacity of Free Market Fundamentalism
by Yves Smith 6:40 am
- Bill Black: The New York Times Claims Opposing EU Austerity Leads to Anti-Semitism
by Yves Smith 5:49 am
- Battling to Curb “Vulture Funds”
by Yves Smith 4:49 am
September 25, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/25/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- The SEC Coverup for Private Equity: Worse Than for TBTF Banks
by Yves Smith 10:30 am
- Links 9/25/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Obama Administration Again Sides With Abusive Loan Servicers, This Time on Student Loans
by Yves Smith 6:41 am
- G20 Finance Ministers Reveal Impotence in the Face of Rising Stresses
by Yves Smith 4:34 am
September 24, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/24/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Is Rising Inequality Inevitable?
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/24/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- With Two Months Until Open Enrollment, ObamaCare’s IT Is Still a Hot Mess
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- Wolf Richter: After Mucking up Housing Market, Investors Flee
by Yves Smith 4:28 am
- Mathew D. Rose: “We Need A Banking Revolution”
by Yves Smith 3:07 am
September 23, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/23/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Christie Team Digging Deeper Hole in Pension Fund Scandals
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/23/14
by Yves Smith 6:58 am
- Media Giving Corporate Executives a Free Pass on Their Value Extraction
by Yves Smith 6:10 am
- Ilargi: The Fed Kills Emerging Markets For Profit
by Yves Smith 1:43 am
- NC 2014 Fundraiser Launches Next Week!
by Yves Smith 12:48 am
September 22, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/22/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/22/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Evil Feedly and Digg: “Social Logins” as Symptoms of Creeping Surveillance State
by Yves Smith 5:03 am
- And Then Gerard’s Car Caught on Fire
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- For-Profit Colleges as Factories of Debt
by Yves Smith 4:54 am
- Revisiting the Modest Proposal: Q&A with a Skeptic – Fall 2014 version (*)
by Lambert Strether 2:55 am
September 21, 2014
- Links 9/21/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Finance Sector Wages: Explaining Their High Level and Growth
by Lambert Strether 2:55 am
- Scottish Independence Vote: Results, Ramifications and Neglected Corners
by Richard Smith 12:55 am
September 20, 2014
- Links 9/20/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Too Big to Be Saved: Systemic Risk Alive and Well in Europe
by Yves Smith 3:26 am
September 19, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/19/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- An Accident Waiting to Happen: The $1 Trillion Leveraged Loan Market
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/19/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- On the Vote Against Scottish Independence
by Yves Smith 5:02 am
- Social Norms and the Enforcement of Laws
by Yves Smith 2:53 am
- Wolf Richter: Fed – Forget “Escape Velocity,” Not Gonna Happen, Ever
by Yves Smith 1:56 am
September 18, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/18/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- US Declares War on Russia – Titanium
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/18/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Who Wins in the Financial Casino?
by Yves Smith 6:17 am
- Bill Black: The New York Times’ Coverage of EU Austerity Remains Pathetic
by Yves Smith 2:27 am
- The Deficit Disaster That Never Was
by Yves Smith 1:10 am
September 17, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/17/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Class Bigots: Finding Themselves On Third Base and Thinking They Hit a Triple
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/17/14
by Yves Smith 6:48 am
- Philip Pilkington: The Scottish Currency Question – A Solution
by Yves Smith 5:58 am
- Ilargi: Subprime is Back With a Vengeance
by Yves Smith 5:51 am
- Matt Stoller: The Solution to ISIS Is the First Amendment
by Yves Smith 5:46 am
September 16, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/16/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Maggie Mahar: 1/3 of Medicare Spending is Wasted
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/16/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- The Scottish Independence Vote: Views From a Distant Half-Scot
by Richard Smith 6:01 am
- US Corporate Executives to Workers: Drop Dead
by Yves Smith 4:09 am
September 15, 2014
- Investment Bombshell: CalPERS Exiting Hedge Funds
by Yves Smith 8:25 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/15/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/15/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Philip Pilkington: Krugman Still Wrong on Monetary Theory (Loanable Funds Edition)
by Yves Smith 4:46 am
- What Drives Obama’s Foreign Policy?
by Yves Smith 3:48 am
- Oil – The Next Commodity Domino?
by Yves Smith 3:08 am
- Wolf Richter: California Home Sales Dive, Prices Hit Wall, Millennials Blamed
by Yves Smith 12:34 am
September 14, 2014
- Links 9/14/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Kim Dotcom, Glenn Greenwald, and New Zealand’s Intelligence Service, GCSB
by Richard Smith 12:06 am
September 13, 2014
- Links 9/13/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Is New Jersey Fudging Its Pension Fund Results to Defuse a Christie Scandal?
by Yves Smith 5:06 am
- Steve Keen: The ECB’s Eurozone Medicine is Nonsense
by Yves Smith 1:11 am
September 12, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/12/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Are Advanced Economies Mature Enough to Handle No Growth?
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/12/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Oil: No Price is Right
by Yves Smith 4:34 am
September 11, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/11/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- The Fed Fails, Um, Does Irony
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 9/11/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Has Apple Pay Just Put Apple in the CFPB’s Crosshairs?
by Yves Smith 2:48 am
- Race and the Wealth Gap
by Yves Smith 12:40 am
September 10, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/10/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/10/14
by Yves Smith 11:28 am
- Bill Black: Time to End Ethnic Profiling in Prosecuting Mortgage Fraud
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Low Wage Growth, High Long-Term Unemployment Recognized as International Problem
by Yves Smith 6:34 am
- Ilargi: The Black Swan Of Scotland
by Yves Smith 1:05 am
September 9, 2014
- The Nigerians are Upping Their Game
by Yves Smith 5:27 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/9/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/9/14
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Finance and Social Justice
by Yves Smith 5:18 am
- Nomi Prins on the Credit Derivatives Systemic Risk Bomb
by Yves Smith 2:52 am
- STILL 1.4 Million Fewer Full-Time Jobs Than in 2008
by Yves Smith 2:26 am
September 8, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/8/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/8/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Michael Hudson: Losing Credibility – The IMF’s New Cold War Loan to Ukraine
by Yves Smith 5:55 am
- Did Corruption in the Construction Trades Blunt the Impact of Obama’s Stimulus Package?
by Lambert Strether 5:55 am
- Yanis Varoufakis: Can Europe Escape Its Crisis Without Turning Into an Iron Cage?
by Lambert Strether 1:55 am
September 7, 2014
- Links 9/7/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- What Are the Long-Term Unemployed Doing With Their Time?
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- Rajiv Sethi: The CORE Project on Teaching Economics
by Lambert Strether 1:55 am
September 6, 2014
- Links 9/6/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Elizabeth Warren on Bill Moyers: Will More and Better Democrats Put a Stake Through the Heart of Neoliberalism?
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- Investor Dispute Settlement: A Rogue Corporation in the World Bank’s Rogue Tribunal
by Lambert Strether 2:55 am
September 5, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/5/14
by Lambert Strether 1:58 pm
- Links 9/5/14
by David Dayen 3:30 am
- Fed Survey of Consumer Finances Shows Americans Understand Their Lousy Economic Condition
by David Dayen 2:30 am
- The ECB as Enabler: Doubles Down on Failed Monetary Policies
by Yves Smith 2:17 am
- Tony West’s Departure Ends Era of Pathetic Bank Settlements
by David Dayen 2:00 am
- Oil Is Back! A Global Warming President Presides Over a Drill-Baby-Drill America
by Yves Smith 12:05 am
September 4, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/4/14
by Lambert Strether 1:55 pm
- Links 9/4/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Don’t Worry About Eric Cantor; Worry About His Staffers
by David Dayen 2:30 am
- Blogs Review: The Bond Market Conundrum Redux
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
- J.D. Alt: Bank Dollars & Sovereign Spending
by Yves Smith 12:15 am
September 3, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/3/14
by Lambert Strether 1:55 pm
- Another Private Equity Scam: Clawback Language Does Not Work As Advertised
by Yves Smith 10:40 am
- Links 9/3/14
by David Dayen 3:30 am
- Huarong’s Shadow Bank Bailout: This Changes Everything
by David Dayen 1:00 am
- Mathew D. Rose: Merkel’s Götterdämmerung, Victory in Ukraine and Draghi’s Old Trick
by Yves Smith 12:56 am
September 2, 2014
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 9/2/14
by Lambert Strether 1:55 pm
- 2-for-1 Links Split
by Lambert Strether 7:46 am
- Links 9/2/14
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Publish or Be Damned – Or Why Central Banks Need to Say More About The Path of Their Policy Rates
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- Obama Phones It In for Labor Day
by Lambert Strether 4:25 am
- Hidden Bomb in Single-Family Rental Securitizations: Trigger Risk
by Yves Smith 2:11 am
- Nine Years After Katrina, Coastal Restoration Plans Remain Distant Dream for New Orleans
by Lambert Strether 12:55 am
September 1, 2014
- Don Quijones: Judge Turns Monsanto’s Mexican GMO Dream Into Legal Nightmare
by Yves Smith 11:34 am
- Links Labor Day 2014
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Labor Day: Human Labor, Human Rental, Human Gift
by Lambert Strether 6:50 am