- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/31/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
Monthly Archives: October 2018
October 31, 2018
- Links 10/31/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Estimating the Impact of Climate Change Costs on Growth: Is Degrowth Already Here?
by Yves Smith 12:07 am
October 30, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/30/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/30/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Michael Hudson: Rescuing the Banks Instead of the Economy
by Yves Smith 5:09 am
- Marshall Auerback: So Far, the Big Trade War Loser Is China, Not the U.S.
by Yves Smith 3:31 am
- Gaius Publius: Pathology, Khashoggi, Capitalism & Climate Change
by Yves Smith 1:00 am
October 29, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/29/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/29/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Michael Olenick: The Real Story of “MAGA Bomber” Cesar Sayoc’s Foreclosure
by Yves Smith 6:00 am
- Contagion in the European CoCos Market
by Lambert Strether 4:55 am
- Can Politics Ever Be Compassionate?
by Yves Smith 1:28 am
October 28, 2018
- Links 10/28/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Video: An intro to MMT, as presented at September’s International MMT Conference in NYC
by Lambert Strether 6:25 am
October 27, 2018
- Links 10/27/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Trump Adds A Global Pricing Plan To Wide Attack On Drug Prices, But Doubts Persist
by Yves Smith 3:20 am
- Is Orwell’s Big Brother Here? Bezos & Amazon Team up With Defense, CIA & ICE
by Yves Smith 3:12 am
October 26, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/26/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Civilized Societies Don’t Call It Censorship, but Copyright
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/26/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- US Stops Trade Talks With China: Posturing or Impasse?
by Yves Smith 6:00 am
- A Follow-Up on the Reasons for Prime Age Labor Force Non-Participation
by Yves Smith 2:38 am
- Richard Murphy: Fisking the NAO’s Report on the UK’s Border Preparedness for Brexit
by Yves Smith 1:30 am
October 25, 2018
- Down to the Wire, Last Chance for 2018 Fundraiser!
by Yves Smith 9:30 pm
- Countdown!
by Yves Smith 6:42 pm
- Closing Hours of Fundraiser, About to Hit Our New Donor Target!
by Yves Smith 4:00 pm
- Our New York Magazine Article is Up! “We’re Headed for a Brexit Crashout”
by Yves Smith 3:01 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/25/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Worksheet for the 2018 Midterms (If There Is a Blue Wave, What Next for Democrats?)
by Lambert Strether 7:30 am
- Link 10/25/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Procrastinators of the World, Unite! Last Day, Last Chance for Our Fundraiser!
by Yves Smith 6:16 am
- The Crumbling Architecture of Nuclear Arms Control
by Yves Smith 4:29 am
- Oil Under Threat As Global Economy Struggles
by Yves Smith 2:14 am
October 24, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/24/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/24/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- The Best Part of This Week
by Yves Smith 6:24 am
- Brexit: The Forward March of Remain? It Still Hasn’t Got Out of the Starting Blocks
by Yves Smith 3:06 am
October 23, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/23/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Can Americans Learn to Scale Their Partisan Walls?
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/23/18
by Yves Smith 6:59 am
- How Naked Capitalism Leaves Advertising Dollars on the Table So Nothing Comes Between You and Your Content
by Lambert Strether 6:24 am
- Michael Mann: We’re Already On Our Way to “Blowing Past” 1.5 Degrees Global Warming
by Yves Smith 4:55 am
- Wolf Richter: It’s the Banks Again
by Yves Smith 4:41 am
October 22, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/22/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Right to Repair Redux: The Economist Gets with the Program, While Alas, Apple Continues to Lag
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 10/22/18
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Hooray! Met Our Sixth Goal, On to Our Seventh: More Original Reporting
by Yves Smith 6:27 am
- FICO Gets Creative With Credit Scores to Facilitate Getting More Americans in Debt
by Yves Smith 6:06 am
- How Private Equity Bankrupted Seven Major Grocery Chains for Fun and Profit
by Yves Smith 6:00 am
- Man Whose Mexico Beach House Was One of Last Standing After Hurricane Michael Calls Out Climate Denier Politicians
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 5:55 am
- Tom Engelhardt: The Unhappy 17th Anniversary of the Afghan War
by Yves Smith 2:36 am
October 21, 2018
- Announcing a New Double-Your-Donations Challenge!
by Yves Smith 10:10 am
- Plastic Watch: Recycling Woes
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 10/21/18
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 5:55 am
October 20, 2018
- Links 10/20/19
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Mark Ames: Why Finance Is Too Important to Leave to Larry Summers
by Yves Smith 6:32 am
- Marshall Auerback: The Democrats’ Globalization Dilemma
by Yves Smith 6:28 am
- Italy’s Debt Crisis Intensifies
by Yves Smith 6:22 am
October 19, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/19/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Why Are We Mostly Ignoring the Climate Crisis? The Message Is Wrong
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/19/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Naked Capitalism: Ten Years After Lehman
by Yves Smith 6:33 am
- Brexit: Knives Out for Theresa May (Again) Over Extending Transition Period
by Yves Smith 6:31 am
- Win for Students Having Loans From For–Profit Educational Institutions
by Yves Smith 3:33 am
- Gaius Publius: Analyzing the New NAFTA Deal — Better, But Not by Much
by Yves Smith 2:51 am
October 18, 2018
- Hooray! Met Our Fifth Goal, On to Our Sixth: Karōshi Prevention
by Yves Smith 7:21 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/18/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Announcing the 2018 “Sarah Henry Double-Your-Donation Challenge”!
by Yves Smith 11:20 am
- Links 10/18/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Naked Capitalism: Turning Darkness Into Light
by Yves Smith 6:36 am
- Brexit: Fatal Complacency?
by Yves Smith 6:35 am
- Germany Clashes With The U.S. Over Energy Geopolitics
by Yves Smith 4:04 am
- Student Debt Bondage Becoming More Widespread
by Yves Smith 3:05 am
October 17, 2018
- Hooray! Met Our Fourth Goal, On to Our Fifth, Expanding Our Reach
by Yves Smith 9:20 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/17/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/17/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Naked Capitalism: Keeping the Magic Alive
by Yves Smith 6:40 am
- How $14 Billion Private Equity Firm Abraaj Went Bust
by Yves Smith 6:39 am
- Richard Murphy: Who Really Pays the Tax on Rents?
by Yves Smith 5:37 am
- Trump Bails On Coal Industry Incentives
by Yves Smith 2:40 am
October 16, 2018
- Announcing the 2018 Double Your Donations Challenge!
by Yves Smith 4:38 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/16/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Sears’ Terminal Slide: Bankruptcy and Likely Liquidation
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/16/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Why CalPERS Matters
by Yves Smith 6:42 am
- Brexit: Things Are Always Darkest Before They Go Completely Black
by Yves Smith 6:19 am
- New Study Highlights Collapse of Insect Populations
by Yves Smith 3:23 am
- Gaius Publius: IPCC Releases Climate Report — First Thoughts
by Yves Smith 2:08 am
October 15, 2018
- Thanks! Hit Our Third Fundraiser Target Quickly, Onto the Fourth: Guest Bloggers
by Yves Smith 2:34 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/15/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- #MeToo Under the Golden Arches at McDonald’s
by Lambert Strether 1:55 pm
- Links 10/15/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Michael Hudson: Naked Capitalism – The Best Daily Paper
by Yves Smith 6:45 am
- How to Destroy Neoliberalism: Kill ‘Homo Economicus’
by Lambert Strether 5:55 am
- Brexit: EU-UK Talks Collapse, Disorderly Exit Virtually Certain
by Yves Smith 5:43 am
- Rethinking AI Through the Politics of 1968
by Yves Smith 2:43 am
October 14, 2018
- Illinois’ Stateville Correctional Center Shuts Down Prison Debate Program
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/14/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Ode to the Commentariat: Why Naked Capitalism Matters
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:45 am
- The Effectiveness of Large-Scale Asset Purchases
by Lambert Strether 6:25 am
October 13, 2018
- Links 10/13/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Clive: Naked Capitalism – Your Ammunition in the War for Information
by Yves Smith 6:52 am
- Marshall Auerback: A Full Employment Economy? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
by Yves Smith 6:50 am
- Money, the Shape of Law, MMT, and Aesthetics
by Yves Smith 6:45 am
October 12, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/12/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Brexit and the Age of Incoherence
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Matt Stoller: Naked Capitalism – Your Weapon Against Strongmen and Strawmen
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Links 10/12/18
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Ending the Evil of Student Loans
by Yves Smith 6:01 am
- Is the Tide Turning on Regulating Facebook and Google?
by Yves Smith 5:55 am
- Mr. Market’s Hissy Fit May Be Over….For Now
by Yves Smith 5:54 am
October 11, 2018
- Wow! Met Our First Fundraiser Goal With Record Speed! Next Is More Meetups and Travel
by Yves Smith 4:10 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/11/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- J.D. Alt: Will the Democrats Change the Subject?
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Fundraiser 2018: Keeping the Heat On
by Yves Smith 6:58 am
- Fundraiser 2018: What We Did for You in the Past Year
by Yves Smith 6:57 am
- Links 10/11/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Why Hysteria Over the Italian Budget Is Wrong-Headed
by Yves Smith 3:27 am
October 10, 2018
- Yves Will Be Writing Regularly for New York Magazine (in Addition to Everything Else!)
by Yves Smith 6:05 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/10/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- The Continuing Dominance of the Dollar
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/10/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Brexit Chaos
by Yves Smith 6:54 am
- Michael Mann: We Are Even Closer To Climate Disaster Than IPCC Predicts
by Yves Smith 5:48 am
- Medicare Advantage Plans Shift Their Financial Risk To Doctors; Do Patients Win or Lose?
by Yves Smith 12:25 am
October 9, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/9/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- JFK Sucks, and Cuomo Plan Won’t Fix It
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 1:55 pm
- Links 10/9/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Nobel Prizes in Economics, Awarded and Withheld (Climate Change Politics Edition)
by Yves Smith 4:07 am
- Italy’s New Fiscal Plans: The Options of the European Commission
by Yves Smith 3:41 am
- Bankers’ Liability and Risk Taking
by Yves Smith 3:07 am
October 8, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/8/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Brexit Derivatives Risk: Did the City Overplay Its £38 Trillion Hand?
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/8/18
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Brexit Crunch: Is the EU Trying to Save the UK from Itself? Is That Even Possible?
by Yves Smith 4:30 am
- Don Quijones: Italy’s Debt Crisis Flares Up, Banks Get Hit, as Showdown with the EU Intensifies
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 4:25 am
- How Are We Doing on a ‘Green New Deal?’
by Yves Smith 2:28 am
October 7, 2018
- Waste Watch: US Dumps Plastic Rubbish in Southeast Asia
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 12:55 pm
- Links 10/7/18
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:55 am
- Is India on Its Way Out of Poverty?
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 1:30 am
October 6, 2018
- Links 10/6/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- With the World on the Line, Scientists Outline the Paths to Survival
by Yves Smith 3:32 am
- Costing the Country: Britain’s Finance Curse
by Yves Smith 3:18 am
October 5, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/5/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Inequality Represents a Wasted Opportunity for Poverty Reduction
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/5/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- How Inequality Harms Mental Health
by Yves Smith 5:17 am
- How Saudi Money Keeps the US at War in Yemen
by Yves Smith 4:33 am
October 4, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/4/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- High-Deductible Health Plans Fall From Grace In Employer-Based Coverage
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/4/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- “High End” Apartment Construction Totally Dominates, Creates Mismatch of Supply & Demand
by Yves Smith 3:52 am
- The Curiously Varied Impact of Recessions on Political Stability: The Role of Trust
by Yves Smith 2:58 am
- Toys ‘R’ Us to Come Back from the Dead
by Yves Smith 2:09 am
October 3, 2018
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/3/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Disaster Profiteers vs. the People of Puerto Rico
by Yves Smith 9:55 am
- Links 10/3/18
by Yves Smith 6:55 am
- Brexit Notes: Tory Conference and DUP Demands Yield More Insanity
by Yves Smith 5:17 am
- Death by Fertilizer
by Yves Smith 3:59 am
October 2, 2018
- Faith, Works, and Dental Care in America
by Lambert Strether 2:55 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/2/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- Links 10/2/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Weathering the Next Florence
by Lambert Strether 6:25 am
- Why the Distribution of Wealth Has More to Do With Power Than Productivity
by Yves Smith 3:33 am
- Randy Wray: Modern Monetary Theory – How I Came to MMT and What I Include in MMT
by Yves Smith 12:48 am
October 1, 2018
- Announcing Tucson Meetup for Tuesday, October 9
by Yves Smith 3:24 pm
- 2:00PM Water Cooler 10/1/2018
by Lambert Strether 2:00 pm
- “That’s a hell of an act. What do you call it?”
by Lambert Strether 12:15 pm
- DOJ Sues to Overturn California Net Neutrality Law
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 9:55 am
- Links 10/1/18
by Lambert Strether 6:55 am
- Q & A: Why Switching to Renewable Energy Sources is No Longer a Matter of Morality, But of Economics
by Jerri-Lynn Scofield 6:25 am
- Insider Attacks, Blowback, and a Generation of American Folly in the Middle East
by Lambert Strether 6:25 am